The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2307: The Secret Treasure [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, Seek Slaughter]

Poseidon said, "Boy, you know the secret treasure in the sea, right?"

Pan Chen said: "Yes. I know the secret treasure in the sea. Even Heaven and Earth on this side cannot help it, and you, just a son of the sea, must be helpless."

Poseidon said, "Really?" Today, I will let you know what despair is. "

Pan Chen said: "Okay, I'll wait and see."

Poseidon said: "Listen to your tone, boy. Don't you seem to care?"

Pan Chen said, "Oh, what do you care about?"

Poseidon said, "Really?" Do you really think you can't commit suicide? "

Pan Chen smiled and said, "Yes."

Poseidon said: "Not long ago, a little thing that claimed to be a fairy firebird shouted in front of me that it could not be killed, but it still died."

Pan Chen was taken aback, and said, "What?" You killed the fairy firebird's egg? No wonder I see a familiar breath in your right eye. "

Poseidon said, "That egg is delicious." So, child, if you have a secret treasure, don't think you will be great. Okay, stop talking nonsense. Next, let you taste the despair. "

Pan Chen stopped making sounds, so he posed and prepared to fight.

However, Ms. Poseidon joked: "Children, don't worry, this is not the time to play with you."

Pan Chen was taken aback, and said, "But a move?" Well, what trick do you want to play. "

The Poseidon girl seemed to say with a smile: "Although I ate an egg, I was not full yet, so I had no strength to play with you, and I would wait until I was full."

Pan Chen said: "When are you full?" Suddenly, he remembered something, and some people said nervously, "You, are you going to kill these people?"

Ms. Poseidon said with a smile: "Yes, I have kept them in the cage for too long, now is the time to harvest." After a pause, he said: "Child, I know how many people have fallen out with you Alright. I think I have a good relationship with you, right? "In other words, if I kill them all, will you feel sad and hopeless. "

Pan Chen did not help his heart palpitations, but he did not want to show weakness in front of the enemy and said calmly: "I have a secret art that returns from death, as long as you ca n’t kill me, I can save them "So, there is nothing sad or hopeless. "

Poseidon said, "Really?" Since you don't care so much, I want to see if you have a hint of negative emotion when you watch them howl in pain and pain. "

Pan Chen said: "You, if you have a way, just do it."

Poseidon said, "Oh, I accidentally said so much." It's just that you won't waste your time. Heaven and Earth do not treat everything like ruminant dogs, and my heart is unfair to all sentient beings like food. explosion. "

The voice of heaven and earth is shaking.

I immediately saw that, in addition to Yan Ziyu and Princess Lanxi, eight other people exploded one by one, becoming Mrs. Poseidon's breath.

Not just eight people.

At that moment, in the kingdom of the ocean, all of them exploded one by one, leaving only a pure primitive air, which penetrated into the void and finally entered Poseidon's body.

Pan Chen wanted to stop all this, but he could do nothing.

Because things happen too quickly. The other party has only one idea, and some of them suddenly burst out.

After Mrs. Poseidon devoured some of these souls, her entire human behavior seemed to fly further.

I gently saw her smile and said, "Boy, you are calm." But next, the focus will be on you. "

When she talked, she held out her hand, scratching in the open air, where there was a dark crack in time and space.

Then she held out her hand as if to grab something.

Soon, she took the hand back.

Time and space cracks close at the right time.

Then, as soon as she waved her hand, the three gray shadows flew to the ground and immediately became three figures.

Pan Chen looked at it and found out that it was Li Xi'er, Zhao Tianlei, and Sun.

One strange thing is that Sun Wuxu is also humanoid, exactly the same as when Pan Chen was a child in his previous life.

But Pan Chen now, because the essence has changed, although the body has become smaller, but also has become ten years old, but not like he was when he was a child.

In short, Pan Chen and Sun Zhongshen cannot stand together, at all. They are just two people.

"Okay, I can't just watch them die in front of me. Let's go first."

Pan Chen has something to worry about.

At this moment, he glanced coldly at Mrs. Poseidon and took a drink in a low voice: "Ms. Poseidon, would you like to eat my friend?" No! Let's punch me first. "

Yuanshen's invisible wings moved in front of Mrs. Poseidon and bombarded it as fast as an emergency telegram.

The girl of Poseidon saw it, as if she had expected it, and suddenly sneered and said: "Child, look at you, although you don't care, but you still care about it in your heart." A wide net, seals. "

While talking, waving delicate hands, she appeared in front of her from the thin air, a large blue net.

In the second minute, I saw that Pan Chen hit the net. It immediately hit a spider web like a flying insect. It was stuck for a while and couldn't move.

Pan Chen naturally did not want to be trapped and struggled several times. As a result, this is in vain, it does not work at all.

In addition, the big net of Hero is condensed by the mysterious power, which is extremely powerful and unparalleled. Pan Chen, who does not need mana, is naturally difficult to get rid of the brutal power of only one body.

Poseidon glanced at him and said with a smile: "Boy, the play I gave you hasn't started yet, so you are so anxious to throw yourself into the net?"

"You" Pan Chenling said: "Ms. Poseidon, if you have the courage, you kill me first, see if you can kill me. Hello?"

Poseidon said leisurely: "Don't worry, just say, let you watch a good show first, taste what is despair, will I slowly clean you up ?!" To be honest, you are actually a good opponent. I don't want you to die so early. "

At this point, Pan Chen thought calmly, even if this lady Poseidon killed Li Xi and others, it does not matter. Even if his technique of resurrection doesn't work, he still has a desire for fruit, doesn't he?

As long as we find the pure land of the moon, they will have hope of resurrection, will they not?

At this moment, he said coldly: "Poseidon, you can play any of your tricks." Well, if you let me find a chance, you are done. "..


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