The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2309: The offense is terrible [Six million word Wang Wang, please kill]

When the nine swords came out, God was invincible.

That attack was terrible.

If you change General Saint King, I am afraid it will not be able to resist a blow.

However, Mrs. Poseidon is a very strange existence, with a strange divine power, only to see her very calm move to fight back.

Currently, a unique battle is ongoing.

I saw Mrs. Poseidon turned into a sea of ​​blue sword spirit, as if really like a fantasy, fighting side by side with nine anti-paradise swords in a fierce fight.

However, no matter how ferocious the Poseidon girl is, only a skipped fish can jump in front of the old man's sword.

In the end, Mrs. Poseidon barely insisted on a dozen bullets, so nine swords were hanged against the sky.

"Old man, you are so cute"

Pan Chen did not mention how happy she was when she saw Mrs. Poseidon killed.


The sky and earth moved suddenly, and time and space changed. I saw that the ocean of the whole country has changed, all the flowers and plants are gone, all the glass pagodas are gone, and they have instantly become a bare island.

From a distance, it looks like a turtle shell.

On the turtle shell, six people stood, motionless, a bit like a wooden man.

In addition, the man who insisted on the Panchen Hero Network was gone, and he was free.

"Come back to your mind!"

He looked around and confirmed that the enemy was dead, so he released Li Xueer's primordial spirit and put him back.

As soon as Yuan Shen returned to his place, Li Xi and others woke up.

"Where is this, boss?"

"When I was shocked, why was the surrounding environment different?"

"Yes, I remember Mr. Pan was hanging in the air by a spider web just now. Why am I distracted? Everything is different."

"Yes. Where did she go to that man named Poseidon? Boss, did you hit her?"

"Why? Boss, why do you still look like a child?"

When Li Xier and others woke up, they didn't know what had happened, so they talked one by one.

Pan Chen found this question too confusing, so he would not make any sound. Let them vent first.

One thing that made him very frustrated is that although the enemy has been eliminated, the strange power left on him is still there, so his power cannot be fully exerted, so he is still a teenager.

However, fortunately, as soon as the Poseidon died, the heart of the ocean shattered, the entire ocean country was shattered, and the sun in the sky disappeared.

In the absence of the sun, this strange power is like water without a source of water and cannot be replenished.

Then, he can use the sword to face the sky and consume some strange power.

As long as he persists, he can recover.

However, his combat effectiveness has dropped by more than 90%.

But Rao is like this. With his indestructible physical qualities and the power of Yuanshen, the general master still cannot fight him.

Moreover, people stayed on the island like turtles for a long time, and Pan Chen told them the whole story.

Of course, he did not tell them the secret of Jianmen, but told them that after a desperate struggle with the supreme power of Yuanshen, he killed Mrs. Poseidon.

Let ’s talk, people do n’t want to stay there because they are worried that if Ms. Poseidon comes back, it ’s very bad.

Therefore, after Princess Lanxi sacrificed the Yunlong airship, a team of six people returned to the road in search of the legendary Holy Moon Pure Land.

Time, leisurely.

Years make people old.

In a flash, three years have passed.

At this time, in the vast sea of ​​stars, I saw a dragon-like airship hanging quietly.

On the boat, there was only one teenager sitting quietly and practicing.

Well, there is no need to rap, this young man, he is not someone else, but Pan Chen.

This year, he is almost thirty years old, but he is still a teenager.

That's because, after more than three years of hard work, he still can't completely eliminate the strange power left by Mrs. Poseidon. The entire front part of swallowing the sky is still closed, causing it to not be deformed, so he must maintain this appearance .

But he got nothing.

After some unremitting efforts, the emperor did not have a heart, and finally let him raise the yoke of nine swords against the sky and the ice and snow sword.

At this moment, he was trying to use the flash sword to cut off some strange fine lines of the soldiers who bound his own life. He had already succeeded in half.

In addition, only at the level of the best holy warrior, the flashing sword against the sky can cut some of the thin lines.

Therefore, for many years, he could only use the flash sword to break those thin lines, and naturally the efficiency would not rise.

On the boat, Pan Chenxin practiced there without distraction.

Not far away from the ship, Zhao Tianlei, Yan Ziyu, Li Xi'er, Princess Lanxi and Sun Zhongshen are working together against a black whale king.

The Black Whale King became a man with a **** beard, a burly and powerful Kong Wu, equipped with a black-golden battle axe. This attack was very violent.

However, it was caught in the siege of Zhao Tianlei and others and did not take advantage of it at all. Instead, it fell into the tailwind and fell into chaos.

In other words, when did the fighting power of these five people become so powerful?

that is because

After more than three years of development, these five people have made great progress.

Especially Sun Tianlei and Zhao Tianlei, their progress is particularly obvious.

Now, Sun Wukenide has entered the rank of giant demon, that is, half of the king, only one step away from the real devil.

In addition, he has completely eaten crazy skills, once crazy, the general king is not his opponent.

In Zhao Tianlei's words, he has successfully passed the natural robbery one year ago and successfully boarded the throne list. The fighting power has more than doubled, so simple.

As for the other three women, their combat effectiveness has also been greatly improved. They have successfully cultivated the true king's dharma body, but have been baptized by natural robbery.

Once the robbery of the kingdom of heaven comes and absorbs the power of robbery, the real king's dharma body is really great, then they can also enter the king's kingdom.

As for why the strength of these five companies has improved so quickly in just three years?

That's because, in the past three years, they flew in the vast sea of ​​stars, which can be said to have been attacked by countless powerful sirens.

It is in constant battle that they can quickly improve themselves. ..


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