The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2177: Special poison

However, what the outside world does not know is that although the invincible body of these 100 poisons is immune to most toxins, it has no resistance to some special poisons in the face of hundreds of poisons.

Therefore, this poison is very popular! If additional rewards are provided, there will naturally be more evil experts swarming in. They don't have to take risks alone!

"Yes, Master!"

Yu Jiao replied that he took the jade card and went straight to the treasure house of the apse.

The next day, the sky lighted up.

Pan Chen stood up. After washing the cosmetics, he woke up the other six people and said, "The six of you can go back!"

A patron saint said, "Vice Master, why is this?"

Pan Chen took out a letter and handed it to him, saying: "Although what Xu Baofa said is not true, it is not wrong!" Qingjiao was really affected by me. This time I bet that it cannot affect your life! You can rest assured that I have explained this in a letter to the owner. you do not need to worry! Moreover, your martial arts are really too low, followed by only affect me, go. "

"Wuqingjiao" once played a role in protecting the law, and was finally persuaded by Pan Chen one by one.

It cannot be said that they are insatiable, afraid of death, and faced with ten deaths, and this lifeless choice is beyond reproach!

Jiang Yuelong didn't leave, and said with a smile: "Lin Xia discovered it by his conscience today, and he will let go of these cannon fodders!"

Even if Pan Chenwu's merits are high, he can face an army, which is also difficult to support alone, and naturally needs help. Although these five are all samurai, it is not a problem to deal with 50 ordinary soldiers. At critical moments, they can help him share his firepower, also known as cannon fodder. However, Pan Chen let these five people go. In her view, this is indeed a bit unreasonable, unlike the cold-hearted him usually there.

Pan Chen didn't speak. There were nine magics on his body, flashing like a phantom surrounding Jiang Yuelong, five fingers bent on her body and connected by fingers, unlocking the power of her inner energy.

Jiang Yuelong looked at Pan Chen with frustration and said, "Do you really want to let me go?"

Pan Chen seemed indifferent and said, "No matter what purpose you are with me, or thank you for helping me do a lot of things." This time things are too dangerous. Go, don't look back at jade. "

Jiang Yuelong touched his red eyes and smiled and said, "Please, don't be so emotional. I'm going to cry. I'm gone. No, bye!"

She said yes, that figure flashed, and actually left!

Pan Chen picked up the cold abyss sword and went out.

Penhofa did the report work for the letter, and now he is going to find the trail of Tong Nanjun, stop them, and let them not kill people unscrupulously.

However, fighting one person and one army requires not only courage, but also full logistical preparation.

Today, the mustard bag he seized came into effect. Although there is only one cubic meter of space, preparing food and water for three to five days is not a problem.

After buying dry food and water bags, Pan Chen bought a horse in a small town and rushed to Qinghe County.

Three hours later, at noon, the scorching sun.

In Qingshan County, a broken wall can be seen everywhere with traces of burning or smoke.

One by one cringed in the alley, the walls were shaking, from last night's nightmare to the present, many people couldn't accept reality, just thought it was just a dream. After waking up, I was still sleeping in a comfortable bed, and my wife and children were there.

But when they opened their eyes again, the cruel sun in front of them told them that this is reality, cruel and ruthless!

At the gates of the eastern city, 11 rebels in black uniforms and steel knives are patrolling.

This leader is a young military officer, but is a team of fifty soldiers who manages the gate.

Beside it, there are many people with messy heads, but they dare not approach the gate.

Because there is still dry blood on the ground!

At this time, the rebels guarded the city gate, only allowed to enter, not allowed to go out, just killed many people who dare to break in!

After a while, outside of Dongcheng.

A young man in white clothes with a sword on his waist came soon, but that was Pan Chen.

After this period of exercise, his appearance has changed a lot, his face has matured a lot, and he is only 16 years old.

At this time, the gate was twelve meters deep, standing in two rows of about twenty people, and ten people outside the city were standing in front of the horse, responsible for inspection.

When a soldier saw Pan Chen riding a sword, he immediately said coldly: "Come down and accept the inspection!"

However, Pan Chen gave him a direct exploration technique, and his attribute table immediately appeared in his eyes:

Identity: underworld rebels

Guilty value: 14:00

Attribute: brief

Functions and Methods: Introduction

After searching for so long, I finally found the rebel!

The evil value of 14:00 is higher than many murderers in the underworld, and there seems to be a lot of blood in their hands recently!

Pan Chen immediately looked cold, jumping from the horse immediately, and the door pulled out his sword.

Xue Jian's light flickered, blood splashed, and a head flew up.

The system sounded: "Congratulations to the player, you killed the rebels in the ghost palace, you get 56 points of spiritual value, and the value of the knight is 10:00!"

Several rebels next to them saw blood stains and many died under the sword. When they saw Pan Chen's sword, they did not have a sword, but pulled out their knives and killed them one by one.

Pan Chenyun ’s mind-turning formula of nine-turn dragon elephant gold body formula, the essence of the body condenses the body skin membrane, and the skin suddenly becomes light gold, then swipe the sword!

When the sound rang, three long knives broke, and the cold abyss of the sword tip quickly crossed the necks of the three, leaving a blood stain!

However, at the same time, six long knives cut Pan Chen's arms, waist, chest and other parts at the same time, but a sound of gold and iron attack was made.

Pan Chen's perfect body was originally steel and iron bones, coupled with Yuan Jing's strength, already as strong as thin steel, these ordinary swords cannot be cut off naturally!

In a moment of frustration for several people, Pan Chen's right hand did not stop, waving his sword to his side again!

A blood stain appeared on the necks of the three rebels and immediately fell!

The remaining three rebels suddenly changed dramatically, even if they are used to life and death, they will be afraid of facing irresistible forces!

Fortunately, at this time, the 30 rebels behind them had pulled out their swords.

The leader is a young officer, dressed beautifully, with an inch of red knives condensed on the blade, and soon he was cut!

Pan Chenshi exhibited the Nine Demon Shadow's desperate method. This figure immediately became a survivor, but the real body flashed in front of the youth team.

The youth team can only raise a knife in time, but was cut off by the impact of the cold sword of the abyss, cut off the steel knife, and pierced his neck! ..

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