The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2178: 460 Knight Value

"Congratulations to the player, you shot the rebels and gained 110 points of spirit and 460 points of knight value!"

The Samurai is about to die! So many soldiers cannot react hastily, but after all, they have been killed several times. Although they have not yet become the real tiger wolf teacher, they can also be called soldiers, so they did not retreat and broke up, but exposed Closed their eyes and killed them at the same time!

Pan Chen seemed indifferent, running a dragon-like golden body, and opened an incomparable long sword directly in the crowd. There must be a knife that killed people and blocked the invincible!

The steel knife of the rebel soldier, on his body, only made a noise, leaving a white streak.

Just a minute later, no one was standing at the door except him!

Covered with blood and body!

Pan Chen, with no expression on his face, slowly walked into the city, and the tower immediately dropped nine arrows, and soon came!

Pan Chen brandished his sword and cut off all the arrows! Then he jumped up and jumped directly to a height of nearly four feet, a wall 12 meters high!

The nine archers in the tower looked surprised, but immediately pulled out the steel knife! Under the lights of Pan Chen, if they turn around and run away, they will only die faster! Surrender is even more impossible. Article 1 of the "Great Chu State Law" stipulates that the rebels will kill nine ethnic groups. When Tong Nan raised his butcher knife, they knew there was no way out!

But after all, this is futile. Pan Chen only waved three swords, and all nine rebels fell!

If you are right, there should be ten people upstairs, and the captain must be the whistleblower.

However, he didn't care, jumped from the tower and said coldly, "You have to go!"

When I got to the city gate, I was hungry, and the people sitting on the ground immediately looked very happy. I stood up one by one and rushed out of the city gate. As soon as I left the city, I could always find food in the nearby village and stay in the city You may starve to death! ?

Because the rebels attacked all the food, most of them were hungry last night.

Pan Chen did not dare to take out the food from the dry kun bag. One is that a glass of water is useless, and the other is that he is not tortured by the pain and inequality of a few people! It has been taken out long ago, and it will only make people fight in front of them and miss the time to escape!

Then, Pan Chen started to count!

Campaign record: During this time, 50 rebels were killed, the fine was 680 points, and the knight was worth 540 points.

At present, its essential value is 680 points, and the knight value is ** points.

Pan Chen added an essence value of 100 points to the nine-turn golden dragon elephant. Immediately, hot air appeared throughout the body, part of which was integrated into the circular scene, and one of them was rapidly changing his fascia and skin membrane and limbs.

After a while, the system made a sound: "Congratulations to the player, the nine-turn dragon elephant gold body breaks through the current lv proficiency, 8610000, you get Yuan Jing +1500, muscle, physique, body three attributes +5 points!"

Muscle and bone 698.8, physique 68, body 66, soul 51.

The muscle and bone strength of 8 points has been more than ten times that of ordinary people, just like a tyrannosaurus!

However, the most critical improvement is that the body's muscles and bones, skin and meat have been transformed by Yuan Jing's power, and the density has greatly increased. The body's defensive ability please go to a tall building, which initially has the characteristics of a golden body.

Faced with thousands of troops, no one can avoid all attacks. No matter how deep the real gas is, it will run out for a while. This kind of body defense that does not need to protect the body to maintain can undoubtedly greatly improve his survivability and combat effectiveness.

Just when the crowd had just evacuated, there was a tidy footstep, and dense soldiers in black uniforms drove to the city gate and stopped more than 20 meters away. These chess pieces hold powerful bows and arrows, bend bows and stand arrows, aim at Pan Chen, may shoot arrows at any time, and hit a hedgehog!

The leader is a white man, about 30 years old, with a long beard, a feather towel, and a smile on the corner of his mouth. It was Wu Tianliang, a rebel military division. He smiled faintly and said, "Master Lin, there are more than 500 bows and arrows. No matter how high your martial arts are, you have to be shot on the screen. If you want to live, put down your weapons and surrender!"


Pan Chen smiled calmly, and a third-level local hermit appeared in the palm of his left hand. As long as they are close to the earth, there is no master of the same level. With his current body defense, even 500 archers are just lambs to be slaughtered!


Wu Tianliang looked a little bit changed and was in a bad mood. She immediately cried.

Dense arrows shot at Pan Chen immediately, as dense as raindrops!

The 500 archers were divided into two waves, shooting arrows alternately. The arrows continued like raindrops. Whether it was the natural master or the gas shield of the gang, sometimes the real gas would be exhausted.

Pan Chen did not flee from him, and he was not prepared to resist at all. Under the impetus of the real gas, the hermit turned into a khaki spiritual light and entered his body. His figure soon disappeared, and disappeared in an instant.


A young lieutenant immediately drank a large glass and quickly pulled Wu Tianliang back. Because Wu Tianliang is restricted by talents, but the internal force is fixed, if you really want Pan Chen to close the door, then there is only a dead end!

Other archers also accepted the order to launch quickly.

A moment later, a white virtual shadow was drilled from the brick where Wu Tianliang was located, and then Pan Chen's figure was instantly extracted from virtual reality.

Obviously, Pan Chen is ready to catch the thief first!

Therefore, his movements were not behind at all. The cold abyss sword in his hand condensed an inch of gangster gas and hurriedly pierced Wu Tianliang.

At this time, Pan Chen was just Zhang Xueyuan from Wu Tianliang. With his style, he arrived almost immediately!

Looking at the sharp thorns in front of the sword against them, Wu Tianliang seemed indifferent and smiled at Pan Chen.

But the second lieutenant next to him looked cold. The white mang on his right hand condensed, and quickly formed a layer of ice crystals, as fast as the flash of electricity, holding Wu Tianliang's throat with only a cold sword ruler!

Pan Chen is strong and strong, and can release a powerful force of 10,000 catties. He was also a defective soldier, holding a cold sword in his hand. He also condensed a sword. Even the most outstanding men and women on the list dare not grab it easily!

But the second lieutenant did so, and he grasped Han Won's sword tightly, because the ice on his palm condensed the front of the sword and the blade on the blade, and the cold ice was still rushing to Pan Chen's right hand along the blade!

Pan Chen immediately changed, the mouth of the tiger in his right hand suddenly felt a bit of chill, and there was such a cold and unparalleled true energy, it must be Tong Nan! ?

However, Pan Chen did not expect Tong Nan to become a young lieutenant, but he was always alert to his sneak attacks! Therefore, his eyebrows had long known that the sea condensed the meaning of a sword, and then immediately turned into an invisible edge, stabbing towards Tongnan's eyebrows!

The speed of the sword is as fast as it is, almost instantaneously!

However, this sword means just a random blow, and there is not much cohesion of mental power, but Tongnan's eyebrows are stinging and the brakes that seem dull! ..

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