The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2176: New power

For the players, the new power generated by the fusion is inextricably linked to the previous work. This is easy to practice, but it is much easier than the communication of the new high-level technology.

Then, Pan Chen found this method in the system shopping mall.

Pan Chen believes that the nine changes of the dragon's golden body and blood coagulation are methods of physical work, some overlap, and spent 1,000 points of knight value to merge these two working methods!

A new method was obtained: Nine-turn Dragon Elephant Gold formula lv, proficiency 665000, this method has both internal smelting and horizontal smelting, and it is still divided into nine layers. Yuan essence, but the demand for proficiency has almost doubled. Obviously, the quality has been greatly improved, enough to allow him to practice the martial arts, can be used as a professional credit!

All working methods can be divided into three types: essence, spirit and spirit. Refining is the method of body-strengthening, the method of airway work is the method of internal work, and the method of refining the spirit is the method of thinking. In general, there are at most three major work methods, one for each.

At this time, Pan Chen did not integrate work, the next is to devour work!

Advanced working methods devour low-level working methods and can gain all proficiency, that is, it can be repaired!

If Pan Chen now has a higher level of three-level internal work, he can swallow Pitoxin's method and transform it into a more concise new working method.

Today, Pan Chen can only devour a green concept. This merit concept has no real inheritance, and the potential is limited.

After unlocking the system functions, the attribute table is simplified, and the qi and blood values ​​are combined with the elemental essence values ​​to convert 60 kinds of qi and blood into 00:00 elemental essence.

After this fusion of skills and methods, although there is no qualitative breakthrough in combat effectiveness, it will be simplified and integrated into a whole, and the way of future practice has been determined.

Man's energy is limited. A dozen kinds of skills have caused his energy to be too scattered. He can only use the essence of value to upgrade the level, and there is no time to understand the method of essence. When Pan Chen completely mastered the body of martial arts, the combat power will have a qualitative leap!

At this time, Pan Chen began to practice "nine turn dragon elephant gold body formula." First, he practiced Long Xiang 36-style boxing, combined with Lein and vomiting techniques, and exercised his muscles and bones. After half an hour of practice, he used Yuan Jing's power to swim away the fascia and skin, washed away all bones of the limbs, washed away impurities, and strengthened the physical strength. Every time you swim away, the meat will strengthen. If you can reach the ninth floor, you can distill it into the golden body of the dragon elephant, and use a dragon elephant to be strong and firm as a mysterious iron defense!

At the same time, they often live in the woods outside the town.

In the bright moonlight, there was a deep pit in the woods, and there was a straw swath next to it, revealing a pair of big feet in cloth shoes, obviously a person.

An old man wearing a gray sweatshirt with wrinkles on his face fell off his **** and took two breaths. He took the drafting mat and put it in the pit, preparing to fill the soil.

I don't know that my body popped up suddenly, but it was a person with a big red face who was "poisoned". In fact, he just pretended to be dead, although the mixed poison was very serious, but after all, he took the drug avoidance pill and did not die, but listened to Pan Chen ’s voice and died with a turtle, and then Pan Chen fed him a third-level antidote Dan, cleared the poison left in the body.

However, the old man was so scared that he turned around and ran away, but was lit by Penhoefa from behind, and then found a silver coin from him, but that was Pan Chen's deputy master voucher.

"Don't say nothing about what happened tonight, otherwise you will know the consequences!"

Penho is cold. In fact, the safer way is to kill the mouth, but the green corner helps the rule to avoid indiscriminate killing of innocent people. Peng Dade can only threaten a few words.

The old man was relieved to hear this. This is not just a deception of the body. He should be. After a while, a stone hit his back and the old man was able to move. He turned around and saw that the body in the pit was gone.

At this time, Youzhou Dulong Valley.

The Dragon Valley is too big, surrounded by a thousand feet on all sides, and it is covered with clouds all year round. No one can clearly see the real scene in the valley. There is only one place to enter this valley. There is a seven-foot stone monument at the entrance of the valley, which reads three black dragon valleys, but no one dares to enter.

Anyone who dares to break into this place will be able to see a completely different body outside the valley the next day!

Because this is the mountain gate of the evil family.

Although the evil ways of the disciples are active everywhere, the mountain gate was built in Youzhou, but it is to help each other and the guardians of the underworld, so as not to be attacked by the seven schools!

At this time, in the Dragon Valley, in a huge palace beside the temple.

An elegant middle-aged man in a black robe, sitting on the bed with golden sides, five hearts facing the sky, closed his eyes and meditating.

Suddenly, a clear voice came from the door: "Master!"

"come in!"

In middle age, the black robe slowly opened his eyes and said.

A girl in a black skirt with bright teeth and bright eyes walked in like Qiuyue and said, "Yu Jiao visited Master, and the disciples of Soul Church just reported that Brother Du's life card was broken!"

The so-called destiny card is to intercept the traces of life and soul and enter the jade card in a secret way. It can be used to find out the whereabouts of the guard and the life and death. Once the owner of the order dies, the destiny card will be broken.

Middle-aged black robe's eyes flashed with consternation, and immediately glanced calmly again, saying, "Who killed him?"

Yujiao, a black skirt girl, said: "My elder brother received a six-star reward mission for a secret life and death book and went to Cangzhou to kill a man named Jialingfeng." The murderer may be him! However, I checked his information just now. This person is just the day after tomorrow. Although the underworld described his foreign affairs to the pinnacle and has learned the meaning of the sword, if you want to kill your brother, it is impossible. "

In the future, heaven will kill masters with innate deficiencies and cross the entire field. It is incredible!

A glimmer of surprise flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man in black robe, saying, "I will understand the meaning of the sword the day after tomorrow, really a wizard!" The soul sword is inherited by the soul monarch, is it true? "

The ghost is not a small character, but a generation of murderers, a set of mind swords to kill countless good and evil masters, and finally entered the field of martial arts! Without the siege of all the justice school masters, he can live to this day and become an absolute Meng Ren! If this person inherits the Dementor's legacy, it is easy to explain whether he has the ability to fight.

Yu Jiao shook his head and said: "It seems to be mentioned in the material that he has obtained the sword spectrum of the Dementor, but it was later confirmed that he has realized the water sword instead of the killing sword!"

The middle-aged black robe took the black jade card from the waist and said, "In this case, you take my jade card and go to the treasure trove to get a hundred poison pill. This is our extra reward for this task!

The black jade card is written on the word master and is the symbol of the master of the Baidu clan. Obviously this person is the drug lord of the master of the Baidu clan!

The Baidudan is not a poisonous pill, but can be transformed into an invincible fourth-order pill. Since Baidu Zong is based on detoxification and detoxification, naturally there will be no spiritual pill that can resist toxins. And this high-level spirit pill cannot be collected without the main token! ..

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