The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2042: Dragon Elephant Boxing [Wang Wen, 6 Million Words Net, Seek Slaughter]

"Dragon Elephant Boxing"

The last time I had no weapon to hurt, Yun Dao didn't want to loosen the big ring knife in his hand. He ran to Zhenyuan to urge martial arts. His left fist Jin Guang went up and down, facing the claws of the pink demon corpse.


The vitality was concussive, and the cloud hit the paw of the pink demon corpse, and a golden wave opened. Although his face was a little reluctant, for a while, he was not in the wind.

"Brother Ye! This ghost thing is no less powerful than a red-haired demon corpse, hit her head!"

While fighting the claws of the pink demon corpse, the clouds spoke to Pan Chen.

Pan Chen had heard that the steps of the river came behind the pink demon corpse. His body was madly injected into the hand of the parrot sword. The parrot sword sparkled, and then a sword was cut on the neck of the pink demon corpse.

Pan Chen's sword is a collection of the terrifying true face of the great Brahmin works, and with the magical nine extraordinary powers, a sword will cut off the head of the pink demon's body.

The pink demon's head rolled several times on the ground, flowing out of the black blood pool.

"Great! It's too easy to solve your opponent."

Yongda's rare pink devil's head fell to the ground and he breathed a sigh of relief for a long time, while also relaxing his vigilance.

"No! Be careful!"

Suddenly, Pan Chen stood up and drank water at the cloud. The relaxed cloud suddenly felt uncomfortable and did n’t wait for the cloud to react. The pink demon standing in front of him moved unexpectedly, holding his big ring knife Suddenly released his right paw, one paw quickly patted his chest.


The cloud spurted blood, and the whole person, like a broken kite, was patted by the body of a pink demon and hit the stone wall not far away.

"Damn beast!"

Pan Chen saw that the cloud was beaten lightly, and his heart was furious, the dragon claws spread out with all his strength, and the gold dragon claws were slammed against the back of the pink demon corpse.

What a powerful dragon claw hand, with the cooperation of Pan Chen, the great talent and talent of the Vatican, Rao is a strong pink demon body, also shot a few meters away.

Pan Chen did not take care of the body of the demon being shot. With the golden light of the parrot's sword in his hand, he dropped the body's head to the ground.


However, Pan Chen was surprised by the appearance of the demon's body that fell to the ground motionlessly. I didn't know if I felt the danger. It rolled up, rolled a few meters away, and rolled onto it.

The next scene caused Pan Chen's thinking to be subverted. The demon's body hit by his dragon claw hand actually stretched out his right claw, grabbed his head, and pushed it directly back to his neck, making his neck personified, as if moving His muscles and bones.

"This **** monster, it won't die! Big and small, how are you?"

Pan Chenqing could not help but scolded, and then he urged to cross the river and came to the cloud.

"Damn! Without armor, the little life would not be saved!"

Yun Dao stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then wiped the area where his chest was beaten.

Pan Chen was relieved to see that the clouds were small, but when he saw the pink demon body attached to his head and looked at them again, he clenched his fists again.

"This kind of ghost is not much weaker than the ordinary natural owner. Brother Ye, what should I do?"

Looking at the complete body of the pink demon again looking at himself, the clouds hit by each other are no longer so worried.

"The vitality is very strong, the level is very high, the head can be cut off and connected, and it can be compared with the body of the lower-level devil. Compared with the demon body of red hair, it is no less than let it be. . "

Pan Chen said, and took out a nitrate bomb.

Although the pink demon corpse is not good, but the spirit is not high, after adjusting the body, he exposed his teeth to Pan Chenyun, and few people jumped over.

When he saw the pink demon body coming towards him, Pan Chen did not want to avoid it. With a nitrate bomb in his hand, he aimed at the demon's body and shot it out.


With the explosion, Yan's nitrate bomb accurately hit the pink demon's body and immediately exploded. The powerful explosive force impacted the pink demon's body and flew out. At the same time, the fiery flame spread to the entire demon instantly.


The pink demon's body was infected by the fierce fire and made a terrible cry. It kept rolling on the ground, trying to extinguish the fierce flame on her body, but the fierce red fire was like a wolf bone maggot. No matter how she struggled, it would not extinguish, but it burned. More powerful.

"Sure enough, it is specially used to treat the demon corpses, ah, there should be this Yanbo bomb, why am I Qingyun Town afraid of these demon corpses!"

Looking at the weaker pink demon's body, Yun said happily.

Pan Chen did not speak and was not happy in his heart.

Although Yan Yan Bomb can restrain these low-level demon corpses, Pan Chen already knows that this nitrate bomb only works on low-level demon corpses, and the nitrate bomb he prepared is also very limited. The road ahead is tortuous. Can stick to the end.

After screaming for a while, the voice of the pink demon corpus gradually stopped, leaving only a ragged corpse, which was dead.


At this time, a fierce demon corpse roared past from a distance, and it seemed that a large group of demon corpses came to this place.

"Let's go! The noise here is so loud that it is no longer safe!"

Hearing the roar of the demon's corpse, Pan Chen's face was tense, pulling the unreacted cloud, and quickly walked to the side of the passage.

Shortly after the two Pan Chen left, a large group of demon corpses poured in from the passage they entered, and two of the most prominent red-haired demon corpses bear the brunt.

Two red-haired demon corpses looked at the messy stone house, and finally looked at the remains of the pink demon corpse.


The bodies of these two red-haired monsters roared, followed by the others.

The red-haired demon's body moved his nose, then stared at the passageway where Pan Chen and Yun Dai left. They seemed to smell Pan Chen's breath. In the passage where Pan Chen left, two red hairs were leading, rushing in with a group of low-level demon corpses.

Pan Chen and Yunda walked fast in the rugged tomb, using their martial arts skills, feeling the weak movements behind them, and no longer worried about the danger in front. They quickly walked down, and this time it was the era of Xiao Bisixiang.

"How? Is there any movement behind?"

Walking in front of Pan Chen, Yun asked solemnly. ..

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