The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2043: It's all very far away [Wang Wen, 6 million words, please kill]

Pan Chen flipped a trace of real Renminbi on his ears, his ears moved, and then his tone was a bit gloomy: "We have been following, we have walked so many detours, it seems we can't get rid of them."

"It's all far away, how can they follow us all the time, because the underground passage has seven laps and eight laps?" Few clouds are puzzling.

"Maybe they don't have any talents, nor are they like this. Although we are very lucky not to encounter other demons, but once we meet them, we will be hurt by the enemy. No matter what we do, we can hardly get rid of it. "Pan Chen was very worried.

Yunda thought about it and nodded: "It makes sense. It seems that we have to solve the troubles behind. Brother Ye, you feel good, but you can feel how many people there are."

"I don't feel clear. I didn't want to learn by nature. I may only be able to hear other people's movements, but the estimated number is not small, with twenty or thirty heads."

"Twenty-thirty? After all, with so many demonic bodies, if we rush to us together, we must have nitrate bombs!"

As soon as I heard that there were twenty or thirty demon corpses chasing up, Yundao was pale, the number of smoke bombs was limited, the space was small, and it could not be opened. If he encountered a chaser, he would be defeated.

"There is a stone house in front, is it? What is this?"

Suddenly, when walking in front of the cloud, I was a little surprised to say that Pan Chen had a stone room at the end of the passage along the other person's eyes. Unlike the stone room that the two had encountered before, the stone room in front had been shining green, which was very strange. .

"Don't get into trouble anymore, do you? This place is really strange!"

Pan Chen said to himself with fear, after that, there was only one way ahead. The two had to walk over.

Before Pan Chen reached the entrance of the stone room, the two characters first came out of the stone house and saw the two characters who appeared suddenly. Pan Chen and Pan Chen immediately stopped and looked at these two characters.

This didn't look too tight. At first glance, Pan Chen's two faces suddenly changed a lot and became ugly to the extreme.

The two men wore simple armor and rusted bronze spears, and looked a bit like worldly soldiers. They were obviously shocked to see Pan Chen and Huang Linnan. They had not been able to react for a while.

At first Pan Chen thought that the other party was human, but when they saw the other party flashing a pair of green pupils and a rotten face, they immediately eliminated this idea.

"This is another kind of demon corpse. Although its breathing is not as good as the red-haired demon corpse, it is much stronger than the average white-haired demon corpse!"

Pan Chen looked at the two demonic corpses in front of him, sulking, holding the parrot's sword.

Yunda somewhat agreed to nod and said, "The corpses of this kind of soldier demon actually appeared. It seems that our general direction is correct. It should be close to the core position of the ancient emperor's tomb.

"Yes, do it!"

Pan Chen drank very low, took the parrot's sword out of his hand sheath, a bright golden light erupted, the cloud was not weak, two large ring knives were caught in his hands, his body really surging, Ready to fight at any time.


The bodies of the two soldiers reacted, first roaring in anger, then brandishing their bronze spears and killing Pan Chen. One of them, Pan Chen, found an opponent and wrestled with the bodies of two soldiers.


The jingle of the thin iron intersects with the weapon, and the two corpses compete against each other, and they are divided into two parts.


The body of a soldier fighting side by side with Panchen, holding an ancient bronze spear in his hand, flashing the blue light of a monster, piercing Panchen with a spear, the momentum is amazing, it is not comparable to those low-level white hair who can only attack with two claws Demon corpse.

Pan Chen's left hand urged the dragon claw. One claw grabbed the bronze spear in his hand. At the same time, the parrot sword Jinguang in the right hand, a sword cut on the shoulder of the demon, broke out strongly.

After Pan Chen's cut, the soldier's body shook and his armor was shattered to pieces. At the same time, it seems to feel the power of Pan Chen. Holding a bronze spear and a green light in his hand, he increased his strength and wanted to break free from Pan Chen's shackles.

But will Pan Chen let it do what he wants? The dragon's claws held each other's bronze spears and died, while the parrot's swords struck each other's faces in their right hands. The head is the fatal weakness of the demon corpse, Pan Chen has long known this in a series of battles with the demon corpse.

Seeing Pan Chen's hand coming towards his face, the demon's body could not be avoided because he did not want to give up the bronze spear in his hand. Under such intimate confrontation, he had to stretch out his left hand and hold Pan Chen's sword.

Pan Chen's face sarcastically sneered, the parrot sword Jin Guang suddenly stabbed.


With the crisp sound of the rubbing of the iron, the sharp claws of the soldier's body grabbed the blade of the parrot's sword. Although the face of the demon's body was painful, he tried his best to resist Pan Chen's deadly sword.

However, without waiting for the next action of the soldier's demon corpse, Pan Chen has recovered and disappeared right in front of the corpse. Then, he only felt a pain in the back of his head, and his big head exploded.

Behind the soldier's body, Pan Chen's golden dragon claws shone with dazzling golden light. Pan Chen took advantage of the opponent's opportunity to grab the Parrot Sword, directly transferred to the back of the opponent with the river stage, and then hit the opponent's head with all his strength.

This is Pan Chen's horror style, the dragon claws are sharp, and it is basically impossible to solve opponents so easily in the field of general martial arts acquisition.

"Ah! Dahuan split wind knife!"

Pan Chen had just solved his opponent's problem. The black cloud on the other side broke through the standing wine glass. His hands became a gorgeous golden arc. From a strange angle, his opponent's head split.

A sharp knife works very well, splitting the devil's head directly in half, the black brain is flowing out, Yun is not willing to give up, and then cut a few more knives, until the other side no longer moves.

Pan Chen and Yun looked at the bodies of the two fallen soldiers who could no longer die on the ground, looked at each other, and then walked towards the door of the stone room, which gave off a bright green light.

As soon as Pan Chengang approached the entrance of the stone house, he felt cold hair on his face.

Yun also felt the cold air, he and Pan Chen glanced at each other, the two issued an alarm, and then entered the stone room.

After entering the stone room, Pan Chen and the two were bright in front. The area of ​​the stone room was not small, and the length and width reached 100 meters. In the middle of the stone room, a blood-red altar was arranged.

The blood-red altar is generally round, with strange runes engraved on it. There is a crystal coffin in the center of the altar, and a green brilliance at the bottom of the coffin. ..

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