The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 2041: The split Yunzong people [Six million words Wang Wang, seek to slaughter]

When I saw Ma Zongyun splitting a low-level demon corpse with one hand, Yun couldn't help shouting.

"The six people are all split Yunzong people, but I don't know why they are here."

Pan Chen did not conceal his identity, reminding Yongda Shaodao.

"Xiayunzong turned out to be the person who split Yunzong. Although our Qingyun Town is not a big place, in terms of sphere of influence, it belongs to Jinyuanmen."

"Although the Jinyuan Gate is not as big as Di Yunzong, it is not too weak. Both gates are so wrong on weekdays, how can they appear here?"

When Pan Chen mentioned the identity of the other six people, the dark clouds were even more chaotic.

Pan Chen did n’t speak, and thought about it vaguely, looking at the significance of the fierce battle in front, looking at the size of the cloud: "Let ’s change the route, several people of this split Yunzong appeared here for no reason. , Must be planning something, once we appear, we may be eliminated. "

"If it makes sense, under normal circumstances, who would come to such a place, I don't know if I paid attention to the corpse of the ancient emperor, we must hurry!"

Yun Dao very much agreed with Pan Chen's words, so the two secretly turned around and left, and soon returned to the original stone house.

"There is nothing wrong with this, there should be a few people who can walk around Poyunzong!"

When he returned to the stone house, Pan Chen chose the second track on the far left. Of course, there is no problem with the size of the clouds, so the two of them went in again.

This time, Pan Chen and the two people walked less than a hundred meters, and the headache reappeared. The road ahead was actually divided into three, leading to three different directions.

"Damn! Where is this tomb? It's just an underground maze, a good tomb coming out of so many passages."

Yun couldn't see the three forks in front and couldn't help shouting.

"This is by no means as simple as an ordinary tomb of an emperor. At least for a short period of time, it is difficult to find a target, not that we are in danger. I think that no matter how many roads ahead, we are going Moving left, we must leave a mark in case we get lost! "

Pan Chen said, holding the parrot's sword in his hand, aiming at the stone wall beside him, leaving a cross.

"There is no way to do this, but there is no topographic map here, otherwise we will have to take fewer wrong paths." Yun Yuan didn't smile bitterly, and his tone showed helplessness.

In this way, the two people continue to move forward, but each fork will be on the left. Both people do not know the good luck along the way, and have not encountered the body of the demon.

About half an hour later, Pan Chen and Pan Chen came to a stone house.

The stone room is small, only 20 meters long and 20 meters wide, and there are many luminous pearls inlaid on the surrounding walls. What surprised Pan Chen most was that in the center of the stone chamber, there was a golden coffin with a phoenix engraved on it, and there were eight human figures around the coffin.

Human figures and ordinary sizes, four of them are a woman and three men, the appearance of a maid, standing in front of each person on the left and right, the man holding armor and long grid, looks majestic and typical soldier costume.

"Brother Ye, do you think this battle should not be the tomb of the princess?"

Looking at the golden coffin carved with phoenix, Yun asked gently.

"No, ah, how could the tomb of the princess be so simple? In any case, it must be arranged with gorgeous decoration."

Pan Chen shook his head, disagreeing with what Yun said.

"cut" Suddenly, the golden coffin made a heavy muffled sound, and the original closed coffin board opened a slit strangely.

Pan Chen and Yunda stepped back a few steps subconsciously. It happened a bit strange. Even if he was two practitioners, he couldn't help but see this scene and felt furry.


The golden coffin plate opened a bigger and bigger gap, and in the blink of an eye, it opened most of it, followed by a dry palm with sharp claws, sticking out of the coffin and grabbing it at the edge of the golden coffin.

"What is this, a body?"

Yun was a little nervous, the big ring knife in his hand couldn't help but take a few points, the other hand was holding the nitrate bomb tightly ready to issue.

"It's better to do it first!"

Pan Chen's face flashed, took out a smoke bomb, turned into a trace of real yuan, and slammed into the golden coffin.


The smoke bomb suddenly exploded on the golden coffin and turned into a fierce fire, attached to the golden coffin and burned.

The golden coffin was obviously not made of wood, but was shaken a few times under the horror of the salt bomb, and was not blown away directly. On the contrary, the eight statues standing on both sides were rushed to the ground by the aftermath of Yan ’s nitrate bomb and turned into gravel on the ground.


An angry roar came from the golden coffin, and then a pink figure jumped out of the coffin and appeared in front of Pan Chen.

The pink figure is not a living person, but a decaying corpse, wearing a pink palace dress, gold and silver appear noble, at first Pan Chen thought it was a living person, but when he saw the other person's face, he immediately eliminated Got this idea.

This is an extremely terrible face, the left half is dry rotten meat, the right half is rotten white bones, a pair of lanterns with big eyes flashing a monster green light, not what a corpse is.

The bodies of the pink demon are fixed on Pan Chen and Yundao, while Pan Chen and Yundao are furry.


The pink demon's body moved. She moved like a pink ghost. A pair of sharp claws, like two deadly murderers, went straight to Pan Chen and the clouds.

"Do it!"

Pan Chen drank very low, and the hand of the parrot sword exuded a rich golden light, starting at the foot of the river, only running away the magic body.

The clouds were not idle, the golden ring knife burst into a bright golden light in the hands, and shattered toward the pink demon body under the shadow of the golden knife in the air.


The roar of the thin iron sounded, and Pan Chen put a sword on the right shoulder of the pink demon. The pink demon body with a cloud size of less than a knife was rushed to the head, but the pink demon body stretched out a paw and grabbed Golden ring knife.


Pan Chen overeats, the terrifying power of Tian Mao Jiu Bian suddenly erupts, a sword will be shot by the pink demon's body a few meters away, and Yunda will be less, because the weapon is caught by the demon's body, the entire person It was dragged a few meters away.

The body of the pink demon was cut off by Pan Chen and roared. It did not expect that Pan Chen, who ate the food, was so powerful in his mouth. Although the other party failed to cause fatal damage, it was also well received.

The pink demon's body stared at the cloud in the weapon in front, a sharp paw patted, blowing a cold wind, fluttering on his face. ..

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