The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1712: I also began to believe in miracles [Wang Wen, 6 million words, please kill]

"I also began to believe in miracles!" Fang Tian also said.

"Will he step on?" Fang Shili also looked quietly and asked silently.

Fang Yu held his breath, staring blankly at the blood-stained, godlike figure above, "He must be able! I believe him!"

Is the unyielding will, the indestructible fighting intent like the senior? Pan Chen instantly thought of the strong seal that guarded the last tribe of the human race, and suddenly a feeling of admiration rose in his heart! Yes, we are human races, siblings, brothers, sisters! So want

Protect this land!

I will also protect this family land! Pan Chen vowed secretly, since it is so, then I will conquer this sky first!


As soon as the sky roared, Pan Chen burst forth with an unparalleled fighting intent, rushing up the sky, as if to pierce the sky.

"This" Fang Yuan felt a startling feeling of incomparable warfare, speechless for a while.

"What a terrible war intention, did not reach the innate realm, I am afraid that this war will not be able to withstand it, and it is directly mentally collapsed and killed by the fire!" Fang Tian's face was pale, and he covered the people with true elements.

"Yes! Really worthy of such a terrible fighting intention! Never succumb to the fighting spirit, hehe" Fang Cheng easily hides under Fang Tian's Zhenyuan hood, not nervous.

"What a powerful fighting spirit!" Brother Fang Shili was suddenly depressed by this terrifying fighting spirit for dozens of steps until he stopped on the side of the ship. The two looked at each other, only to see their faces pale and **** at the corners of their mouths.

"Huh! Heaven wants to stop me, then I will go against the sky first!" Pan Chen no matter what other people think, from ascending to heaven, he established his unyielding will, unyielding fighting spirit, and incomparable. Strong self-confidence!

Today, for him, it can be said that he will rush to a higher level and a turning point in the future, is a beginning!

"Bang!" Stepping out, Pan Chen felt that his hind body was under unparalleled pressure. He roared upward, and a film behind him was suddenly crushed by 100,000 pressures, bursting open, and suddenly the blood mist filled and fluttering away.

The strong blood and strong tingling made him wake up, and the body of the war emperor close to the third floor could not resist this pressure!

"Tart!" As the heels stepped out, Pan Chen felt an unparalleled ease all over his body, like suddenly moving from one world to another!

"Tread over!" Fang Yuan said softly.

"Yes! He will become a legend, a myth!" Fang Tian nodded.

"He is just a legend!" Fang Cheng smiled, "Since today, no one dares to underestimate him!"

Fang Shili licked the salty blood in the corner of his mouth, and said with all his light: "The stronger you are, the more I am motivated! Starting today, you will become my Fang Shili's number one opponent!"


Excessive blood loss, exhaustion of energy in the body, and unimaginable trauma all over the body made Pan Chen relax on his ascent to the rooftop, and the dizzy feeling hit his heart instantly and collapsed to the ground.

"Brother Dafei"

"Big fly"

At the scene on the rooftop, the two brothers and sisters of Zhantai also saw it, but they were also seriously injured, and were isolated by the prohibition of the Sendai Tea Garden, and their voices could not be communicated.

The three of Fangcheng's faces changed abruptly, and then they were annoyed to blame something. They came to Pan Chen's body between the flashes of their bodies, and their three hands reached the front and back and near Dantian. Like a delivery.

Stimulated by Immortal, the Xianxian Ju operates autonomously, absorbs the pure energy of refining, and then transforms it into colorful Qi, which is transported to various parts of the body to repair the damage of bones, muscles and skin.

On the wound, tiny granulations constantly wriggled, repairing the injury at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After three hours, Fang Cheng sweated between his foreheads, his hands pale back.

"This kid is a bottomless hole! After so long absorbing so many real elements of our three old guys, why didn't he hold him to death?" Fang Yuan said scoldingly at the first moment after he opened his eyes after adjusting their breath .

"Yes, really a big stomach king!" Fang Tian also resented.

"I'm going to **** my old man to dry!" Fang Cheng was a little speechless.

After three hours of absorption, Pan Chen's injury has also been contained. It can be said that there is no worry about his life! It's just that this time, it hurts the source, I am afraid that it will take some days to recover, but the corresponding gain is also huge!

Unyielding will, indestructible fighting will, strong self-confidence

Breaking the fairy tactics slowly, a wave of aura was absorbed and continued to repair the injury in the body, or turned into true qi and stored in Dantian.

"What kind of mind does this kid's cultivation come from?" The three of them saw a wave of aura being sucked over, absorbed refining, and their old eyes were straight.

The three are from Fang's family. The ancestor is one of Kunshan's six ancestors. Founder! It can be said that the insight and vision are quite high, and the famous senior mental methods of Kunshan, three people all know, and have seen! But haven't you seen any kind of mentality like the one before you?

Pan Chen's heritage is Chu Xiang, the head of Kunshan's seven sons, but the practice is not Kunshan's mentality, which makes the three feel quite surprised!

"Did he have another adventure?" Fang Yuan frowned.

"If he is not practicing the grandpa master's inherited mentality, then he is not the grandpa master's heir!" Fang Tian said here, hunting with cold light in his eyes, killing like a knife.

"Sir, what are you going to do?" Fang Cheng sneered. "Even if he is not practicing the Grand Patriarch's mentality, he is the sole inheritor of the Grand Patriarch! he!"

The words didn't fall, Fang Tian's face suddenly turned white, and there was cold sweat in his forehead. "Youngest, close your mouth!" Fang Yuan's eyes are like a knife, and the cold voice makes people fall like an ice cave.

"Big brother has always been gentle, not easily angry! Big brother is angry! It seems that he is really talkative!" Fang Tian closed his mouth suddenly, sat cross-legged, without a word, quietly adjusted.

The three of them were voices, and the others didn't know. They just looked at the three masters of the congenital realm around them, thinking they were protecting the Fa.

Pan Chen's consciousness was pulled back to reality little by little, and countless memories swarmed in his mind, followed by soreness and weakness in his body.

After the return of the mind, Pan Chen did not wake up immediately. There are three strong protectors of the innate realm. Where can I find this treatment?

Under the guidance of consciousness, the speed of breaking immortal tactics was several times faster. A breath of aura was absorbed. In a short time, a storm of aura was formed.

"This guy takes us as hard work!" Fang Yuan said helplessly.

Fang Cheng also shook his head and smiled bitterly, as Fang Tian shut up.

"Let's practice too!" Fang Yuan closed his eyes and said silently.

Strong, 30% talent, 70% effort! Therefore, to become a strong man, hard work is essential!

After being injured, Pan Chen felt that his meridians could withstand greater strength, became wider and more resilient! The energy in Dantian was exhausted, giving Pan Chen a feeling of hunger, countless auras were transformed into true qi, and a third of Dantian was quickly occupied! The true energy is still being transformed, or stored in Dantian, or integrated into the skin and bone membrane to nourish the body.

Pan Chen no longer paid any attention to these true qis, and his consciousness escaped into the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness. I saw a chaotic space. The strange stone was still suspended there quietly, but the space around the faintly trembling, let Pan Chen know, follow As I saw the change of strength, the stone also changed a little bit! And this time I realized that I will not surrender my will, and that I will not destroy the fighting will. This stone is still shaking at a critical moment, but I was busy with the huge force of 600,000 pounds at that time, so I did n’t have time to check it out!

Looking around, I saw a faint, golden light surrounding the suspended stones.

In a chaotic space, Panchen's consciously condensed villain suspended quietly, gazing at the strange stone in the void, surrounded by a faint golden light.

"What is this? What's the situation?"

The consciousness touched the golden light, and in a flash, the consciousness became extremely powerful and cohesive. Jin Guangzhong also contains powerful will and imperishable fighting intent that is powerful enough to prop up Pan Chen's consciousness.

Pan Chen quickly pulled the consciousness out of the golden light, the small face was white and white, and the consciousness was also a void, almost dispersing by the powerful will.

"This golden light is too terrifying. It is such a faint light that it almost flushed away my consciousness! However, this is the best exercise place to condense consciousness and enhance will!" In an instant, Pan Chen Analyze the pros and cons.

Consciousness launches the spirit to understand the sea, and the Pianxian tactics are run again for three big weeks. After discovering that the injuries on the body have healed, he slowly opened his eyes.

A breath of turbid air came out of his breath. Pan Chen felt that his physical condition was unprecedentedly good. The colorful Qi occupies half of the entire Dantian space. The true Qi in the body is also thicker, and it is one step closer to the breakthrough.

"Your kid finally woke up!" An old voice rang in his ears, Pan Chen looked around and saw Fang Cheng looking at himself with a smile on his face.

Fang Cheng sat cross-legged, the paleness of his face dying away, but still a little tired appeared, and there were also two elders in Jinyi Huafu sitting cross-legged next to him, it was Fang Yuan and Fang Tian.

"Huh? The skill has been improved! Not bad!" Fang Cheng said a lot of Pan Chen, suddenly surprised.

The innate strong man's induction of spiritual power is not understandable and understandable by Pan Chen, who is in the realm of the pinnacle of the present day, although he has converged his breath as much as possible, but it is of little use, which also sounded an alarm for him!

"My own strength is fart in front of the innate strong! The breakthrough achievement is the innate ant life, this sentence is only deeply felt now!" Pan Chen sighed in the heart, but also more for the enhancement of strength and breakthrough Urgently.

"Yes! That's right!" Fang Tian and Fang Yuan also echoed, bursting into the narrow eyes, making the latter feel like he was stripped naked, standing naked in front of everyone, there is no secret. At all.

"Brother Dafei, are you okay!" Suddenly a fragrant wind hit, and then a sweet voice spread into your ears.

Pan Chen sighed helplessly, pretending to smile, and said: "I'm fine! Thank you Fairy Ziyi for your concern!"

Despite the enthusiasm, the alienation and indifference can be seen by individuals. After hearing that, everyone frowned, and Zhan Taiming looked at him puzzled, hoping to see something from it.

Only Zhantai Xin'er was immersed in Pan Chen's joy of being safe, and did not find any change in the latter.

"Is it really all right?" Zhan Taixiner asked with some worry, but the joy of the pretty face could not be concealed.

Ascending onto the rooftop, blood flew and bones and bones broke!

In retrospect, Zhantai Xin'er was still nervous, her pretty face was white and white, her small fist clenched tightly, and her big eyes were worried.

"It's okay, don't you think I'm all right?" Pan Chen stood up slowly. Suddenly, his head was dizzy and his body shook abruptly. "It's okay, it's just excessive blood loss! Just rest for a while!" Pan Chen stopped the Qianying who wanted to come forward and smiled.

The latter smiled slightly and went straight forward, holding out his jade hand and gently supporting him, "Well! Then take a good rest for a while! Xiner cooks black chicken soup for Brother Dafei every day!"

"Wu Ji Tang?" The three old men heard that, one of them could not help but stumbled, almost fell.

Pan Chen's body shook and his face changed suddenly, as if remembering something, he opened his mouth, but said nothing, and finally sighed.

The black chicken soup is not a natural treasure, it is the soup made by the most common black chicken in the farmyard. This soup is the most nourishing blood and nourishing qi. Pan Chen was very poor since childhood, and only the mother pulled the brother and sister together. The suffering and suffering can be hard to say! However, in such an environment, wanting to eat meat is simply extravagant. Only after Pan Chen became a hunter did such things improve a little! Every time he hunted back, Pan Chen would shoot a few small pheasants, that is, black chicken! The mother will use it to make soup, but when the little girl is small and grows her body, Pan Chen can only drink some black chicken soup! But these soups, in his opinion, are the most delicious things!

"Brother Dafei, what's wrong with you? Are you upset? Isn't Xin'er doing something bad, making Brother Dafei angry!"

Pan Chen sighed slightly, "It's okay, just remembered my mother!"

"Sorry! Brother Dafei, Xin'er is not good! Xin'er"

Pan Chen touched her head lovingly, "Okay! Let's go! Let Brother Dafei taste Xin'er's craft!"

"Well! Brother Dafei will be satisfied!"

Time slowly passed, and three people Pan Chen came to the Fang family fairy ship for a few days. These days, Pan Chen practiced his mind, combat skills, and various stunt skills, and blended together! Moreover, every day I go to the sea of ​​spirit to hone my will. ..

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