The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1711: Body of the Warlord [Six million words Wang Wang, please kill]

The true Qi in the body is like a collapsed dam, pouring out, continually pouring out, repairing cracks, but the repair speed is far less than the speed of destruction.

"No! The body of the war emperor can hardly support such a terrifying force! And the true energy in the body has been exhausted in this short time!" Pan Chen's face was pale, **** sweat beads rolled between his foreheads. drop.

"What a powerful body! It hasn't collapsed yet!" Fang Yuan said lightly, not worrying about the situation in front of Pan Chen.

"I'm afraid that I'll stick to it soon!" Fang Tian also said slowly.

Fang Cheng snorted, "Brother, second brother, let's make a bet?" The two purple blood **** crystals in my heart are still bleeding.

"What bet?" The two immediately guarded.

The three grew up together and knew each other better than themselves! As soon as Fang Cheng spoke, he knew that he was still hurting those two purple blood **** crystals!

"How long can he bet on it?" Fang Cheng sneered. "Why? Not dare?" The two hesitated and exclaimed suddenly.

"Huh! The third boy, it's not that we dare not gamble, but what else can you compare with Zixue Shenjing to gamble with us?" The two looked at each other, and Fang Tian sneered suddenly.

"Huh! Brother, 2nd brother, don't underestimate your third brother! What good things do I have here?" Fang Cheng's face remained the same, but he was secretly anxious, and the only space ring that could be comparable to the Purple Blood God Crystal was that. An unintentionally top-level spirit beast Nedan! But this is also for the boss!

"Oh?" The two smiled oddly.


Suddenly, a loud roar rang through the Sendai Tea Garden.

The three men's faces changed greatly, and they each fled out, trying to rescue the people on the roof. However, the scene in front of them made three people stunned and stood staring blankly for a while.

I saw that Pan Chen was covered with blood and fell to his knees. His bones and stubble on his legs were all exposed, with bloodshot eyes and raised eyes, which seemed to burst open. There was no bit of pain in him, only endless fighting will and unyielding will. It seemed like he was going to heaven and earth. He roared back and forth in the sky, a powerful breath burst out from the body, strange and cold.

"What kind of breath is this? Why is it so terrifying?" Fang Yuan was the first to recover, and he couldn't help but a chill, his face pale.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Tian also recovered, his cultivation base was second only to Fang Yuan, a congenital high-level! Suddenly, as if he saw something terrifying, he screamed, stretched out a finger like a twig, and tremblingly pointed to Pan Chen, trembling: "Brother, you see!"

Fang Cheng was screamed by him, and he recovered, and as he looked at his finger, "eighth order?"

"The eighth order?" Fang Yuan also said astringently.

"Three hundred and twenty thousand kilograms of great power! I am afraid that only the powerful at the ground level can contend with it!" Fang Tian converged, and walked back a little lonely, saying something in the mouth.

The two are also in a state of loss of soul, walking back, they can't care about Pan Chen anymore, the eighth level is no longer within their control! Moreover, it is not yet possible to remove the ban on the rooftop, otherwise the latter's mind will definitely be hit hard.

What's more, the more you climb up this rooftop, the more you can get polished! As for what kind of tempering, they are not very clear, just say that this kind of tempering is only above the eighth order!

This is Pan Chen's chance! Nor can they interfere!

The pressure of the seventh order is indeed not what he can bear now, just when his body is on the verge of collapse, his will is weakest, and he is about to give up, a mind in his mind like an ancient wilderness instantly controls himself.

"Going up against the sky, walking across the sky, facing everything, admiring the vastness of the universe, being worshipped by thousands of ethnic groups, protecting the peace of hundreds of millions of people."

"Going up against the sky, walking across the sky, falling to the sky"

Pan Chen couldn't help but follow this ancient voice, an unyielding will burst out of his body, "being worshipped by thousands of ethnic groups, protecting the peace of hundreds of millions of people!"

"Protect the Human Race Anping! Child, the future of the Human Race is yours!" The old unyielding will suddenly said, and then the breath on Pan Chen's body fell from the top of the mountain, and the majestic pressure followed.

"Bang!" Pan Chen vomited blood, his hands clenched on the ground steps, his fingers were blurred, and he still grasped the ground tightly.

"Unyielding will, warfare, go up against the sky, walk the sky! Protect the Anping people!" Pan Chen's eyes were red, and his unyielding will supported the light and oil of him.

"Puff Puff Puff" bursts of flesh and blood on his body, blood mist filled.

Pan Chen's eyes were blurry, and suddenly a blurry figure appeared in front of him, "Senior"

"Children, the human race is under your protection, I am very relieved! Remember, unyielding will! Go up against the sky and walk the sky! Take good care of our ethnic group! Goodbye!" The ancient existence gradually dispersed.

At that moment, the **** in his mind burst into a strong and extreme light, but unfortunately, Pan Chen's whole body's attention is now on the rooftop! Then, the light on the divine light flashed away, and finally it was very dim, without a touch of gloss, as if it were a stone! And around the godhead, a circle of golden light appeared suddenly, circled the whole godhead.

"Unyielding will! I want to guard the human race! Guardian human race!" Pan Chen's tears flowed, his arm muscles rose up, "I want to stand up, I want to guard the race!"

The roar shocked the whole fairy ship, echoing! The unyielding will rises, the indelible war will run wild! Pan Chen helped the stone steps a little bit and stood up. In his eyes, there was a battle like a tornado, rising constantly!

"Take the sky! Now I will walk through the sky first!"

"Bang!" Without a hesitation, he stepped forward to the ninth step.

"Bang Bang" a series of explosions sounded on the body, the figure was instantly overturned by violent pressure, and fell down the steps.

The three of Fangcheng looked at the scene in silence. His old eyes were red, his hands clenched tightly, and he wished he could go down against the sky.

The scream roared all the people on the ship, everyone stood in the position of the bow, and looked quietly at the scene in front of them. Everyone's eyes were red, trembling, and there was a fighting spirit in the sky. Running endlessly.

"Guard the human race, go up against the sky!" Fang Shili also had red eyes and tight lips, watching Pan Chen fall from the ninth step, and suddenly stepped forward with incomparable fighting intent and respect, roaring.

Fang Shiyu also went with him, screaming: "Guard the human race, go up against the sky!"

Then, all the people stepped forward and screamed loudly: "Guard the human race, go up against the sky!"

They are children of the family, and they know more about their past history than others! For these eight characters, I have a profound experience!

Pan Chen lay on the eighth step, listening to the screams below, feeling their unyielding fighting spirit and fighting spirit, they couldn't help but feel the fighting spirit again, they had not given up, countless human races had not given up, I How can you give up?

Pulling on a blood-red step, slowly stood up and took a deep breath. The true qi in the body was exhausted, and the only remaining ones were those purple qi! I wonder if it can be transferred?

However, no matter what, I must walk upstairs and go to the sky! Pan Chen now only has such a thought in his heart, regardless of whether the consumption of Ziqi is worth it!

Pentium's fighting will blow away the wind and clouds over Sendai Tea Garden, like a forbidden space. Only unyielding will and fighting intentions are galloping and roaring.

"Ah," Pan Chen stepped up again, and the tremendous pressure appeared again.

A sharp flash in my eyes, I want to go against the sky! I want to protect my people!

"Purple Qi comes to the east!" Breaking the fairy tactics to the extreme, the purple qi in Dan Tian is about to move, as if it will spray out in the next moment.

"Come out for me!" Pan Chen looked terrified and shouted.


Purple air swarmed inside the Dantian, and the body was instantly filled with purple light and covered. Broken flesh, meridians, bones are restored at this moment.

Ziguang resisted the huge force of 640,000 catties and opened a small purple aperture, tightly protecting Pan Chen inside.

"What a pure energy!" The three old men of Fang's family were shocked and looked at each other.

"What kind of energy is this?" Fang Shili's eyes flickered and murmured in a low voice.

Above the sky, a fairy ship is suspended there quietly. If it is not the clouds floating around, it must be thought that it is still.

This fairy ship belongs to Fang Family!

Above the fairy ship, all the people, guests, maids, and family children stood on the deck without a trace, quietly looking at the **** figure not far away, eyes full of worship, respect and admiration !

That **** person was none other than Pan Chen!

At this moment, he was standing on the ninth floor of the rooftop as far as he could. The whole skin was broken, the bones were broken, the blood was flowing like a spring, and he continued to pour out, his face became more and more pale, and his bite lips made him know that he was very hard!

With a huge force of 640,000 catties, a person from the acquired realm peak supported it! Speaking out, I am afraid that all warriors will be shocked!

"Going up against the sky, walking on the sky!" Pan Chen seemed to feel no injuries in his body, exuding violent anger and fighting spirit, and said coldly.

"Going up against the sky, walking through the sky!" Everyone roared with it.

The old man of the Fang family also had wet eyes and roared with everyone.

The power in the body was exhausted the moment I stepped on the ninth step, and now I can stand on it, completely supporting him with unyielding will and warfare!

"I can't fall down now!" Pan Chen was soberly aware of the situation now. He had just stood on the ninth step, and his power was exhausted. Now if he falls down, everything in front will be defeated!

"One step ahead! Only one step is needed and I will be completely on the roof!" Pan Chen said secretly.

"If he can take another step before, then he will succeed!" Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes, his old face full of admiration.

Fangcheng also nodded in conformity and said, "He will definitely succeed!"

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