The God of Destruction

Vol 10 Chapter 1713: what's up? [Six million words Wang Wang, seek slaughter]

On this day, the three old men of the Fang family came together.

"What's the matter?" Pan Chen frowned and woke up from his cultivation.

The three laughed bitterly and looked at each other. It was decided that Fang Cheng said, after all, he was quite familiar with Pan Chen.

"The fairy ship travels thousands of miles a day, and has been out of the Middle-earth Divine Land for a few days. Now it comes to the southern waters. This sea area was a demon lake in ancient times. Later, the world shattered. Sea area. There are many monsters, beasts and spirits in the sea area, even the innate strong people will be in danger of falling if they do n’t pay attention. And if you want to reach Tangjiabao, you must pass through the southern sea area! So "

"So" Pan Chen groaned.

"We will arrive at the front station of the southern waters in another day, Qiongcheng!"

"Qiong City?" Pan Chen whispered.

"Qiongcheng is a name! Actually, it is not a city, but an island! This island is also very large, with a radius of tens of thousands of square kilometers! It is said that this island is a piece of world fragments that was shot down in ancient times. , An island made after landing here! Therefore, Jianghu Wulin rumors that the island has a world origin! But, from ancient times until now, no one has found it in hundreds of millions of time! "

"The origin of the world?" Pan Chen jumped in his heart. Where has this thing been vaguely seen? Suddenly, the weird stone in my mind also shuddered. From this tremor, Pan Chen felt an emotion called desire! It is very eager to get the origin of the world! This is the first time such a thing has happened in Pan Chen's memory! Curious in my heart!

"What is this?"

"I don't know clearly. It's just a rumor that people with the origin of the world can easily break through the peak of heaven and achieve higher martial arts!"

"Oh?" Wen Yan, Pan Chen's eyes lit up.

When the three old men saw it, they shook their heads, but the old face didn't have much dissatisfaction, but instead brought a little relief and expectation.

"Qiong is the only city on this island and the only safe place on Qiongdao!"

"A safe place?" Pan Chen frowned.

"The existence of the origin of the world not only made our human race countless people, but also countless foreign races swarmed! Qiongdao, as the front station of the southern sea, is naturally a patron of countless monsters and spirits!"

"Interracial?" Wen Yan, Pan Chen's eyes flickered coldly, a real killer came out, and a cold smile gradually appeared on his face.

Fangcheng nodded and said, "Yes! Because it is close to the southern waters, there are many demon spirits and beasts. And our human race's trials on Qiongdao are mainly based on these aliens. The big ones are the lower-level monsters, most of them are wild beasts, equivalent to the warriors of the acquired realm of humans. "

"Hum! Then practice the sword first!" Pan Chen sneered, then closed his eyes, "When you reach Qiongcheng, tell me!"

After hearing the words, the three smiled bitterly, and then shook their heads and left.

After the three people left, Pan Chen's eyes suddenly opened, which burst into a fierce light, "The origin of the world? Huh!"

He finally remembered hearing this thing there. The old patriarch once said that the strong man sealed the space crack with the power of the source and the soul!

What can seal the cracks in the big space must be something amazing! Pan Chen thought secretly and decided that he must get the so-called "World Origin" anyway!

Time blinked during cultivation, and just as Pan Chen opened his eyes, footsteps also heard outside the door.

"Master, the three masters let me tell you that Qiongcheng is here!" Outside the room, there was a clear voice. Exactly, the maid girl Pan Chen was coming over, Fang Yu!

"Okay! I know!" Pan Chen shook his shirt, slowly stood up, and walked out of the door.

When I came to the deck of the fairy ship, I saw three old men, Fang Shili's two brothers, and the Fang family's sons and sisters standing nearby.

"Brother Tong, you are here!" Fang Shili smiled slightly. Since Pan Chen climbed to the roof a few days ago, Fang Shili regarded Pan Chen on an equal footing and even looked at the top line! After all, he hasn't yet got the ability to climb to the nine-story rooftop, that is, the uncle is a perfect circle, and this strong man of the innate level is not good!

Pan Chen froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "This is Brother Fang!"

Fang Shili immediately smiled bitterly. He called his father and his brother Fang, and he was also called his brother Fang. It was a mess in this generation!

Fang Cheng also turned back when he heard the sound. He was suddenly eccentric, but he couldn't say anything. After all, Pan Chen was much higher than his seniority. Calling him Fang Brother, that was already giving him a great face!

Pan Chen ignored it, and looked up, only to see a huge pancake-like land surrounded by the ocean in front of him under the clouds. The island is full of greenery, lush, ancient trees, towering trees, monkeys crying in the forest, roaring horses and beasts, a lively and extraordinary look.

It looks like a big pancake, inlaid in a blue ocean, with lush green trees, towering trees, birds and flowers, and wild animals.

Spectacular! Shocked!

On the back hill of Tongjia Village, there are only a few low trees, the breath of the primitive forest can not be felt there, some are only modern breath, countless evolved animals; there is no overflowing natural treasures. The fairy ship passed the gang wind, crossed the clouds, and slowly fell down.

A city like a giant stands quietly in front of the crowd. The city is as high as a hundred feet. The city wall is more than ten meters thick, all made of diamond rock.

The fairy ship banged at the gate of the city. This is an open space with a size of a hundred miles. There are all kinds of fairy ships parked on it. Every family and family has all forces.

This place is also surrounded by diamond rocks, but it is not as tall as the city. It can be regarded as the satellite city of Qiongcheng. It also has such sieges in the other eight directions. There are warehouses, hotels, and trade. and many more!

"Look! Fang's fairy ship!" At the gate of Baizhang Gao, everyone followed the huge fairy ship's landing and immediately had a lot of discussion.

"Fang's family? Which family is the Fang's family?" One of the others wondered.

"You don't even know Fang's family?"

"Come, let me tell you! There are eight families in the martial arts, four immortal **** clan Zhuge, Du Gu, Gongsun and ancient clan, four immortal royal family, Tang family, Zhao family, Nalan family and Zhu family. There are several forces outside the family that are comparable to the eight major families, and the Fang family is such a family, even beyond the eight major families! "

"In addition, there are the Sifang League, Lian Jianshan, and Bahu Island!"

"It's such a big deal!" The man said.

These words went straight into Pan Chen's ear, and the latter raised his brow slightly, "Sifangmeng, Lian Jianshan, Bahu Island?"

The three of Fangcheng also heard these words, and a cold light flashed in their eyes, "Sifangmeng, Lianjian Mountain and Bahu Island! Huh!"

The children of the Fang family were also cold-faced when they heard Yan Yan. He kept humming in his mouth, and his body was full of murderous intentions.

The brothers and sisters of Zhantai also sighed softly. The Sifangmeng, even Jianshan and Bahu Island, are powerful, and they are comparable to the eight families and the Fang family. Moreover, the major forces are also hostile to each other.

The expression on everyone's face fell on Pan Chen's eyes. The latter didn't ask much, as everyone walked towards the gate of the city.

At the gate of the city, which is hundreds of meters high and hundreds of meters wide, the bustling crowd went inside.

Everyone in the Fang family came to the gate of the city, just about to enter the city, and suddenly a group of people came face to face.

The pupils of Fang Cheng shrank sharply, and the violent murderous intentions that had already converged on his body poured out again, and even more violent, Fang Yuan and Fang Tian also snorted coldly, and the murderous intentions of his body also came out through the body.

"Eight Lake Island?" Zhan Taiming narrowed his eyes and lost his voice.

"Eight Lake Island? Bahu Island! Hehe" Wen Yan, Pan Chen is also funny, this is what I want to come to.

"Yeah, isn't this Fangcheng? How come you have time to come to Qiongdao, hey, actually broke through to the congenital realm, congratulations and congratulations! Finally become a congenital strongman!" A middle-aged man led a large group of people , Come slowly.

Fang Cheng sneered and took a step forward, saying: "I said why it smells so bad, it turns out that a dog farts here! It's really uncultivated!"

"Hey hey, who's the dog, hurry to pull away, the province is shameful here!" Fang Shili also stood up and said to the people around, without looking at the people in front.

"Fangcheng, Fang Shili, good! Very good! You will pay for what is happening today!" The middle-aged man restrained the people behind him and said coldly.

After all, the middle-aged people quickly left with the crowd.

Fighting is not allowed in Qiongcheng, and it is also true in the satellite city. This is the lord order. If there is any disobedience, interrupt the limbs, abandon the cultivation practice, throw out Qiongcheng, and never enter here forever.

"Let's go too!" Fang Cheng squinted as they sent them away before sinking.

After they entered the city, they walked straight to the front of a huge building in the heart of the city. The outer body of the building is made of general dolomite. Each piece of dolomite is ten meters long, three meters wide and three meters high, which weighs ten thousand pounds. There is a wall of thirty-three boulders, which traverses in front of everyone and looks on both sides, with a width of one hundred feet. In front of the building, there are dozens of feet of space, all paved with Qinggang rocks.

"What a magnificent building!" Zhan Taiming lost his voice.

Pan Chen also nodded his head and looked up. He saw a horizontal plaque that was ten meters long and three meters wide. The golden plaque hung on the horizontal plaque, and the ancient characters of four dragons and phoenix dances appeared in front of him. "

There was a sign next to it. Pan Chenling saw through the air and just arrived at the horizontal plaque. When he wanted to see who the vague sign was, all of a sudden, he felt like a wild beast.

"Humph!" Pan Chen snorted suddenly, and there was traces of blood on the corners of his mouth. Immediately, the golden light circulated on his body, and his injuries were eliminated in the blink of an eye.

The three of Fang Yuan shook their heads and smiled bitterly. It was the same when they first came here, but it was more than a hundred times worse than the former. They were blown away by breath, spitting blood, and rested for three months!

Fang Shili also has his gaze, so powerful!

"Let's go!" Fang Cheng gave up his distracted thoughts and walked away, and everyone followed.

In front of the bronze gate, there was a square with a strange pattern on it. As the Fangcheng passed, a faint light flashed away, and then the bronze gate made a quack sound. ..

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