The God of Destruction

Vol 3 Chapter 40: Emperor Observer (1/4)

Pan Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Although it takes a lot of energy to maintain the turbulence of the airflow, the effect of this trick is indeed very powerful. As long as the attributes are high in the future, this trick can become his nirvana.

Just one minute now, it is enough to soar with the black pupil and Leona.

In a blink of an eye, you can easily break through the speed of sound and come and go, and almost no one can catch up with him, which is most suitable for Pan Chen.

And used to kill the enemy at a very fast rate and killed.

Of course, the real black dragon wing is definitely not that simple, and it will definitely be more terrifying. After all, Pan Chen is only exhibiting the skills of imitating the black dragon, and his body has been initially transformed. If it is a normal person, it can last for a few seconds. Even good.


He put away the wings of the substantive airflow, and the whole person slowly fell and surrounded the surroundings.

The whole house has been messed up by a huge whirlwind, like the ruins of a typhoon.

Leo Nai and Hei Tong looked at Pan Chen's gaze even with a trace of awe. The fighting technique that Pan Chen just displayed has completely exceeded the scope of their common sense of thinking. That is not in the realm of human beings. To reach the level!

"So strong ..."

"so beautiful!"

The two spoke at the same time, and the words they spoke were similar, but they were extremely shocked.

Pan Chen smiled, without explanation, and whispered, "Come on, those people should have checked out."

"Well." Leoni nodded.

Hei Hitomi reached out and touched the emperor's tool, as if it had resonated with it, but there was no vision when it resonated. It seems that there is no successful resonance.

However, Pan Chen is not worried about this. The black pupil in the original book has this emperor, which proves that it is in line. It is only a matter of time.

They walked slowly towards the stairs outside.

It was extremely quiet along the way, and there was no sound from outside. It seemed that the guards had left here.

"Something's wrong." Pan Chen took the lead and came out, glancing a few times, frowning slightly.

There was a mess all around, it could be seen that they had been searched, and there was no figure of Vina.

Leonai also found this, looking nervously towards the house, but her sensitive ears after her transformation did not hear the breathing sounds other than the three of them. Apparently Vina was not on this holiday, she said nervously. Will Na be taken away? "

"Are there any secret signs left by Vina?" Pan Chen asked in a low voice.

Leonard shook his head: "No, there are no secret signs on the walls, and the weapons hidden behind the painting axis have not moved, and with the strength of Vina, it should not be so easily taken away unless."

"Unless what?"

"Unless the person who arrests Vina is very strong, in this case, I am afraid that what I did with Vina will be exposed, it will be in trouble."

Pan Chen frowned, "It's really a little trouble, we must leave the capital as soon as possible, there is no time to rescue her." Suddenly he heard a series of footsteps, very dense and hasty, a large number of people.

He looked towards the balcony outside, and the dense crowd in the distance suddenly appeared all around, completely surrounding the whole building.

These men are dressed in neat uniforms of the imperial capital, with guns in one hand and a long sword in their waists.

Under the dark night, a middle-aged man with a dark complexion and black and white armor, short hair, and a scar on his right eye, raised his head calmly, looked at Pan Chen's position, and his smile was abnormal.

"Warden, I really appreciate your help this time, otherwise we will not be able to get intelligence so quickly." He said with a smile.

A middle-aged man with a pupil-like ring on his head nodded with a smile, "Captain Oka is polite and can help you with the security team. This is also my honor, not to mention the minister , As the warden of the Imperial Capital, I naturally have to cooperate with you. "

The middle-aged man known as Oka nodded and said no more, he waved his hand.

Suddenly a team of men and women in uniform uniformly opened a small mouth to let him in.

"It's the captain of the Special Guards," Ghost of Oka ", and he is close to the legion level." Leoni also saw the other party, and he looked startled. "How come they come so fast."

At this time, as the crowd spread out below, I was heading to the place where only Oka and a team of black and white armors stood neatly. There was a beautiful woman beside them. She was held firmly by her, and there was blood at the corner of her mouth. Paled face.

Oka glanced at the woman, looking up at the window of the small building, "Come out, can you still escape?" His voice was cold and cold, extremely cold.

There was no noise around, hundreds of guards surrounded the building, no sound was heard, everyone was silent, and a tense atmosphere sprang up.

Pan Chen moved his wrist and whispered towards Leoni and Black pupil: "You wait here first, and as soon as I start, I run towards the city wall, and Vina gives it to me."

Leoni and Black pupil nodded.

When Oka saw no one answering, she looked grinning.

"Since you don't want to come out, then I will ask you to come out by hand, but before giving you a gift!"

Around ten famous celebrities pulled out a black long sword at the same time, with a cruel sneer on their faces. They are the most elite core team of the Imperial Capital Guard, and they are the teams directly under Oka. Unlike the ordinary guards, their pro disciples are the real cards of the guards, each of which is above the rank of soldier.

Most of the tasks in the Imperial Capital are performed by them in person.

The sound of fine footsteps sounded, and Pan Chen walked out slowly. More than ten people in black and white armor rushed to Pan Chen, and before they rushed to the door, they heard an indifferent voice, "Fast ---"

The air flow slowly moved, and then a black shadow flashed in vain, drawing a straight black line. ..

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