The God of Destruction

Vol 3 Chapter 41: Black dragon horror (2/4)

"Kill him!" Oka's voice heard again.


When the words fell, a thin man had rushed fiercely to Pan Chen, his eyes cold, as long as he rushed to Pan Chen and the scimitar in his hand fell, he could split Pan Chen into two.

But poof!

The fierceness on the thin man's face solidified in an instant. He slowly lowered his head and saw that a white arm was firmly inserted into his heart. Pan Chen, who was still not far away, had turned into a phantom, as if it appeared to move instantly In front of him, his face was calm and cold.


The thin man was flung away in an instant, slammed **** the ground, hissed out of the distance, and lost his breath.

Pan Chen walked slowly towards the surrounding, surrounded by all around, his right hand flicked, the huge warhammer appeared again, but this time the burden was not so heavy, an invisible wind slowly supported the warhammer to reduce the burden for him, making He played more easily.

"Just because you want to kill me? It's still far away!" He swept the crowd calmly, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes as he scanned Vina.

"It's so young?" Oka's eyes narrowed into a line, and the whole person was cruel and cold. "I thought which one dared to make trouble in the imperial city so boldly, it turned out to be just a hairy kid!"

"Only one minute!" Pan Chen looked indifferent, looking at the ten people who were heading for him. His body swelled slowly, his muscles swelled up, his body grew taller out of thin air, and the whole person exuded The inexplicable sense of oppression is like the scary black dragon in mythology.

"What?" Oka froze.

"One minute to solve you!" Pan Chen growled.

boom! !

With a loud noise, he rushed forward, and the ground shook fiercely, like a thunder, exploding a small pit.

He is like a terrifying black dragon that is hunting for food, with a powerful and terrifying sense of oppression, he rushes to the people who are going.

"What a joke!" Oka looked at Pan Chen's eyes as if he were neurotic, and he growled, "Get me out of it! Cut off his head and let the minister cross!"

As soon as the words fell, the two people who were going to block Pan Chen were hit hard by the Warhammer, and they exploded countless red and white slurries, splashing all over the ground.

Another person jumped up and pulled out two daggers to stab at Pan Chen's neck.

Boom! !

As if shooting a fly, Pan Chen slapped him hard with a slap, smashing all his people with a dagger, and flew far away to hit the wall in the distance, like a humanoid mural, posted on the top and did not slide down for a long time. .

"Give me all! Siege him!" Oka's face is hard to look at. Pan Chen's strength is so strong, it is really a real legion-level strength.

It is even more powerful than the legion level he has ever seen. Know that he is the peak of the soldier level!

As soon as the words fell, a group of people approached Pan Chen and wanted to completely surround him with a sea of ​​tactics.

Pan Chen stepped on it, and the horrible Black Dragon rushed into the security team that surrounded him.

Bang Bang Bang Bang! !

In a series of metal staggered sounds, there was a faint click sound, which was the sound of broken bones. Most of the people around were blown away by Pan Chen, and only some timely responders used long swords to block the war hammer. .

Several of the guards trained by Oka personally did not recoil, and did not fear Pan Chen's warhammer. The long sword in his hand stabbed hard at Pan Chen.


There was another muffled sound, and an elite guard was blasted out directly, his head turned into a red and white slurry and splashed on the people around him, and the blood flowed quickly to the ground like a spring.

This completely deterred them.

"Pan Chen!" Oka's face was cold, and his right hand was tightly grasping Vina's neck. With a sudden force, Vina's face instantly turned into a purple sauce, and Pan Chen's eyes were full of pleading.

Pan Chen slammed a member of the security team who wanted to make a sneak attack, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the look at Oka became colder.

"Don't you want to save her? This woman's figure is really hot | spicy, is it a pity to die like this? Give up, as long as you give up resistance, I will definitely let this woman go." Oka hehe laughed. .

"Did you treat me like a three-year-old kid?" Pan Chen suddenly smiled. "What does the people of the emperor look like, don't I know, it's naive."

He looked at Vina and closed his eyes slightly, an invisible wind slowly blowing around him.

"Go ahead, Vina, I will avenge you, speed."


As soon as the voice fell, Pan Chen's figure flashed, and the whole person rushed straight to Oka. There was no slight stop at his feet. The warhammer doubled in an instant and waved vigorously. The air was torn and screamed in vain. The black metallic luster is larger than the human head.

"Dead!" Pan Chen's right hand muscles squeezed like a wave of warhammer.

The violent force brought a gust of wind before the Warhammer arrived. The strong pressure squeezed Oka's face. He cursed and quickly let go of Vina and rolled towards the back.

Boom! !

There was a sudden shock on the ground, and a large crack immediately appeared in the place hit by the warhammer, as if it was blown by a heavy shell, which was extremely scary.

Vina shuddered, her lips trembling, and she was too frightened by the blow.

She suddenly felt a tremendous force from her slim waist. The whole person was surrounded by a strong arm, and she fell into Pan Chen's arms at once, and a sense of security emerged from her heart instantly.

"It's okay." Pan Chen said with a smile. He glanced towards the southeast without any traces, and he found the black pupil and Leoni.

Everyone's attention was drawn away by him, so it was very easy for the two to get out of trouble.

Now it just needs to merge with it and leave as soon as possible.

"Hmm ..." Vina said softly with her head down. Suddenly she lifted her head, her face covered with grimace, and she held a sharp knife in her right hand to the heart of Pan Chen.

"Don't blame me, who made you provoke the minister this time!" Although Vina held a sharp knife in her hand, her tone was not so firm, but with a hint of tremor, she even sweated forehead. ..

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