The God of Destruction

Vol 3 Chapter 39: Wings of the Black Dragon (4/4)

Pan Chen looked at Leonei silently.

Compared with the black pupil, Leoni is actually more in line with Pan Chen's taste. She is like a generous neighbor's sister, and she has an excellent figure and is very open to wear. The black chest-wrap fabric and the white and delicate skin form In sharp contrast, the lips are narrow pink, and the skin is like a red jelly in the white. The total hair of the shawl is slightly curly, but it is more wild.

I didn't observe carefully before. Now when I see Leo Nai's appearance, Pan Chen is also slightly startled and smiles bitterly: "Leo Nai, when will I promise to marry you."

While speaking, he glanced at the black pupil, the black pupil who was still angrily before. Hearing this, he seemed to be relieved, but the small mouth was still slightly deflated, like a spout.

"Humph! You must admit it!" Leonai jumped out of the bar, and the slender, round, beautiful legs shone extremely when he crossed the bar. Pan Chen couldn't help but glance at him for a few more times. A strange thought flashed through.

"What do you admit?" Just hearing this, he was even more speechless.

"I'm already yours, and we still have to live together in the future." Leo Nai instantly turned into a bird-like person with a faint smile on her face, looking pure and sunny, dark brown. The pupils of both eyes are slightly bent like a cat. Gives a feeling of smiling at any time, tall and plump, full, long and round legs, and hips.

She leaned over, "In order to repay the grace of life-saving, I gave everything to you, not to mention that this little girl can do everything I can do, what she can't do, I can do it too

At the end of her, she sat directly on Pan Chen and raised her eyes towards the black pupil.

Pan Chen's eyes were suddenly covered with white flickering flesh, a little embarrassed, he even felt that something under him was about to move, and even more terrible, Leonai was sitting and seemed to be uncomfortable, twisting his waist and moving With fart | shares, rubbing underneath him.

Black pupil's face was cold, and afterglow in the corner of his eyes saw a red long sword. With a snap, he pulled it out and said coldly: "Release Pan Chen, he is mine!"

"Is it? Pan Chen? Who are you?" Leo Nai hooked Pan Chen's neck with both hands, buried his head, and said gently in Pan Chen's ear, a warm breath blowing on Pan Chen's face, letting His following feeling became more obvious, "I can do anything for you, no matter what you want to do to me!"

She was still moving her waist and legs, and she rubbed Pan Chen below.

Pan Chen smiled and stood up, "Okay, don't make trouble, I understand what you mean, but now is not the time to say that, the most important thing for us is how to leave the Imperial Capital! You know where the Imperial defense is the weakest and how fast. Are you out of the realm of the imperial capital? "

Speaking of the right thing, Leonei immediately calmed down the smile on his face, and gave a general glance at the black pupil. "Actually, I don't agree to break through the city wall, or it is safer to walk from the sewer as I said before. If the city wall breaks out hard, it is easy to expose, and it is also easy to be chased and killed, and there is enough time to go out of the sewer to stay away from the imperial capital! "

"Take a break, we will go to the sewer." Pan Chen nodded.

"Before that?" Leonai flashed a doubt in her eyes. Pan Chen had voluntarily rejected it before. Why was this sudden?

"Sometimes it is better to be cautious. After all, our current enemy is an empire!" Pan Chen said meaningfully. Although he also believes that Vina will not betray them, it is better to be cautious after all. After all, this time the minister was shocked , For Vina, that's skyrocketing!

Leonard nodded in understanding. She has experienced and seen too much betrayal since she was small, and currently Vina doesn't follow them. It is not good to know too much.

"Let's take a break now." Pan Chen said towards Hei Tong. "You have collected this emperor tool and will leave it to you later. Now try to resonate with this emperor tool. It may be very dangerous for a while. Be careful , I may not be able to protect you. "

"Hmm!" Black Hitomi nodded hard, holding the dead marching tightly [Bafang].

Leoni is also cleaning up his belongings, but he doesn't know when he will return this time.

Pan Chen sat quietly in his chair and began to promote the Black Dragon assault technique. He first integrated the air flow control in the scarlet breath into it.

20%, 30%, 35% on the first floor

With a little improvement, Pan Chen has become more and more proficient in black dragon assassination. This skill has reached the third level and can even fly for a short time. It seems that the emperor has the general control of the airflow to form two invisible The wings pulled up in an instant and reached the speed of light.

Fall from the sky and kill the enemy!

This is also the strongest mystery of the black dragon attack, the evil dragon soars.

Boom—A stream of air broke through instantly, and Pan Chen threw an invisible whirlwind around him, directly lifting his body and suspending it in the air.

Has reached the second level: speed!

Can glide in the air briefly, bring a gust of wind, and tear the enemy in an instant!

Pan Chen glanced at the progress. The second layer was 1%, and he needed 1000 points to complete his practice. He gritted his teeth and put all the points into it.

Suddenly the wind around the body became more violent.

boom! !

A turbulent turbulent airflow spreading around him as the center, and the black pupil standing behind him was unstable, and even Leonai was rushed back two steps by the terrifying and powerful airflow.

"What is this?" Leoni looked staring behind Pan Chen.

Black Hitomi was also dumbfounded.

"Evil Dragon Soars!" With Pan Chen's low roar, a sharp and harsh sound wave spreading around, and there were invisible cyclones in the air, which immediately gathered behind Pan Chen, forming two huge translucent Wings, the body of the wings is filled with endless white air flow, as if it exists substantially.

The entire wing is extremely large, as if it is the wing of a real black dragon. Although it is very small for the black dragon, it is very large for Pan Chen, and he can easily take him to fly! ..

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