0182 Liner: Master, I can’t do it anymore, I’m going to die (2/10, please subscribe!)

After killing the world, Su Xin released Long Feier and Lin’er from the Myriad Beasts Chart.

The already restless heart, after seeing Long Feier’s sexy bunny dress, suddenly exploded a bit. This lust actually didn’t cause much trouble to Su Xin, she just needed to vent.

Master “What’s the matter with you? You seem very uncomfortable?” Lin Er saw Su Xin’s eyes were red and she was panting heavily, her heart tightened and she asked with concern.

On the other hand, Long Feier showed a not so good look.

“The leader of the Xuantian Alliance is a supreme cultivator in the late stage of the quasi-emperor. I tried my best to force him to explode the quasi-emperor avatar, but unexpectedly one of the avatars contained endless lustful power. , At this moment, the lust in my heart has been completely hooked out, if I don’t have sex with men and women immediately, my name, Su Xin, may be ruined today!” Su Xin spoke very quickly, and then moved towards the ball. He Long Feier growled, “You haven’t taken off your clothes yet, come here?”

Long Feier’s face tightened, Su Xin forced the late-stage cultivators of Emperor Zhun to expose himself as a clone of Emperor Zhun? Is he lying?

That’s not right, Su Xin doesn’t need it. She and Lin’er are already Su Xin’s mounts and maids. It’s not surprising to say that they are concubines. would make up such a story.

Su Xin couldn’t take care of it so much anymore, she directly stripped herself, and then waved to Lin’er, “Come here, Fei Lin’er, Master will take good care of you today.”

Lin Erfang’s heart trembled, but she didn’t have the slightest reluctance.

She just walked up to Su Xin and pressed her face shyly to Su Xin’s chest. Su Xin started to untie her clothes without saying a word, but she was upset at this time, and the maid outfit was actually a bit complicated, making Su Xin In the end, the maid outfit was torn apart violently.

So, everything that followed seemed to come naturally, and Su Xin and Lin’er practiced the 18 Awei Forms together in front of Long Feier.”

The flying dragon is in the sky!

Raptors cross the river!

Electric Light Poison Dragon Drill!

Mandarin duck legs!

Su Xin Cart!

Lynn is on a plane!

In fact, Su Xin didn’t lose her mind. Long Feier’s expression on the side was shocked and stunned by her posture.

He, why is he so skilled?

Although the lust avatar of the Six Desires Emperor is a great holy realm, Su Xin directly refined the avatar, and the power of lust was completely ignited, and it was impossible for Su Xin to calm down once or twice.

I don’t know how many times have passed, Lin’er’s expression changed from pain at the beginning, relief to now rolling her eyes.

“Lord, Master, Lin’er is dying, Lin’er is going to die, Master, please let her go.” Pearl begged for mercy like a gossamer, rolling her eyes a little pitifully.

Su Xin saw that Lin’er had reached her limit, and her realm had even broken through to the middle stage of Sendai, but she still did not see her lust subside.

There was no way, Su Xin’s eyes were placed on Long Feier, who was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

After a day and a night of fighting, Su Xin regained his senses. At this time, Lin’er and Long Fei’er were already dressed and their expressions were different. I don’t know what I’m thinking.

“It seems that in the future, you can’t underestimate the strong emperors, and you can’t be too greedy for other people’s heritage.” Su Xin recovered, and her realm rose from the peak of the middle stage of the saint to the later stage of the saint.

Even if Su Xin now faces the Six Desires Zhundi in his heyday, it is estimated that he will be completely crushed, and the opponent will not even have the chance to escape.

Even if the Six Desires Zhundi escaped, but his lifespan was almost at the end of his life, and Su Xin’s plan to become an immortal cauldron was shattered, it would never be possible for him to become the emperor in the future.

When there is time, Su Xin will naturally find out the other party and kill them all.

“Master, you are so amazing, Lin’er was almost killed by her master.” The atmosphere was a little silent, Lin’er suddenly blushed and said, she has recovered, and her eyes are full of affection, and it seems that she has a good chance of reconciling with Su Xin. The mind of fighting several rounds.

“Huh? Why do you talk so lewd?” Su Xin glanced at Lin’er, wondering if this girl had tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, and she couldn’t stop?

Lin’er stuck out her fragrant tongue, and Tingting stood on one side, without speaking again.

As for Long Feier, she seemed to have known that this day was coming, but she did not expect it to be so turbulent.

“The reason why the Xuantian Alliance wants to capture the arrogance of all tribes is to sacrifice the arrogance of all tribes, condense the so-called “immortal porridge”, and help the leader of the Xuantian Alliance, the six desires, to step into the realm of the emperor.” Su Xin looked solemn. Come down and speak to Long Feier.

“Have you succeeded in sacrificing the arrogance of all races?”

“I would have died a long time ago if I succeeded. There should be some remnants of the Xuantian Alliance that have not been removed. I don’t want to worry about it anymore, and the other thing is, the ancient gods and demons were suddenly born, and there is a late-stage demon emperor who can easily do it. The mid-quasi-emperor monk who killed the Protoss is now estimated to have completely controlled the Protoss.” Su Xin said to himself, as if he wanted to let Long Feier know about the outside world, but rather be a canary raised in the beasts Figure.

Hearing the news of the ancient gods and demons, Long Fei’er certainly wouldn’t think that Su Xin had nothing to do with making up stories to deceive her, but she just learned from Su Xin’s mouth that she didn’t know what to express about the birth of the Demon Emperor. .

“Lin’er will go back to the Myriad Beasts Map first, and Fei’er will follow me around here to see if we can trace the traces of the Six Desires Zhundi.” Su Xin pondered for a while, then withdrew from the killing world and took Lin’er back to the Myriad Beasts Map.

Long Feier put on conservative clothes. Of course, the good (good) man of the rabbit girl can only be admired by Su Xin alone. He Su Xin is not generous enough to let his woman show up to others in revealing clothes. before.

Returning to the Xuantian Temple again, I found that the arrogance of the ten thousand clans had almost gone.

But in fact, this place is one of the forbidden places in the mainland, and there are dangers everywhere. If no one of them knows the safe route and can leave the Nether Forest calmly, there is a great possibility of escaping the catastrophe of the Xuantian Alliance, and they will die in this Netherworld. in the forest.

But these Su Xin didn’t care very much, and he didn’t come to rescue the arrogance of thousands of clans. If the six desires had already condensed the cauldron of immortality when he came, Su Xin would even take action to snatch it.

After searching for the trace of Emperor Liuyu Zhundi nearby, Su Xin followed Long Feier’s delicate body and left the Nether Forest along the safe route.


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