0181 Su Xin who is horny (1/10, please subscribe!)

The immortal nirvana unfolded, and the wind and fire enveloped Su Xin. The Emperor Liu Yu was stunned for a while, but the speed of his reaction was also extremely fast. He didn’t know what trump cards Su Xin had.

But it is absolutely not tolerated by the other party to use this flame supernatural power like this.

“Six desires to seal the lips!”

I saw Liu Yu and a bowl of quarrel, and the five clones all turned into a black light and fused together and printed on the lips, and then the main body also split a black gas into the black seal.

Immediately afterwards, the black mark evolved into a black poisonous needle that was invisible to the naked eye and shot directly at Su Xin, who was surrounded by wind and fire.

This fusion of the strongest magical powers of his Six Desires Promise Heavenly Demon Dao is a heinous poison needle!

Even if the cultivator of the late Emperor Quandi was hit by this needle, his cultivation would have to retreat and retreat again in a short period of time.

What Liu Yu is good at is not close combat with the flesh, but his supernatural powers are unmatched by ordinary people. His intention is not to be domineering, but it is extremely sinister and vicious.

The poison needle melted into the fire, but there was no sound for a moment.

23 Liuyu’s heart was shocked, and some did not know why.

How did he know that in the process of immortality and nirvana, there was originally the protection of the power of law, and this innate ability was a god-given ability, which could not interrupt the process of Su Xin’s rebirth at all.

Liu Yu’s own strongest magical power actually seemed to have no effect, his face was gloomy and water was dripping, but he was using the magical power again in his hand.

He transformed into an endless purple magic light, and seemed to use the ban method to keep Su Xin firmly imprisoned.

In the end, it is worthy of being a late emperor cultivator, and the amount of magical powers he has cultivated is not comparable to that of ordinary great sage cultivators.

This time the ban was effective, but it still couldn’t interrupt Su Xin’s rebirth.

Soon, Su Xin broke out of the cocoon directly, and his cultivation level also reached the peak of the middle stage of the saint, and his eyes were extremely clear, completely gone.

“Is this Nirvana?” Liu Yu saw that Su Xin’s state was exhausted, but instead, he was reborn, and his realm broke through a small realm, “Impossible! How can a human cultivator have the conditions to use Nirvana supernatural powers!”


After Su Xin’s rebirth, he once again transformed into a celestial ape. He used blood-burning and madness for the second time. He held a phoenix blood spear, but his power was much stronger than before.

The combined combat power multiplier of burning blood and maddening will not be greatly improved due to Nirvana, but the key point is that Su Xin’s basic combat power has been improved at this time, so naturally it is dozens of times of combat power increase, compared to Sage’s initial burst is more powerful.

In the past, Su Xin’s combat power was comparable to that of the Emperor Six Desires, but now it is completely surpassed!

“Is it because of my serious injury that my eyesight is blurred? How do I feel that Su Xin has become more than ten times stronger in this short period of time?”

“You don’t have dazzling eyes, Su Xin seems to have used a magical power similar to Nirvana, regained his life and broke through to the middle stage of the saint, and his combat power has skyrocketed again!”

“This human race, Su Xin, is also too terrifying. It was unbelievable that the Xeon cultivator in the late stage of the Emperor was able to draw a tie, and now it is even more likely to catch up?”

Wanzu Tianjiao was shocked by Su Xin’s performance, and at this time Wang Tong was ready to leave with the good people.

Kick, Kick!

Just when the arrogant people of all tribes were shocked and sighed, Su Xin had already come to Liuyu, and the blood phoenix gun in his hand blasted away. blasted away.

His terrifying murderous aura had already spread out, and Liu Yu’s expression had completely changed at this time.

He threw out a picture of the Demon-cutting Mysterious Bell in front of him, but under Su Xin’s terrifying offensive, the quasi-imperial weapon began to show signs of being broken.

“This old man’s whole life’s hard work is going to be ruined in the hands of this kid today, is it that God wants to prevent me from becoming the emperor of Liuyu!” Liuyu was indignant, no matter what, it was impossible for him to condense the ambition of becoming a celestial cauldron and ascending to the emperor. Wei Nian was in trouble.


The quasi-emperor’s tool to cut off the devil’s mysterious bell was smashed into pieces by Su Xin, Liu Yu’s eyes tightened, but he said in a crazy manner: “You destroy my way to the emperor, the old man will die today, and I will also perish with you!”

He was originally short-lived, so even with such a roar, he really had the stance of going to Huangquan with Su Xin.

“Five desires clone, burst burst burst!

This six desires quasi emperor is really willing, and the five avatars that he has spent an unknown amount of effort have actually exploded at the moment, and the power is naturally terrifying.

But these six desires have no idea of ​​perishing with Su Xin at all. The reason why he gave up the five clones is because Su Xin’s combat power has surpassed him at this moment. If he doesn’t do this, he must die!

Looking at Su Xin again, the five counties exploded one after another, but they only had time to control and refine the avatars in Lingxing’s body. Then when the other four quasi-emperor avatars exploded, Su Xin immediately transformed into an earth-like demeanor, supporting him. Open defense.

Kick, Kick, Kick!

The momentum and power of the explosion of the four quasi-emperor clones are really terrifying. Rao is Su Xin’s defense power at this time is against the sky, and his defensive talents are all strong and strong. He was also stunned by the explosion. The Six Desires Zhundi who escaped and left.

The cultivators in the late stage of Emperor Zhundi were still a bit difficult to kill. He wanted to escape and abandoned the five precious avatars. Su Xin had no choice, but it was a pity that he only refined the avatars with the lowest level of cultivation. If all refining, Su Xin’s 303 strength is likely to break through to the Great Holy Land.

How rare it is for a quasi-emperor strong person, Su Xin naturally regretted it extremely.

The explosion of Liuyu’s four clones was extremely powerful. Even though Su Xin had endured most of the power, some of them were still affected, killing and injuring more than 2,000 people from all ethnic groups.

“Escaped? The late Emperor Zhundi cultivator was seriously injured by Su Xin and escaped!”

Tianjiao came back to his senses and exclaimed in surprise, but Su Xin’s complexion suddenly changed.

He is a bit greedy for the background of the six desires avatar, but he did not think that the six desires are evil monks, and the weakest avatar refined by him represents the lust in the six desires!

He ate it in one bite, and what he had to endure was the lustful impulse that he couldn’t resist at all.

There are many women with soft bodies and beautiful faces in Wanzu Tianjiao, but Su Xin will not show animalistic vent at this time.

But how to dissipate this urge?

Su Xin immediately left the place of formation, and then killed all the monks in the Xuantian Temple, leaving no one behind, which was extremely cruel.

Immediately afterwards, he found a remote place in the Nether Forest and set up the Demon Prison Suppression and Killing World.

How to solve?

Doesn’t he Su Xin have two cute battle maids?

Isn’t it right and proper to warm the bed for the master?

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