0183 Self-created magical powers, Lushan Qianlongba? [3/10, please subscribe!)

Leaving the Nether Forest, Su Xin stayed in mid-air for a while, and fell silent for a rare moment.

Mu Qingxue was not captured by the Xuantian Alliance, so could it be that her disappearance was an oolong, she made a fuss about herself, and actually Mu Qingxue just went out shopping?

“Aren’t you going to return to the human race?” While Su Xin pondered, Long Feier in his arms asked after a while.

“Don’t worry, I’ll find a place first. I have some comprehension about cultivation to test it.” Su Xin came back to his senses, nodded to Long Feier, and then chose a direction to fly away.

This time, in the battle with the monks of the late Emperor Zhundi, Su Xin’s realm increased from the early stage of the saint to the late stage of the saint, and the speed of improvement naturally did not disappoint Su Xin, but the battle with the monks of the late Emperor Zhundi gave Su Xin some insight. comprehend.

That’s magic!

Almost none of Su Xin’s supernatural powers were acquired by himself through hard training, but his power was very powerful, and he was able to combine his various talents and abilities to increase his power again.

But this time Su Xin passed the battle of the six desires in the later period of Emperor Zhundi, but once again had a bold idea in his heart that he had neglected before.

He can fuse supernatural powers with his own innate ability 307, and his innate abilities can also be integrated with each other, so why not try to integrate various powerful supernatural powers, gather the strengths of hundreds of schools, and create his own anti-sky supernatural powers? ?

There is a detailed analysis of supernatural powers in the first layer of the “Thirty-three Heavenly Conferred Gods Codex”, from which Su Xin can infer that it is possible to combine supernatural powers and create supernatural powers on the basis of fusion.

Therefore, Su Xin wanted to give it a try, and the 33rd Heavenly Conferred God Code was really extraordinary, and he didn’t mean to waste it.

Su Xin found a big mountain and temporarily opened a cave house, allowing Lin’er and Long Feier to practice freely, and by the way, also acted as the task of protecting herself.

After everything is ready, Su Xin’s first goal is the two powerful supernatural powers, the Eight-Qi Demon Dragon and the Thousand-handed Fighting Buddha. The new supernatural power, then the power must not be underestimated, and will make Su Xin’s combat power once again improved.

This time, it can be said that it is the first time that Su Xin has calmed down and studied about supernatural powers.

As time passed, Su Xin seemed to have forgotten that there was still time, and Lin’er and Long Feier outside the secret room of the cave did not disturb Su Xin’s mind.

Su Xin’s comprehension can be described as terrifying. Every time he fuses genes, his comprehension will be improved more or less. With this accumulation over time, Su Xin’s talent will of course rise to an exaggerated level. .

To learn other people’s supernatural powers at a glance, in addition to the special ability of the Eye of All Laws, one’s own perception also plays a crucial role.

In addition to the first layer of the “Thirty-three Heavenly Conferred Gods Code”, the stripping and analysis of supernatural powers also made Su Xin’s integration of self-created supernatural powers appear very smooth.

After more than a month, Su Xin finally had a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

He walked out of the secret room and led the two daughters to the sky above this mountain range under the surprise of Lin’er and Long Feier’s eyes.

“Master, what are you going to do?” Lin’er’s face was slightly confused, while Long Feier’s expression was thoughtful.

Su Xin took a deep breath and said, “I’ve been sorting out my supernatural powers this month, trying to create a new supernatural power based on the fusion of two powerful supernatural powers. At present, I have a clear understanding in my heart. But after all This is the first time I created my own magical powers, maybe let the two of you have a look and give me some suggestions.

As soon as the words were finished, the two girls showed surprised expressions, creating their own magical powers within a month?

Shouldn’t the self-created supernatural power be ‘playing family boxing’?

However, despite these thoughts in the hearts of the two girls, there is still a hint of anticipation in their beautiful eyes (cdda).

Immediately afterwards, I saw Su Xin settle down, and then punched the mountain below.

This punch slammed out, and immediately thousands of dragon shadows flew out from behind him, each of which was tens of thousands of feet in size, and Su Xin’s complexion also changed in an instant, even more pale.

Obviously, Su Xin, who was in the middle stage of the sage, was shocked by the consumption of Yuan force caused by this punch. You must know that he has not used various innate abilities such as blood burning and madness.

Thousands of dragon shadows are like real objects, and each has an indescribable terrifying power. Among the thousand dragons, there are blood dragons, thunder dragons, fire dragons, wind energy, king dragons, water dragons, etc., all of which seem to represent Su Xin an innate ability.

This is a brand new supernatural power created by Su Xin based on his own many talents and abilities, combined with the characteristics of the Thousand Hands Battle Buddha and the Eight Qi Demon Dragon.

With that power, thousands of dragons came out in unison, directly smashing the mountain range of 100,000 miles below into the ground, and the ground directly smashed out of the Qianlong Pit, like an abyss.

The expressions of Lin’er and Long Feier were completely stunned, what kind of magical power is this?

Su Xin also asked them to give some advice? How to advise? Suggest that Su Xin, who can create such terrifying supernatural powers, died on the spot?

The two girls were shocked, and Su Xin also muttered to herself in a trance: “Brilliant!

Su Xin himself had never imagined that the power of the brand-new supernatural powers he created within a month would be so powerful. Although the consumption was terrifying, Su Xin’s background could still be endured.

This guy’s attitude towards supernatural powers has always been to copy other people’s, and then use it to fuse his talents and abilities to increase his power.

However, this kind of improvement is only superficial. If the essence of supernatural powers is improved, and then the talent ability is integrated, the power will be stronger.

Innate ability only refers to the effect of power augmentation for supernatural powers. As for the effect of augmentation, it depends on whether the supernatural power being augmented is powerful.

Master, “What is this trick called?” After Lin’er was shocked, she asked urgently.

Su Xin was stunned when she heard that, yes, she hasn’t given a name yet.

Well, this trick is to not see the shadow of the Thousand-handed War Buddha and the Eight Qi Mana. It combines the specialties of the two. It is a real new supernatural power, and it is only a supernatural power created by him Su Xin. .

“It’s called “Qianlong Road. “Su Xin thought about it and said slowly.

Qianlong Road, it may not be impossible to rise to Wanlong Road and Billion Dragon Road in the future!

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