0144 places to auction, squeeze the wealth of the great sage! (4/10, please subscribe!)

A few days passed, and there were still five days before the imperial palace trial, and Zi Yuan couldn’t help bothering Su Xin.

And Su Xin has completely stabilized his realm at this time, and he will be able to hit the middle stage of Sendai in a few days.

Opening the door and looking at Ziyuan, Su Xin didn’t know her intentions, so she pretended to be puzzled and said, “Senior Ziyuan, what’s the matter?”

Jian Chen was originally in the top one hundred and eighth place, but if he died in the ring, the place would naturally disappear and would not be filled.

Now that Su Xin has the quota in hand plus the quota of space, he can bring a total of twelve great saints and twenty-five saints to Fengshen Emperor Palace.

But in fact, the trial of the Emperor Fengshen Palace is also a life-and-death experience for the great sages. Before, Ziyuan had made it clear that she would not go to the Emperor Fengshen, that is, some great sages of the human race who were about to go to the Fengshen Emperor were ready to go to the Fengshen Emperor. Imperial Palace, and not many.

Therefore, it can be said that the current quota of the human race is a bit more.

“Su Xin, it’s about the quota. There will be a total of five great saints and ten saints from the human race to go to the Emperor’s Palace, so Su Xin, you only need to come up with three great saints.” Shion said straight to the point.

“Take out?

“Of course, if you have any request, we will do our best to satisfy you.” Zi Yuan was taken aback, secretly thinking that this kid is really a master who doesn’t want to suffer.

When Su Xin heard this, she replied simply: “Very good, I want to sacrifice a sword tire, so I need the top refining materials in the gold category. For three places, it will be for you to collect the whole sacrifice for me. The material for refining the sword tire.”

“Sword fetus? Are you still cultivating swords?” Zi Yuan Meimei was shocked, but Si Cun Yi or two did not ask more, but said, “This is not a problem, I don’t need to wait until I return to the human race, and then let the Holy Land forces help you. collect.

“Okay, as for the remaining places, the great sages of other races should come to my human palace often recently, right?” Su Xin will not oppress the human race too much, and it is enough for them to collect the refining materials for the sword tires. .

But the quota must be used well, after all, after this time point, it is worthless at all.

Humans don’t need it anymore, it doesn’t mean that other races don’t need the great sages who want to enter the Emperor’s Palace to seek opportunities.

“You are very smart, they did come with an idea to buy the Great Sage and Sage places in your hands, and the price they gave is very attractive.” Zi Yuan didn’t know Su Xin’s thoughts, and immediately replied with a smile.

“Is that so, then I’ll trouble Senior Zi Yuan to inform the Great Sage of other races that I, Su Xin, will hold a quota auction tonight, and I want the highest bidder for the quota.

“That’s a good idea.” Zi Yuan couldn’t help but praised when he heard it, the more valuable a single place is if there is competition.

When Su Xin finished speaking, she took out a storage bag from her arms and handed it to Shion.

Zi Yuan took it and saw that there were 100,000 top-grade spirit stones in it, and immediately looked at Su Xin with a puzzled expression.

“How could this kind of communication hand make Shion-senpai go away in vain?”

Shion: “???”

Co-authoring and giving me 100,000 high-grade spirit stones, you will let me run errands with peace of mind? My Great Holy Land is so worthless?

“Okay, then I’ll accept it.” Zi Yuan was speechless, accepted the spirit stone, and left immediately.

After Su Xin left Ziyuan, he laughed aloud, this time he must take this opportunity to squeeze the wealth of the great sages of all ethnic groups.

At night, in the courtyard where the human palace Su Xin is located, all the great saints of all ethnic groups appear here, and there is not even a place to sit.

“It’s an auction, it’s here? Let me wait for the Great Sage to stand like this?” The Great Sage Chongxiao of the demon clan said with a displeased expression, his demon clan really lacked a spot this time.

Characters like the great sage and the strong are naturally deep, and things are very clear. Su Xin wants to sell the quota. He pays the price to buy it. This is a transaction. The matter, the Great Sage of Chongwan will naturally have other ideas.

But Su Xin didn’t plan to sell it to him, and of course he didn’t bother to ask him to go directly. Wouldn’t it be more irritating to let him stand and not get a spot?

“This is the meaning of the juniors, and it has nothing to do with my human race. The juniors now have a total of 17 great sages and 20 sages. The sages will be shot first, and the five will be tied up.” Su Xin appeared in front of the great sages, Youyou opened his mouth and said.

“What! Even the auction is bundled, my Tianyu clan only needs three sage places!” A great sage of the Tianyu clan immediately frowned.

“Then you can shoot five, and then sell the remaining two to others.” Su Xin glanced at the great sage.

The great sage was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

“If you don’t accept the spirit stone, take the treasures of heaven and earth. I will choose whoever has the highest value. Let’s start.” Su Xin spoke again, and then waited for the performance of the great saints of all ethnic groups.

The faces of the great saints pondered for a while, and then a great saint of the god race opened his mouth and said: Jin Ding, “Tianlin and Taixu Jinshi exchange for your five saints!”

…for flowers…0

“I am out of Lieyang Tianbing a pound.

“I have a pound of Seven Lights Divine Iron, I can take it out.

“Buddhist magic treasure Prajna holy branch.

The great saints competed for quotations, Su Xin pondered for one or two, and chose the Seven Lights Divine Iron.

It was followed by the second five-sage quota.

“Silver Moon Dragon Leaf.”

“Flying wolf holy root!”

“Wait, the holy root of the flying wolf is the beast whip?” Su Xin raised his head and asked the great sage, who was stunned for a moment, then replied, “It is a unique medicinal pill of our clan, and it is suitable for sages and strong sages. It all works great.”

After he finished pondering-two, he tried to say: “But if you want something like the beast whip, I have it too!”


“No need, thank you for your kindness, senior.” Su Xin’s face darkened, and he continued to listen to the quotation.

“One piece of colorful colored glaze treasured clothing.” At this moment, a female Great Sage of the Dream Clan opened her mouth with a smile, and took out a colorful and extremely shining treasured clothing.

“Shh, Liuyue, what are you doing? You have to take out a king-level magic weapon?” Immediately, a great saint from another clan sneered.

“It is indeed a king-level magic weapon, but don’t forget it!” The Great Sage Liuyue smiled, and the other Great Sages were stunned for a moment, “It is very beautiful, and it is the best choice to give it to someone you like.”

All the great saints were speechless for a while, yes yes yes, your dream clan likes to play these bells and whistles.

However, Su Xin looked at the colorful glaze clothes, his eyes sank, and then said: “I want it.

It is a good choice to give it to Liu Yiling. If you think about it, you can’t always give Liu Yiling some professional uniforms for mortals in the region.

“Didn’t Su Xiaoyou say that whoever has the highest value should choose whoever?” There was a great sage who was puzzled, and it seemed that his offer was not taken seriously, and he was unhappy.

“To be precise, what I’m looking for is what is of high value to me.” Su Xin replied lightly.

“Well said, everyone’s values ​​are different, how can you put your own values ​​on Su Xiaoyou, old ghost Chiliu?” A great sage stood up and agreed, and then changed the topic and said: “The old man is out of Luanfeng. Lingyun bun and peony gauze fan!”

Su Xin’s face darkened, and she said coldly, “I don’t accept the king-level magic weapon now!”


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