0145 Three trials of king, saint and emperor (5/10, please subscribe!)

The sage quota was shot a total of four times, and what I got is really not very attractive to Su Xin today. Of course, this is the sage quota, and it is just worth the price.

“Next is the number of great sages. There are seven in total. Now I will make one. Seniors, please bid, and I will choose the one I like. Of course, if there are more opportunistic tricks, it will not work.” Su Xin said After finishing, he glanced at the Liuyue Great Sage of the Dream Clan.

The latter smiled and didn’t say anything, but in his eyes, he looked as if he was determined to win the next Great Sage.

“The old man gave out a Heavenly Demon Bead. This bead was left behind when my demon clan’s great sage was sitting and transformed. Its power is not trivial. It is more than enough for you to be a great sage.” Throwing it was a demon bead flying in front of Su Xin.

Su Xin had indeed heard about the Heavenly Demon Pearl, but this guy had no intention of selling it to the Great Sage Chongxiao.

When the Great Sage Chongxiao saw this, his brows furrowed.

“Middle-level Saint Soldier’s Emotionless Magic Sword!”

“I have a weapon that I can handle, but I don’t need a weapon!” Su Xin rolled his eyes, how could Laozi be worthy of Laozi’s black-bellied nature if he didn’t squeeze you out.

“The Fell Moon White Dragon will cut off a young beast. If it wasn’t for this old man’s deadline, these monsters would definitely not be brought out!” A great sage of the barren tribe said immediately.

“Cub training is too slow, it’s better to grab the mount directly, I’m not interested.” Su Xin waved his hand, he has Tianfeng Lin’er, and he has already regarded Taixu Gulong as his second mount, what more do you want? Do other cubs have to be vigorously cultivated by themselves?

He can’t even cultivate gold-devouring worms.

“Extremely Fire Dragon Profound Armor, this is the supreme defensive treasure of the holy soldier level. Even if Su Xiaoyou doesn’t use it himself, it is a good choice to give it to someone close to him.” Another great holy man took out a fire lin armor.

Su Xin still didn’t make a statement, and some of the great saints who wanted to fight for the latter places haven’t shot yet.

Su Xin was not in a hurry, just listened to the quotations of the great sages silently, and couldn’t see any expressions, but every time the great sage Chongxiao made a bid, he showed a subtle expression of disdain, which made the great sage of Chongxiao angry. .

The auction of these seven Great Sages continued until the next day before the end of the day.

“This kid, he really eats people and doesn’t spit out his bones!” The seven great saints who took away the quota of great saints all had the same idea at this time. If they didn’t cut a piece of meat, Su Xin would not express their position at all.

Even deliberately revealed the idea of ​​​​would rather not sell than compromise.

The things that Su Xin obtained can be said to be very rich. First of all, it is the Netherworld Iron. This iron is the only refining material for refining the treasures of the evil way. Materials, Su Xin can try to upgrade the level of the Soul Banner to the level of the Holy Soldier.

The other six are: Extreme Fire Slaying Dragon Profound Armor, Soul Sorrow Ghost Orb, Demon Dragon Magic Miasma Dan, Cui Yu Zhen Shui, Yasha Sky Fire, and Ziyun Xuan Lei.

That Yasha Heavenly Fire can devour his own Emperor Flame to increase the power of the Emperor in the fire, the Emperor Flame.

Anyway, Su Xin’s position is useless, and it is a joy to be able to extort a sum of money.

Soon, the day to enter the Conferred God Emperor Palace trial finally came.

The five great saints of the human race are the great saint of Xuanyin, the great saint of nine swords, the great saint of Shenyue of Dayan Holy Land, the old pavilion master of Ziguang Pavilion, Nangong Wentian, the great saint of Beidou of Zhenwu Holy Land, and the five saints of the human race. .

Most of these ten people entered the Emperor Fengshen Palace because their own longevity was coming, and the trial of the Emperor Fengshen Palace was also difficult for them to survive.

On the Terran side, it was naturally Su Xin and Space.

It’s just that the space has temporarily decided not to participate in the trial. As for what it means, Su Xin doesn’t know.

One hundred and eight Tianjiao, in addition to space, plus those who died in the ring and gave up voluntarily, now there are ninety-eight people plus Su Xin.

The great sage and the powerful sages were arranged to seek their own opportunities in the imperial palace. Su Xin saw them entering a teleportation formation and guessed that they should go to a small world.

“You wait for the ninety-eight people to be sure.” The quasi-emperor puppet old man looked at Su Xin and the others and spoke slowly. He spoke slowly, and he would break sentences in the middle of the sentence. Listening to him is a kind of Tormented, “Participate in the trial?”

“Since I have come here, I will naturally make all preparations!” Fei Ling Shenzi replied immediately.

“Very well, the trials are divided into three levels, namely, the king-level trial, the holy-level trial, and the emperor-level trial. Trial!”

Su Xin and other Tianjiao of all ethnic groups were shocked together. The other Tianjiao were surprised but then took it for granted. Although Su Xin was one level higher than them, it was uncomfortable but it was a fact.

“You kid has reached the standard of the Holy Trial, but you can also choose to participate in the King Trial, just” the old man Zhundi looked at Su Xin, Su Xin has already made up his mind and won’t have any fluctuations in his heart until he finishes speaking. , “The rewards for passing the king-level trial are completely incomparable to those for passing the holy-level trial.”

“Where’s the emperor?” Su Xin thought for a while, then replied.

“The emperor-level trial must be attended by the Great Sacred Realm, and it is still necessary to be able to defeat the emperor’s arrogance in the Great Sacred Realm. You are still… The quasi-emperor old man’s eyes suddenly narrowed, and his aura was awe-inspiring, making many Tianjiao’s hearts big. Wei Ran said, “It’s very small. ”

This old man’s way of speaking is simply maddening, but because he is a powerhouse equivalent to the quasi-emperor realm, no one dares to shout at the old man to let him speak well.

“Okay, all the little guys who participated in the king-level trial will follow him. Human Su Xin will come with me.” The old man quasi-emperor waved his hand, and a burly lion-headed puppet emerged from the palace behind him, except for Su Xin. , The other arrogances followed this lion head and left.

And Su Xin followed the old man Zhundi and walked in the other direction.

“Although you have reached the standard in 3.0, the holy-level trial is a life-and-death experience for you. If you can pass it, you will naturally have a great luck. If you don’t pass it, the only one who will die.” There is a tendency to feel pity for the fall of such a genius as Su Xin.

The king-level trial does not represent the king-level gene, it is the standard set by the master of the Emperor’s Palace, not the standard that Su Xin thought, even the god-level gene is not qualified to participate in the holy-level trial. How terrifying the gold content of the trial is.

As for the emperor-level trial, only Tianjiao who can kill the emperor in the great sage is qualified to participate. Even Su Xin has no confidence to do it.

Even a small realm in the same realm represents a huge gap in strength.

The owner of this God Emperor Palace doesn’t treat the emperor as a human being?

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