0143 Promoted to the emperor level, immortal nirvana! (3/10, please subscribe!)

Leaving the Emperor Fengshen Palace again, he found that there are still many geniuses in the Fengshen Arena.

It turns out that the Conferred God Arena is not forbidden to be used. After the Tianjiao Conference is completely over, the major Tianjiao of the ten thousand clans will naturally know their skills, and they will learn from each other through this rare opportunity.

In other words, the Tianjiao Conference is over, but the residual heat will continue for a while.

This is not bad. Su Xin turned his eyes and saw that his senior sister Hua was discussing with a woman of the same realm from the Meng clan.

“Su Lang.” Seeing Su Xin walking out of the Fengshen Emperor Palace, Liu Yiling immediately stepped forward and called out.

Su Xin held her little hand and immediately walked over to the Terran side.

“After half a month of the trial of the Emperor’s Palace, you broke through the Immortal Stage, so you can take this opportunity to consolidate your realm and make all the preparations.” Seeing Su Xin’s arrival, Ziyuan immediately said through voice transmission, “I didn’t do it before. I tell you that I don’t want you to have superfluous thoughts, this God Emperor Palace’s trial for Tianjiao is a near-death experience, but if you can pass the trial, it will be reborn and go to a higher level!”

The Trial of Nine Deaths!

Zi Yuan’s expression is a little serious, not like a fake. For Tianjiao, what the human race wants is not to protect, but to protect the Tao, and prevent Tianjiao from being killed by the powerhouses of his 280 other races during the growth process.

But it will not reject the so-called trials. The Emperor Palace has existed for such a long time, and it has almost the same lifespan as Xuantian Continent. Naturally, the trials in it will not include any elements aimed at Tianjiao. Its standard has always been so.

The higher your talent, the stronger your strength, and you can naturally turn your life from nine deaths into two lives after eight deaths, seven or three lives, and so on.

In addition, “The first place in the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao…cough.” At the end of the sentence, Zi Yuan coughed a little embarrassedly. Now Su Xin can bring ten great saints and twenty strong saints into the Emperor’s Palace. .

Tianjiao has the trials of Tianjiao, and the great sage and the saint also have their own opportunities in the imperial palace.

“Let’s talk about this when I go back to consolidate the realm first.” Su Xin laughed, how could it be possible that the quota is white, give you some time to provoke pain and cut some meat.

Zi Yuan didn’t know what Su Xin meant, and nodded immediately, thinking about what to come up with to satisfy this kid.

Su Xin strode towards the Human Race Palace, and the eyes of countless thousands of people were all focused on Su Xin. They were silent, but they were actually a little ashamed.

Su Xin is too dazzling, dazzling to be the protagonist of this era!

Along the way, Wang Tong was very comfortable with Su Xin, who was pacing the horses. After returning to the palace, Su Xin and Liu Yiling chatted a few times and immediately entered their room and started to consolidate their realm.

By the way, the god-level genes in his hands began to be fused one by one, so that his own gene level hit the emperor level.

It took three days in a row for Su Xin to successfully fuse the god-level gene and the emperor-level gene in his hand.

“Ding, the fusion of god-level Jin Yuan genes is successful, and the innate ability is awakened: the endless light body.”

“Ding, the fusion of god-level savvy genes has been successful, but the innate ability has not been awakened, and my savvy has improved.

“Heh, the fusion of the emperor-level Feng Yuan gene is successful, and the innate ability is awakened: immortality and nirvana.

“Congratulations to the host, my gene level has been raised to the emperor level (7%).

Su Xin took a deep breath with surprise in his eyes, and finally raised his genetic level to the emperor level. Even the most outstanding Su Xin before Wanzu Tianjiao was not an emperor level gene. Today’s Su Xin has reached this point. His own achievements are naturally an immeasurable improvement.

You must know that for Su Xin, there is a world of difference in the combat power capacity between the god-level gene’s Sendai realm and the emperor-level gene’s Xiantai realm.

Being promoted to the emperor-level gene may be the fundamental reason for Su Xin to maintain two realms in the later realm to kill or defeat ordinary great sages.

Endless light body, this innate ability is a defensive talent, once it is cast (cdda), it turns into a golden sun, flashes the eyes of others, and the physical defense is greatly improved, far exceeding that of steel skin.”

Perhaps in the future, the Xuanguang Jiujing Shield can try to merge with the Endless Light Body.

The golden god child is indeed extraordinary. Without Su Xin, even if the time of the three-eyed boy’s trump card is still, it is estimated that it will not be able to break the opponent’s Zuma immortality. The three-eyed boy is obviously not there.

Undying Nirvana, this ability is very unique, and it seems to have a gap limit, just like the big move in the game, it has a CD, no matter what kind of serious injury you get, even if you are about to die in one breath, Undying Nirvana can make you instantly Nirvana has reached its peak state, which is equivalent to the second life, but currently it is impossible to cast it once, and then cast it a second time immediately.

It does not conflict with Su Xin’s passive regeneration, but makes up for the shortcomings of the passive regeneration in the early stage, one is full of blood instantly, the other is full of blood gradually, of course there are differences.

However, the passive regeneration is upgraded to the later stage, reaching the level of “destroying me and immortality” in the world, which is not comparable to immortality and nirvana.

And passive regeneration has a promoting effect on immortal nirvana, which is to shorten the CD time of immortal nirvana.

Nirvana of immortality gave Su Xin the confidence to really dare to challenge the Great Sage. If he can kill the opponent with one life, how can Laozi have another life?

The harvest of this Tianjiao Conference is too rich. You must know the growth rate of Su Xin, even if it takes a year to cultivate the secret technique of Jiufu, which is extremely time-consuming. .

And within a few months of this Tianjiao Conference, Su Xin was directly promoted from Tianxiang Realm to Sendai Realm.

Su Xin’s background is so terrifying, in the later stage, each realm is much more difficult than other cultivators, and of course the relative combat power will be far away from the cultivators of the same realm.

But this trip to the Shendi Ruins is not over yet, and there is still a trial of the Emperor Fengshen Palace waiting for Su Xin, and the Emperor Fengshen Palace, who can easily take out the quasi-emperor weapon, will the rewards for passing the trial be less?

What is the origin of the Emperor Fengshen Palace? Su Xin doesn’t know, and probably doesn’t know if he wants to know, but he knows that there must be something good waiting for him in it!

If so, what’s the point of it?

The difficulty of the trial is a lifetime of death? Now adding an immortal nirvana, it is estimated that for Su Xin, it is as easy as death!

Thinking of this, Su Xin showed a smile, and immediately continued to consolidate his realm. The strength of the emperor-level gene even made him have a tendency to attack the middle stage of Sendai.

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