0128 Space monk vs. Prince Styx! (8/10, please subscribe!)

The top 108 did not have an accurate battle arrangement, so they all showed up today, because everyone has the potential to play today.

And the randomness also means that the strong will meet the weak and win easily, and the strong will fight against the strong, and then the winner will be divided, which means that Su may play today, or he may meet another teenager when he plays. Great figure.

The first one, of course, was a lot of attention.

Although after Su Xin and Bo Xun’s move, Wanzu Tianjiao was like a shot in the arm, and looking at other Tianjiao battles, they would feel a lot of pediatrics, but they still couldn’t stop their interest in Tianjiao’s battle.

Fighting can make cultivators understand, and watching others fight will also gain a lot.

“Will a young emperor appear suddenly in the first game?”

“If that’s the case, it would be interesting.”

“No matter who is fighting against whom, the gold content of the top 108 Tianjiao is too high, and it is enough for me to wait and see.

Before the competition started, the arrogance of the ten thousand clans began to chat with each other.

The arrogance of the human race is also excited and looking forward to it. This time, three of the top 108 people have emerged. It can be said that they are greatly embarrassed, and they can be ranked second.

The first is the Protoss, in addition to the Son and Goddess, there are actually three. The power of the Protoss 270 can’t be said to be huge. Their territory is not as vast as the human race or the demon race, but the number of strong people in the race is the largest among all races.

For a long time, the Protoss considered themselves powerful, but there were few conflicts among other races.

As for the origin of the Protoss, it is rumored that it is the descendant of the Primordial Gods and Demons, and the Primordial Gods and Demons are a race that has long since died, so it is impossible to verify.

When the time came, I saw a divine light emerge from the two puppets guarding the four corners of the Conferred God Arena, the southeast, northwest, and four corners, falling on the wrist halo of the human space monk and the underworld young emperor Ming He, respectively.

The delicate little nun Jing’er’s expression froze, the young emperor’s reputation is so great, and he is even more famous at this moment, so this little nun’s face is a little nervous.

In the space, he folded his hands together, chanted the Buddha’s name in a low voice, and walked straight towards the broadcasting station.

“Shut up, why is my luck so bad, I met the Young Emperor!” Wang Tong smacked his mouth and said with a distressed expression.

Tianjiao “The rules of the conference are like this, it is impossible to avoid it.” Su Xin glanced at the guy and said lightly.

“No (cdda), last night there was a fool on the Mengzu side who opened a gambling table, I will definitely be able to enter the top fifty-four in the space, he met Prince Styx, I’m worth ten king’s weapons Isn’t the Lingshi going to go to waste?” Wang Tong looked annoyed, Su Xin took it with one foot and shouted: “Why don’t you call me if there is a gambling table!”

Wang Tong smiled dryly, and came up again.

“Interesting, I heard that this space is a dark horse on the side of the human race, and its realm is only in the early stage of Sendai. It is also very eye-catching to be able to enter the top 108.”

“It’s a pity that he met the prince of the Nether Nether Stygian, one of the young emperors, and he is estimated to withdraw from the stage of the final competition. It is the first competition of the final competition. It’s a bit unlucky.”

“But it’s good. In the end, the competitions come one after another, not at the same time. This way, we can see the second competition in advance.”

Space stepped into the ring, and he didn’t care about the discussions of the other ten thousand races, and just silently waited for the appearance of Prince Ming He.

Prince Styx was wearing a black robe, his skin was cyan with black textures looming, and he seemed to be a rather gloomy guy.

After he stepped into the ring, he looked at the space and said in a hoarse voice: “You are not my opponent, I don’t want to waste time, if you admit defeat now, you can save your life, otherwise I will shoot, you will not have any chance to speak. admit defeat.”

His words were actually a bit threatening, but in the eyes of the arrogance of all clans, it was a matter of course for such an appearance on the young emperor.

“Buddha Amitabha, this little monk came to this Ten Thousand Clan Celestial Chosen Conference just to see the demeanor of the Ten Thousand Clan Celestial Chosen, how could he easily admit defeat without fighting.” Space folded his hands together in a Buddha salute, with a faint smile on his face.

“Okay, since you want to see my strength, I will do what you want!” Prince Ming He was also very straightforward.

“The competition begins!” As soon as the words of the Great Sage Heiyuan fell, he saw a flicker in the eyes of Prince Ming He, and his right arm waved, “Netherworld ghost fire!”

It collects the souls of countless creatures and integrates it into the spirit of the earth, various demons, and evolves into the ghost. It is a powerful ultimate flame supernatural power. I don’t know how many souls are in the ghost fire of this child. It seems to be somewhat similar to Su Xin’s soul banner. .

The ghosts and fires are born, and the world immediately cries and howls, and the evil spirits are obvious.

All the arrogance of the heavens changed, and some even subconsciously covered their ears.

“#@¥¥%%. In the face of this terrifying and mighty space, I don’t know what ghosts are thinking at the moment, and my whole body suddenly flourishes, and this Buddha’s light is very exquisite and transparent.

“Linglong Da Luotian? This son has also comprehended this magical power?” A human race great sage suddenly exclaimed when he saw the posture of the space.

Su Xin had a smile on the corner of his mouth. The Eye of All Laws had already been opened, and he began to analyze this exquisite Luotian. It is not easy to be able to enter Su Xin’s eyes at this moment.

This exquisite Daluotian is one of them right now.

By dissolving the enemy’s attack into the invisible, you can stand in an invincible position.

“Cough!” At the moment when the ghostly fire of the ghosts attacked, the space shouted with a majestic expression like a Buddha’s wrath.

Seeing the exquisite Buddha light on his body immediately spread out, the momentum swayed the heaven and the earth, the air flow in all directions first distorted, then collapsed, and then expanded again, and there was a Buddha sound lingering between the heaven and the earth.

That ghost fire supernatural power is extraordinary, but when it encounters this Buddha light, it seems to melt away as quickly as it encounters a nemesis.

Prince Ming He’s sharp eyes looked a little surprised at this time, because he underestimated this monk.

However, after that, before he could take another shot, Space took the initiative to attack.

“Seven Emotions Mahamudra!”

Space’s initiative to attack made the arrogance of all races in the audience very surprised. Based on his own seven emotions, he condensed a palm, which represented the seven extreme emotions, and also represented that he controlled all his extreme emotions. The elimination is clean, and the mood is like amber, powerful and pure.

As soon as the Seven Emotions Big Handprint came out, Prince Ming He began to go berserk. It seemed that before this move was completely close, he had already begun to be heavily influenced by the emotional power in it!

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