0127 Enter the final test! (7/10, please subscribe!)

Jian Chen and Su Xin looked at each other, the former nodded slightly, but there was a hint of war in the depths of his eyes looking at Su Xin. Obviously, it was the battle between Su Xin and Po Xun that made him fully admit Su Xin’s The combat power is the existence of the same level as his Jianchen.

The attitude of the young emperors towards Su Xin has changed drastically, but Su Xin has remained the same since the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference began. That is, he is confident that none of these arrogances of the Ten Thousand Races Tianjiao Conference will be his opponent.

He didn’t come here to pretend, but to collect genes and to copy a wave of supernatural powers that Tianjiao had worked hard to cultivate.

Jian Chen’s battle was the first to end. He didn’t kill Tuman of the Golden Clan. I don’t know if it was disdain or simply inaction.

Seeing that he had taken away the Daluo sword tire, Su Xin withdrew his gaze and looked at other areas.

Instead, he saw a guy who made him care a little bit, but it was the Spirit Race Wulang Gun who extracted special genes that day.”

The Spirit Race is a special race, they cannot reproduce, and the number of people in the race is poor, but there are relatively many strong people in the race, and each of them has lived for an unknown number of years, and some even experienced the era of the emperor’s rule.

Because of the special genes, Su Xin is of course a little concerned about this innocent gun.”

“The spirit clan is also strange, this time the only one who participated in the Tianjiao Conference was this ‘Wuwanggun.'” Saintess Tianxuan followed Su Xin’s gaze, but said in a timely manner.

“Why?” Su Xin asked.

“This… I don’t know about this.” Saintess Tianxuan spread her hands.

Su Xin ignores it, concentrates on multitasking, and scans back and forth in various areas of the Fengshen Arena. Su Xin now does not copy all supernatural powers, but selects them. After all, he has a lot of powerful supernatural powers, unless some have special powers. The supernatural power of ability, otherwise, only those with strong attack power can enter Su Xin’s eyes.

The various supernatural powers of Nabo Xun are good, and now they are all from Su Xin!

The attack method of the Wuwang Spear is very special. I don’t see any magical moves. He just turned his spiritual body into a gray long spear and rushed towards the opponent. opponent.

The opponent he defeated had a feeling of suffocation, as if he was suppressed and unable to display his strength to the fullest.

Soon, the next day’s ring competition was over.

Then the third day, the fourth day, until the last day.

Naturally, Su Xin easily won the first place in the No. 1 area, and achieved four consecutive victories in the ring. The halo on her wrist has four more bars.

On the last day, the top 108 places in the Tianjiao Conference were also divided. There were only three people on the Terran side, namely Su Xin, Jian Chen, and the unexpected space monk.

Others, such as the Saintess of Tiancheng, or the elders of the Ji family, some were eliminated in the melee of a thousand people, and some were defeated by the arrogance of other clans in the next arena battle.

The performance of Monk Space is enough to become a dark horse, but Su Xin thinks that this person should be able to go a step further. If he still has a hole card that Su Xin can’t see, maybe the result will be even more amazing.

To be able to enter the top 108, most of the places are occupied by the big clans among the ten thousand clans, and only some small clans can unexpectedly emerge one or two.

What makes Su Xin very concerned are the two gods of the Protoss, a boy and a girl, both are young emperors, and what makes people very concerned is that these two gods are actually twins, their faces are extremely handsome, what if the Feiling goddess Women’s clothing is absolutely indistinguishable from Feiling Goddess.

After the top 108 places were separated, the Great Sage Heiyuan appeared again above the sky in front of the arrogances and said loudly: “Three days later, we will continue the final test of the arrogance conference. The final test is divided into three stages. In the first stage, there are nine competitions every day, randomly selected and lasted for six days. After the fifty-four winners are selected, the second stage will be held, ten competitions will be held every day, which lasted for three days. Complete the entire process of this Tianjiao Conference within two days!”

“The candidates for the competition in the arena are all drawn randomly, and there will be those who fail. But if you want to get the first place in the Tianjiao Conference, you can’t be defeated.”

After Heiyuan finished speaking, he looked at the ten young emperors such as Su Xin and others. In his opinion, if there is no dark horse born, then this Tianjiao Conference will be the stage for these ten people, who can compare other people’s young emperors” It is up to one’s own ability to remove the title.

“So, Senior Heiyuan, what exactly is the reward for the first place?” Tianjiao, who entered the top 108, asked.

This is also something that many Tianjiao are very concerned about, either there is no reward, or there is a reward and should not only be given to the first.

If it is really only given to the first, is this reward a huge exaggeration?

“Not to be disclosed!” The Great Sage Heiyuan replied expressionlessly, because he didn’t know what the reward for the first place was. It was awarded to the first place in the Ten Thousand Clan Tianjiao Conference by the people of the Emperor’s Palace.

Seeing this, the arrogance of the heavens knew that it would be meaningless to ask further questions, and with doubts in their hearts, they went back to their respective palaces to prepare.

Because there is a three-day gap, Su Xin is prepared to take this opportunity to attack the late stage of the Heavenly Phase Realm. A breakthrough in a small realm of a big realm is not too difficult for Su Xin.

In the arena competition in the No. 1 area, he collected a god-level fire essence gene in addition to Bo Xun. The two god-level genes are indeed combined with some reserves of Su Xin before. problem.

Before the retreat, Su Xin saw that Saintess Tianxuan invited Liu Yiling to participate in the private discussion conference held by the Tianjiao of all tribes.

The rules of the Tianjiao Conference are very cruel. If you lose a game, there is no chance to take another shot. However, it is rare for the Tianjiao of all ethnic groups to get together. Discuss with race.

After Su Xin knew about it, he felt that it was a good thing. Liu Yiling could participate, and Hua Xiangrong and others (who joined Zhao) at the next level could also participate. It would also be helpful for his own cultivation to compete with other people’s talents.

Of course, Su Xin is not someone who has no heart. He instructed Liu Yiling not to compete with the geniuses of the demon clan and the demon clan. He even threatened Saintess Tianxuan through voice transmission. If Liu Yiling was injured by someone, he would definitely I can’t forgive this woman.

This made Saintess Tianxuan very speechless. Is there such a thing as protecting her shortcomings? It is inevitable that she will occasionally suffer minor injuries between discussions.

However, Su Xin’s protective attitude towards her own woman made Saintess Tianxuan have other thoughts.

Three days later, Su Xin’s realm came to the late stage of Tianxiang Realm, but from Tianxiang Realm to Xiantai Realm, with Su Xin’s terrifying background, I am afraid that there are more things to prepare for breaking through.

The good news is that Su Xin’s own genetic level has also reached the god level (87%)

And the final test begins here!

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