0129 Thousand Hands Fighting Buddha! I want it from Su Xin! [9/10, please subscribe!

Prince Ming He frowned, but he was about to slap the handprint of the Seven Emotions on his body, and said in a low voice: “My good fellow, it is hidden deep enough, I never thought that there are three top talents of all races in this era of the human race. I’m like. But when it comes to playing with emotions, how can you, a Buddhist monk, hate me, Prince Styx!

“Ghost curse!”

I saw the Prince Ming He gave a low voice, and his various negative emotions actually mixed into the Qi of Ming River to condense a thin gray line. The most shocking thing was that this thin gray line even directly connected the seven parts of the space The big mudra of love was directly absorbed and opened.

It is quite a coincidence that both of them have this magical power to condense their own negative emotions, but at this moment, it seems that Prince Styx has taken it to a higher level.

And that thin gray line immediately dissolves directly between heaven and earth. This is a cursed supernatural power that is extremely demonic. The attack trajectory of this supernatural power cannot be discerned at all, nor can it be defended.

The thin gray line disappeared, and in its place, a gray incantation began to appear on the body of the space to bind him, but it was Prince Styx cleverly counterattacking the opponent with his countermeasures.

This method seems to be tricky, but in fact, the Prince Styx hasn’t really moved at all, Su Xin can still see it.

“%¥@¥#*..” The space is still clasping his hands together at the moment, which makes people speechless and don’t know what they are reading.

But every time the space chanted, a phantom of lotus flower flashed across his body, and gradually the phantom of the lotus flower became solid, and the eyes of the space suddenly opened: “Pure World Lotus~!”

The phantom of the lotus flower suddenly rose high in the wind, and then spread violently, purifying all the evil spirits of itself, the entire broadcasting station was shrouded in the lotus flower of the pure world, and it was swept away in the heart of Prince Styx, and he actually let him With a peaceful mind, the idea of ​​wanting to be free from the world, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot breeds.

“Dead bald donkey, if you want to save this prince, you are still 10,000 years away!” Prince Ming He’s eyes were full of killing intent, and his hoarse voice roared.

I saw him clapping his hands, and his black robe clapped automatically without wind.

“Turn into the Styx! The Styx water!

wow wow wow~

His monstrous aura suddenly turned into an endless river of Styx, and the shroud of the pure lotus flower was blown away in an instant, and then every drop of water in the Stygian River seemed to have a thousand powers, and it was turned upside down. The endless waves slapped towards the space continuously.

When the space saw this, he let out a long sigh, and the golden light all over his body flashed along with the sound of the Buddha.

Zhangba Golden Body!

The physical strength of this space is also terrifying. After using the golden body of Zhang Ba, he dared to resist the Ming River of the Prince Ming He, and let the terrifying Ming River rush, and the body actually only moved slowly towards the rear for a few steps. That’s it.

“King Daming’s wrathful fist!” For the first time, the hands of the space clasped together took the initiative to open, and the two grasped tightly into a fist, and a phantom of a fiery Vajra Buddha immediately appeared behind him, which was probably the dharma image of space.

As soon as the virtual shadow of King Ming came out, it was almost 100% synchronized with the movements of the space. The space threw a fist at Prince Styx, and Wang Xuying, who was behind him, agreed to throw a punch, stirring the heaven and earth, and the space creaked, creating a spider web-like sound. The cracks of the attack show the terrifying power of its attack.

The turbulent attack from the space made the Styx tumbling continuously, and the wind and waves were monstrous.

The boxing is even more vigorous and galloping up again and again without stopping. Space seems to have dominated the battlefield at this moment, suppressing Prince Styx!

The reversal of this scene really caused the arrogance of the audience to keep exclaiming.

“Prince Minghe was suppressed? Then the human space in the early stage of Sendai suppressed the young emperor?”

“This is too outrageous. Is it not possible to favor the human race in this era? In the same era, three young emperors will be born to overwhelm the gods?”

“Don’t worry, Prince Ming He seems to be suppressed, but in fact, if you look closely at the space, you can see that he is not easy, and it seems that the degree of perversion is still not as good as that of the human race Su Xin.”

“That’s true, the space seems to have a one-off burst to defeat Prince Styx.

The human race is also very surprised, how can they think that the dark horse space can still fight with the young emperor in an inseparable way?

“We have all misunderstood. Space is a descendant of the war Buddha lineage. His combat power is extremely good. I didn’t expect him to have entered the top 108 with reservations before.” Looking at Su Xin, he asked seriously, “Su Xin, what do you think?”

“I’m looking at it with my big Kazilan eyes.” Su Xin replied with a somewhat dull look, what does this woman mean, she’s completely attracted to herself? Or is he a little narcissistic?

“Kazilan’s big eyes? Is it a kind of supernatural power, Saintess Tianxuan couldn’t help touching her pretty chin with a pretense of contemplation.

…for flowers…0

The little nun Jing’er saw that the space had a tendency to suppress the Prince Styx, and her face suddenly became a little excited. It seemed that this little nun did not practice enough Buddhism and Taoism, and her mood fluctuated more obviously.

In Su Xin’s eyes, repression?

At this moment, the Prince Ming He on the stage slowly raised his head and whispered softly in a low voice: “God Venerable Ming He, now!”

Rumble boom boom boom!

I saw the huge Styx tumbling away suddenly, and a roar that went straight to the soul resounded, and I saw a huge ancient god figure slowly stand up from the Styx.

Space’s eyes shrank rapidly, and he stepped back in an instant, but it seemed a little late.

The figure of this ancient god was condensed by the water of the Ming River. The speed of the shot was so fast that people could not react at all. He grabbed the giant Ming Wang phantom directly behind the space, and tore his arms, it turned out to be hard. Life and life tore the heaven and earth in the space to shreds.


“You are indeed extraordinary, but you are still a little short of the heat.” Prince Ming He said coldly, as if he had never had any mood swings.

After the space was torn apart by the dharma of heaven and earth, the red immediately turned red, but he resisted not spurting blood, but clasped his hands together again, his expression showing endless fighting intent for the first time.

“Thousand-handed fighting Buddha!

Fight! Fight! Fight!

The roar of the Buddha full of fighting intent seemed to reverberate endlessly between the heavens and the earth. Immediately behind the space, a huge Buddha figure with a thousand arms appeared again.

This is the inheritance of the war Buddha lineage!

“Turning the sky!


“Burning Lamp Print!”

“Green Leaf Seal!”

I saw that the thousand arms of the Thousand Hands War Buddha slapped the hall towards the front, and each palm was a powerful imprint of divine power, and the power was so powerful that the Prince Ming He suddenly changed his face.

Kick, Kick, Kick!

Polarity reversed!

With one attack, the Thousand-handed War Buddha smashed the figure of the ancient god who had just been fierce and monstrous into a river, and there was no sign of cohesion.

Su Xin’s eyes twinkled endlessly, this thousand-handed fighting Buddha, he wants it!

If you cultivate by yourself and integrate thousands of innate abilities into the palm of your Buddha, how exaggerated the power will be!?


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