The Forbidden World

Chapter 1921: War of War XⅦ

Half an hour before the time, the British Puritan had just arrived in London.

The airship of the millennium brigade easily found the entrance of the Roman Church. The major looked at the helicopter group heading straight towards the vampire station, and smiled and then ignored it.

In his view, the Roman Church, which is still immersed in the glory of the past and has no self-knowledge, is not worthy of his enemy. Their only role is to help him share the strength of London.

After the Roman church formally confessed with the vampire, the major refocused on the battle in front of him.

The bombing of Airship No. 2 and No. 3 did not play a role under Silas's interception and Zhang Tuo's defense, and Silas's bombardment could not pose any threat to the airship formation after being divided into the majority of the interception missiles. .

The focus of the battle between the two sides will ultimately depend on the confrontation of the ground forces.

Tobarukain, with hundreds of blood vampires and two ships of blood servant army, spreads towards the chapel like an ant colony. If the chapel does not have enough powerful firepower, it will soon be beaten by this wave. Submerged.

Faced with a monster army covered with vision, the mercenaries in the chapel couldn't help but swallow their mouths, but they didn't panic because they knew that these monsters wouldn't just rush in front of them. Strong monsters stand in front of these people!

In front of the chapel, about three streets, a beautiful shadow sat alone on a chair in the middle of the street.

The dark green long hair once again became a pair of ponytails, which was the hairstyle she used most when she was a girl more than 100 years ago, and the hairstyle she used when she was an exorcist in the black sect!

Li Nali bent slightly, her hands gently stroking the black leather boots on her calf, and couldn't help sighing.

Since the Vatican World War I in that year, she has never had the kind of enemy that must be divided into birth and death. She has not used this piece of equipment for a long time. With her current strength, it is actually very difficult to meet the enemies who can use this piece of equipment.

Even the army of vampires in front of them is the same. There is no rule-level existence. Even if this artificial vampire turns more than ten times, it will not pose any threat to her.

But she still took out this piece of equipment.

Because of this, it may be her last battle as a human being.

After this battle is over, the Red Devils Museum is about to move. According to Bai Jingyue, Fantasy Township is not stable now, so instead of moving the Red Devils Museum into Fantasy Township, it is moved to the academy city. Gakuen City is the site of Shiraitsu, and she certainly doesn't need her to fight. Even if she moves to Fantasy Township in the future, she should join as a member of Red Devils Hall or Shiraiku.

The identity of the human guardian should end today.

"So, let's go, [Black Boots]."

Hearing Li Nali's call, the black leather boots seemed to be alive. They continued to follow Li Nali's thighs to the root, and soon wrapped Li Nali's slender legs completely. The metal-like boots reflected the luster. , Shining in the world of flames.

Looking at the army of vampires who had been forced to their eyes, Li Nali stood up and moved towards the army after moving her ankle.

At the front of the army, Tobarukacaine saw Li Nali's beautiful appearance and wanted to spend a few words, but the result was not waiting for him to speak, a kind of thrilling fear hit his heart! He quickly turned his body into mist and backed away, and less than half a second after he turned into mist, a figure suddenly appeared in the position where he had just stood!

The dark green hair flew in front of Tobarukacaine. The one-footed gesture was so beautiful that Tobarukacaine could not help but be a little distracted. However, at the next moment, the shadow of death woke Tobarukacaine instantly! He never dared to look at the girl again, urging himself to flash backwards!

Facts have proved that his choice is correct. It seems that Li Nali is a girl with no power, but she is a genuine rule-level strongman, mythical level of combat power!

At the moment when Li Nali's toes touched the ground, the ground cracked like layers of glass! The crack spread across the street in a blink of an eye, and then spread all the way around the building without stopping!

But in a blink of an eye, the crack covered several streets, directly cutting off the road to the chapel from the army of vampires led by Tobalukain!

Immediately, everything shattered!

As if the loud sound of the sky and the earth cracked back to the sky, at the same time, not only the earth and buildings, but also the army of vampires and blood servants above the crack, it was also broken!

A large number of corpses flew into the sky, blood fell like rain, and in the red heavy rain, Li Nali, who was covered with white light, raised his head, and the calm eyes looked at the scene that was even more terrible than hell!

"This way doesn't work."

"This is that Li Nali?"

Above the airship, the major looked at Li Nali, who resolved the quarter-army with a single blow, his eyes flashing.

"It's really powerful! It is a person who can live in the Red Devil Hall! It is a person who can stand beside the King of Vampires! It is a sister of Kom Yi who can become a god!"

The major was there to marvel at Li Nali's strength, but the doctor next to him felt panic. The doctor bit his fingernails and whimpered: "Yes... I'm sorry, Major, as expected, we...we're not..."

"Don't say it! Don't say such stupid things! Don't forget, we also have cards."

The major's words seemed to be a stimulant, which restored the doctor's state of mind. The major didn’t care about the doctor’s ugliness. He was very clear about how the ordinary people would feel when this kind of power far beyond ordinary people was shown in front of him. How much better.

Unlike the doctor, he walked out of fear on his own, and he has been planning how to control this force in his own hands!

Looking at the corner of the monitor, Tobarukaca, who was wounded on a ruin, was brutally struggling with his half-waste hands to move forward toward the front line, and the major cast his eyes in praise.

"In this case, Tobaluka's strength is indeed not enough. Then, send reinforcements. Captain."

The captain who had been with the major and wrapped himself in military uniforms all day, only showing his eyes, came out. He said nothing, but the will revealed in his eyes made the major understand that he was done. ready.

"You take the people of Airship No. 2 and Airship No. 3 to support, our headquarters will continue to bomb, remember, don't directly fight against Li Nali, you are not a god, not his opponent. For the time being, those blood servants drag on She, you go around and attack the chapel directly."

Looking at Li Nali's **** storm on the screen, the major smiled.

Only this kind of enemy is strong enough to send them into hell! Only to make him excited!

"I need more! More war!"

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