The Forbidden World

Chapter 1920: War of War Ⅵ

Bai Jingyue's puppet avatar and Father Anderson have been fighting for some time. Over time, Father Anderson has become more and more in control of the divine power, and his strength is getting stronger. However, no matter how strong Anderson received Power, Shiraitsu still suppresses Father Anderson.

Seeing that Father Anderson was repulsed again and again by Bai Jingyue's ice sword, the others couldn't sit still.

They couldn't bear to continue to stand and watch while there were companions behind and in front of them, so they assembled to prepare to bypass the battlefield and continue to attack the two witches.

However, in front of them, hundreds of puppet troops have regrouped.

This time, it wasn't them who first attacked. Alice decisively controlled many dolls and launched a siege on the Knights Templar! Paqiuli is no longer watching, and from time to time, a little magic or two will break the formation of the Knights Templar!

Without the formation, the Templars who could not cooperate could not fully exert their full strength. In the face of the continuous army of puppets, they seemed to have fallen into a quagmire, empty of strength but nowhere to work hard, only to continue to struggle And the more they struggle, the deeper they sink.

Finally, someone's holy power was exhausted.

Without any mercy and hesitation, the beautiful doll pierced the Templar's bore with the knight's spear in his hand. Although this puppet was also destroyed by the Templar's companion, it was not harmful at all.

There are so many dolls in this format! And the Templars, that is one less one dead!

If a person falls, someone will naturally fill this gap. The pressure on others will increase and the consumption of holy power will increase. Soon a second person and a third will fall. Once the chain reaction starts, it will be difficult to stop By the end, more and more Templars were overwhelmed by a group of puppets after losing their Holy Power, and finally lost their lives.

Humans are defeating.

It wasn’t going to be such a quick defeat, but the previous several rushes made many Templars consume a lot of holy power. When Father Anderson absorbed hatred and became a god, it seemed that it was important to draw something from their bodies. thing.

By the way, it is faith.

The transformation of the body allows them to achieve a lifespan far beyond that of ordinary people, but the withering of the soul is helpless for the simple transformation of the body. Many of them actually supported it until now because of their hatred for Bai Jingyue, and when Father Anderson became a god, he turned these hatreds into faith.

Losing faith, or obsession, the Knights Templar are no longer as powerful as before. Their true essence has actually gathered on Father Anderson. What remains now is nothing more than an empty shell.

The companions died one by one, making Father Anderson crazier. He roared and waved the blade in his hand to collide with Bai Jingyue's big sword.

If there is no accident, Father Anderson’s attack will be like the countless previous attacks, which is easily blocked by Shirai, but the accident happened!

This accident, even Father Anderson himself did not expect that the blade in his hand was completely broken in this collision!

Father Anderson and Shiraitsu both froze.

Father Anderson was stunned because he thought he was dead and his revenge had failed. He felt as if he was ashamed.

Of course, he has spare blades, but now God is fighting with God. Who will give you time to change the blade at such an important time?

However, Shiraizuki also froze.

Bai Jingyue was stunned because he didn't know what to do now, how to properly discharge the water without being seen by Father Anderson?

Perhaps due to luck, Bai Jingyue's stupefaction was discovered by Father Anderson and used as an opportunity. He leaned back quickly, intending to leave Shirai's attack area first.

The well-received Shiraizuki certainly wouldn't let Father Anderson leave so easily. He hurried to keep up and waved his knife toward Father Anderson's chamber!

Look at the appearance of chopping off Anderson, and no one can see that Shiraitsu is acting.

As for whether he would really kill Father Anderson with a knife, Shiraizuki was not worried at all. Anyway, Father Anderson is already a god, and his vitality is not so weak. Not to mention, Father Anderson is the **** of revenge.

The **** of vengeance, and also the **** of vengeance aiming at a specific existence, this kind of very limited **** will greatly strengthen his strength once the conditions are met. As it happens, the current situation meets the conditions of the God of Revenge. The revenge target is right in front of him. Isn't that the condition?

Seeing that the ice-blue blade in Shirai's hand was about to touch Father Anderson, two crimson blades suddenly emerged from Anderson's hands to block Shirai's attack.

No, no, that's not a blade! It's crimson flames!

Take a closer look, the flames are actually highly cohesive rules!

"The vengeful flame of the vengeful god? Gee, this is just a avatar. If my body is here, how much can the vengeful **** be strengthened~"

Father Anderson didn't pay attention to Shirai, but felt the flames in his hands quietly. The previous battle made him understand that pure melee is impossible to get revenge. He can't beat Shirai, so he can overcome Shirai's hope, In addition to the real hole It seems that there is only this sudden flame of revenge.

Of course, Bai Jingyue wouldn’t just look at it like this. Although Father Anderson realized that Flame of Vengeance was nothing to him, should acting always act like a little? How can a normal person be indifferent while watching the enemy's comprehension skills on the battlefield?

In the face of Bai Jingyue's attack, Father Anderson can only interrupt his understanding of the flame of revenge. In desperation, he can only use the flame of revenge to resist Bai Jingyue's offensive while slowly learning how to use the flame of revenge.

Although it will take a short time, there is always a glimmer of hope!

On the side, Pa Qiuli saw that the two battlefields were no longer hers. She couldn’t help but get bored. She looked at Bai Jingyue’s puppet avatar and Alice’s still reddish ears. She laughed quietly and quietly Close to Alice's ear.

"Wake up, my knight! Huh?"

Paqiuli's imitation completely disrupted Alice's rhythm. Alice discovered that she had made such a stupid mistake!

This unobtrusive start-up directly exposed her relationship with Shiraiuki to Pa Qiuli!

What should I do if I get hooked with my girlfriend's boyfriend and found it by my girlfriend? Waiting online, very urgent!

Just when Alice was embarrassed and did not know what to do, another battlefield suddenly burst into a red light rushing towards the sky!

This gave Alice a chance to breathe for a while. Except those who were fighting, everyone's attention was placed in the direction of the red light rising. They wanted to know what happened there.

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