The Forbidden World

Chapter 1922: War of War XⅧ

Under the watch of the major, the captain silently led the order and took the airship No. 2 and No. 3 to the flanks.

Seeing the two airships stop bombing, Silas immediately wanted to continue shooting at the airship formation with the cannon in his hand, but was stopped by the mercenaries. After being reminded by the mercenaries, Silas found out that the muzzle of the machine gun was overheated, and it might be dangerous to continue the battle. Now, the most urgent task is to support the opponent to stop the bombing gap and replace the equipment.

Fortunately, they prepared a lot of equipment in advance for this war, and only need Silas to change it in the church.

As a result, both the millennium brigade and the chapel temporarily stopped the exchange of air power. Although this was only temporary, it gave both parties a rare silence.

Taking advantage of this brief quiet time, the airship No. 2 and No. 3 of the brigade successfully put down the two vampire troops led by the captain, while the side of the chapel frequently mobilized mercenaries to prepare for the battle.

Perennially on the battlefield, they saw the landing place of the millennium brigade and knew that the other party was going to bypass the girl who blocked the army on the front line. They didn't know if the people who hired them had more monsters to help, but looking at the two people in the hall as a stranger, they extinguished the idea of ​​asking. In desperation, they can only make the worst plan and decide to deal with this extra vampire army. Fortunately, there are enough weapons reserves here. In the face of the vampire army that will be bypassed from the side, they can think of some way. .

These people feel right. The Red Devils Museum does have more troops, but in the plan, no one except Li Nali will show such devastating power.

A Li Nali is already shocking enough. If you let the enemy know that they have more god-level combat power, they will probably shock the fish that has already been hooked. It is no problem to help these people block the other's leader. As for the remaining vampires, they can only rely on the mercenaries themselves.

Soon, the largest airship opened the missile compartment and took over the bombing mission, and Silas also arrived at the bombardment site and began to intercept the constantly flying V1 missiles.

As the air battlefield became more and more hot, the ground battlefield also began to become irritable.

Because of the previous raid, all the vampires in the army in front of Li Nali except for the fastest responding and one-hand atomization to reduce damage survived, and all other vampires died, leaving only an unreasonable army of blood servants.

Under the control of the major, these blood servant troops flew around Li Nali like crazy, and dragged Li Nali here regardless of casualties. On the other side, the captain sent by the major had approached the chapel.

Seeing that this unit was about to enter the trap set by the mercenaries, a figure blocked the captain.

The scene was exactly the same as before, and the captain and the vampires beside him couldn't help but stop. If the people in front of you are as strong as Li Nali, then their action is doomed to failure.

The major said clearly that a captain without the power of a **** is by no means an opponent of this enemy.

Fortunately, the person standing in front of the captain did not do anything to crush the surrounding area, but waved gently to the captain.

At first, everyone didn't understand what the woman who suddenly appeared wearing an oriental cheongsam wanted to do until the other party put out a boxing frame.


Suddenly everyone understood what the woman meant.


Some soldiers whispered to remind the captain that it is not time for a heads-up battle with the opponent. What should be done now is to get rid of all obstacles ahead, and then rush into the chapel to solve the enemy while the blood servant army can still hold Li Nali.

However, the captain stopped the soldier's next words.

The soldier is just a modified low-level vampire, so he doesn’t know how strong the person in front of him is, but the captain can. His wildness given to him by his race told him that the woman in front of her could do exactly the same thing as Li Nali if she wanted!

As for why the other party did not do this, the captain did not know, he only knew that if he wanted to complete the mission promulgated by the major, he could only accept the other party’s heads-up.

Throwing the generous coat to the soldiers around him, the captain showing a strong muscle flesh let the soldiers go around again, and he was walking towards the woman in front of him who might bring him to death.

He has done a lot of crazy things with him around the majors for years, and now facing such a strong enemy, he is too lazy to think about victory and death and life and death, he just wants to fight a good fight!

"My name is Hong Meiling. The guard of the Red Devils House."

After the other vampires left, Hong Meiling introduced herself to the captain. However, the captain was a complete dumb gourd. He had no idea of ​​talking to Hong Meiling, and he just took a fighting posture.

Hong Meiling shrugged when she saw it, and then turned into a red streamer straight up!

Her mission is to intercept enemies whose rear mercenaries can't deal with without completely revealing their power. Since the other party cooperates so much, she doesn't care about reporting the name.

To be honest, she is also looking forward to playing a game with her body without other abilities. Unfortunately, there is no one in the Red Devil Hall that meets her requirements, let alone those few magical agents, even Remilia Nor can she close combat with her without magic.

As for Bai Jingyue, she is not without self-knowledge. Before making new progress, she did not intend to go to Bai Jingyue to find abuse.

The non-human being, who is far superior to ordinary people and specializes in melee combat, may be able to satisfy her slightly.

I hope this sandbag can last a little longer.

When Hong Meiling and the captain were fighting, Tobarukaca, who was all wounded, also encountered his enemy. I don’t know if he should be lucky or unfortunate. Fortunately, he survived Li Nali’s attack. Unfortunately, he had encountered a sixteen night saki night [walking] in the street shortly after he recovered his ability to act.

Miyaki salutes Tobarukacain in her hand skirt angle, and then in Tobarukacaine's ugly face, speaks words that make Tobarukacaine desperate: "I am a maid of the Red Devil's Pavilion. , At the order of size and sister, clean up some unclean garbage."

Tobarukain was helpless and could only take out his proud weapon: "I am Lieutenant of Tobarukain."

After a brief silence, then, the flying knife in the hands of Sakuya and the cards in the hands of Tobaluka continued to shoot towards each other's vital points!

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