The Forbidden World

Chapter 1919: War of War XⅤ

The smoke gradually obscured the sky, the bright moon fell into prison, and the whole city fell into darkness. The flames and the flash of muzzle everywhere became the only light in the city.

The wailing of death penetrated into the ears of the people through the darkness. In the battle of many forces, the whole London was eventually transformed into hell. Blood and fire were intertwined here. Perhaps when faced with death, those people can understand how war is Disgusting things, but already in the furnace, they have no other choice but to fight, and then use the blood of the enemy to pave a way for themselves to survive!

The front of the Warfield family mansion was originally a beautiful street, but now it has become a pile of ruins. All the houses collapsed, and there was no one intact place. The ground was cracked, like a piece of glass falling on the ground. The Knights Templar and the thirteens were crooked. Fortunately, their opponents were also semi-paralyzed. Or else, just for a while, it is enough for people to kill them for a half!

The only one standing was Father Anderson who rushed to the front of Alice with his own strength.

Everyone’s eyes are focused on here, their charge failed again, the opponent will never give them such a chance again, if you spend it, humans will certainly not be able to match the dolls’ army, so Father Anderson can successfully beheaded The two witches will directly determine the outcome of this war!

The double-edged crosses and the combined positive cross made Alice understand Father Anderson's determination.

The Templars who used Holy Power were close, but Alice was not at all alarmed.

Although according to Bai Jingyue's plan, neither she nor Pa Qiuli can use her full strength at this moment, but with the power she is now showing, neither an Anderson priest can break through. It seems that Father Anderson has rushed to her, and as long as you wave your hand, you can stab the blade on her body, but don’t forget, there is a doll between Father Anderson!

"Wake up, my knight!"

Alice's call made the puppets who had been standing still since the war opened their eyes.

Suddenly, a cold wind swept through the battlefield, and the fire still filled the surroundings. However, everyone no longer felt the high temperature generated by the flame licking the surrounding air, they only felt cold from the inside out! Infiltrated the bone marrow!

Father Anderson, who was about to wield his sword at the puppet, quickly stopped his movements. After a strange cry, he quickly stepped back a few steps!

He was not afraid, but cautious. Once he was exposed to this level of power, he quickly distinguished what this power was on the puppet.

That's divine power!


"Well, it's me."

The awakened puppet greeted Father Anderson while moving his body.

This response completely ignited something. On the members of the Knights Templar who were still alive, the hatred of Bai Jingyue was like a river converging toward Father Anderson!

Father Anderson, who was already chilling, seemed to be taller, but it was disturbing that his breath became very complicated, as if it was filtered through the abyss.

Even Alice and Paqiuli could not help but glance at Father Anderson.


Seeing this scene, Bai Jingyue was a little surprised.

"Carrying the belief of revenge on itself, Alexander Anderson, do you want to be the **** of revenge?"

Others may still wonder why Father Anderson made such a change, but Shiraiuki saw the foundation of Father Anderson at a glance. God, a person who is held to the extreme in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of powerful people who know the truth, is a toy that can be made at any time. At this moment, Father Anderson borrowed a huge amount of hatred from the Knights Templar to accumulate a hundred years, condensed into a special faith with the core of revenge on the white well in front of him, and ascended to the throne!

The problem is that for the Roman Church, non-lord gods are heretics!

Father Anderson did so in a self-cutting way! Whether he succeeds or not, he will be abandoned by the Roman Church, or even listed as the next target of the Roman Church!

Facing the doubtful tone of Shiraiuki, Father Anderson accepted the hatred of his companion for a hundred years, and said, "I am from the thirteenth department."

The thirteenth branch in the name of betrayal does everything possible to eliminate the enemy of the Lord! What about being heretics? What about being abandoned by the Lord? As long as he can kill Shiraoi, Father Anderson will do everything! Life, glory, these have long been abandoned by Father Anderson, and in his eyes, only the goal of killing Shiraiuki!

Bai Jingyue, who understood the meaning of Father Anderson, shrugged, then pulled out the imitation of Frostmourne.

"A **** of vengeance alone can't kill me, let alone I'm just an avatar made with a puppet as the core, so you should have other cards?"

Father Anderson didn't answer, but Shirai knew that he guessed right. Wanting to come to Anderson should be the box in his arms?

Bai Jingyue didn't delve into it. No matter what the card of Father Anderson is, it doesn't really all, his enemy is never a chess piece like Father Anderson. This war belongs to him, the will of the world, and the three existences of Jehovah, and only two other talents can make Bai Jingyue take it seriously.

Before starting the war, Shiraoi deliberately perceived the entire London battlefield. He found that the battle on the other side had not yet entered the final stage. In other words, it was not the time for a decisive battle.

The progress here is obviously a bit faster, and a little delay is needed. Therefore, Bai Jingyue did not directly solve the priest Anderson who rushed up, but only used the power of frost and the shallow blind slashing against the priest Anderson who had just become the **** of revenge.

The two were the enemies who had confirmed their eyes. Both of them no longer talked nonsense, slashing toward each other's key with their swords, and under the intentional release of water, Father Anderson and Shiraitsu stalemate on this street.

Each attack of the two people set off a torrent of energy. If these energies are allowed to burst, there is no doubt that there is no rule-level presence on the battlefield! There are still many people on the battlefield. Of course, Shiraitsu will not let this kind of thing become a reality, so he quietly guided these energies into the air.

The black cloud was shattered, and the slightly red moonlight shone on the battlefield, reflecting the faces of both Bai Jingyue and Father Anderson bright red!

The battle between the two also announced to the battlefield that this war has entered the realm of rules!

This level of war has another nice name-


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