The Forbidden World

Chapter 1809: Cold

The arrival of Bai Jingyue and Tianhe Yousuo made the originally noisy reception room suddenly quiet.

The two of them are the current principal of the Tianhe family, and the other is the protagonist of this long-prepared drama. Then their actions will determine where the drama will ultimately go. All the insiders can’t help but focus on On both of them.

Tianhe Yousuo came to the throne to sit down and appeared plain and indifferent, as if he had already accepted his destiny, and Bai Jingyue came to the front of the Jingong Temple unexpectedly unexpectedly.

Both Dalian Temple Zhidao and Jian Shan Naluo couldn't help but widen their eyes. Is this Shiraitsu going straight into the theme?

The shrine in front of Shirai is also very nervous. A moment ago, his daughter suddenly revealed that she was a reincarnation of a certain generation of family heads, and crushed his three views. During his reorganization of the three views, her daughter kept responding. He instilled the terrible person of Shiraitsu, and now Shiraitsu is standing less than two meters in front of him! This made him feel a little difficult to breathe.

Seeing Jinggongsi's righteous response, Huicheng, who was sitting on the side, could not help but roll his eyes. Although her father in this life was very gentle with her family, how could she be so kind to the outside world? She admits that the things she instilled before were too shocking, but she also emphasized that Bai Jingyue is on their side!

Seeing that the shrine of the temple was about to be ugly in front of everyone, Jiu Huicheng of the shrine temple hurriedly glanced at Bai Jingyue. After receiving the signal, Bai Jingyue looked at the shrine of the temple and said that his face with cold sweat almost guessed God. Gongsijiu Huicheng meant, it just happened that some things were not suitable for everyone. He simply turned to Tianhe Youzuo and said, "I used to borrow that room before, I have a lot of things to do with the Jinggongsi family People talk."

For the future of Tianhe's family, Tianhe Youzuo will definitely not confront the Yin-Yang Hall positively, but the Yin-Yang Hall has not informed him of the specific plan. Bai Jingyue is now confirming the identity of his predecessor, so Tianhe Yusuo agreed with the trend: " Senior Baijing needs to use it, just use it directly."

Over there, the Dalu Temple to Dao and Jianshan Naluo were a bit ignorant. Before Bai Jingyue talked with Tianhe Youzuo, they didn’t manage it, because Tianhe Youzuo didn’t have any intersection with their tasks. The conversation between Tianhe Youzuo and Bai Jingyue was nothing more than something in those days, but the Jingu Temple The family is different!

In this drama, the two most important protagonists, one is Shiraitsu, whose strength and power are unknown, and the other is the Jinggongsi family. Now both protagonists have run away. What do they see?

But they have nothing to do! Because Bai Jingyue took a piece of rune paper from her arms that was specially used to arrange the enchantment in front of them!

The strength of the enchantment may not be high, but the problem is that they cannot use force to break through the enchantment! The two of them are not very good at penetrating the enchantment. In the end, they can only helplessly watch the two of Shiraitsu and the Jinggongsi family leave the reception room.

Bai Jingyue took Jinggong Temple's orthodox words and Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng back to the room just now, and then flicked the rune paper in his hand. I saw that the rune paper suddenly began to decompose in the air, in the blink of an eye. Disappeared without a trace.

"Okay, Mu En, when did you learn to enchant?"

After the rune disappeared, Jin Gong Temple Jiu Huicheng changed the appearance of a good girl before, walked out from the front of the Jing Gong Temple's canon, and was sitting in front of Bai Jingyue generously.

"I remember you were the kind of violent person besides ice or ice. How did you start to study such delicate things?"

"Sister Jinjing Temple, I want to remind you that the rune paper just used to deceive the group of people in the living room, it has no effect of creating an enchantment."

Bai Jingyue's words frightened Jinggongji Jiuhuicheng to stand up quickly, trotting all the way behind Jinggongsi righteousness, and in the blink of an eye turned into the appearance of that good girl, but soon Jinggongjijiu Huicheng It came back. If Shiraitsu really didn't build an enchantment, would she be so bluntly called her younger sister at Jingu Temple?

"You bluff me!?"

"Who made you pretend."

Bai Jingyue glanced contemptuously at the Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng. From ancient times to now, he can beep in front of him and still be safe, no more than five fingers. Pretend to beep?

"Oh, remind you, my name is Baijingyue, don't call it wrong."

The shrine temple Jiu Huicheng, who was just played by Shiraitsu, grunted and nodded. Obviously, Shiraitsu used this name to fabricate an identity that is convenient for action. In a sense, Shigeru Temple Jiu Huicheng, who is also on the same side as Shiraitsu, certainly cannot pull Shiraitsu back on this kind of thing.

After everyone re-seats, Shiraiuki tapped the table lightly, saying that what he said next is very important: "Not much nonsense, go straight to the point, what are you going to do now? I carried your true book with me. , Do you want to accept the magic book as a magician now?"

Having finished speaking, Shiraitsu raised his hand and took out the true book.

It seems to feel the existence of Jiu Gongcheng Jiu Huicheng, the magic contained in the true book is constantly boiling and there is a trend towards the Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng, the air is turbulent and buzzing, the real book can not wait Want to return to his master.

Feeling the surging magic of the True Book, Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng nodded with satisfaction. It is worthy that she violated the taboo-made True Book. The magic and rules contained in it are definitely enough for her to be promoted to magic. With the power of his hand, Jiu Jingjiu Huicheng raised his hand and wanted to contact the real book. As a result, before he left, he was stopped by the Jinggong Temple's canon.


"Jiu Huicheng, just now Senior White Well asked if you want to accept it now, it means that there must be side effects of accepting it now. Do you really think about it?"

Jincheng Temple Jiu Huicheng froze for a moment. She has just been completely immersed in the joy of being promoted to a magical envoy, and she really hasn’t noticed this problem. If it wasn’t for the shrine of the temple that has no concept of magical Maybe she this time Really want to plant a big head!

"Shirai, did you find any loopholes in this method? If I accept now, what are the side effects?"

"In fact, it is not a side effect? ​​You know, the moment you become a magician, you will get rid of human identity and get longevity."

At the beginning, Jingcheng Temple Jiu Huicheng hadn't responded yet, but after seeing the smile faintly in Shirai's eyes, she finally noticed the focus of the problem.

The current Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng, with long black hair draped like a waterfall behind her, a white dress makes her look youthful and beautiful, her fair skin reflects the luster under the sunlight, but the problem is, She is only eight years old now!

Once she accepts the true book now and gets rid of the identity of human beings, her physical growth will be fixed, in other words, she will keep the appearance of a child for life!

At the thought of that scene, Jingcheng Temple Jiu Huicheng burst into a chill!

ps: I'm sorry, I encountered a little thing, I'm not in the mood to continue to update, I owe it to the bookkeeping.

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