The Forbidden World

Chapter 1808: concern

"Relax, I will not anger you Tianhe family."

Of course Bai Jingyue knows why Tianhe Yusaku said these words.

Tianhe Yousuo, who has stepped on the edge of the semi-regular level, should be very clear about what it means that Shiraitsuki has not changed his appearance for decades. No matter what the purpose of the Yinyang Hall’s order to marry the Tianhe family and the Jinggongsi family is in front of the absolute strength gap It will inevitably fail, and the moment the plan fails, Shirai will surely know the truth of this marriage.

In order not to be angered by Bai Jingyue, Tianhe Yusuo decisively held everything out. In fact, Bai Jingyue's reaction proved that his decision was not wrong. When he said that the marriage was controlled by Yin and Yang Hall, Bai Jingyue's bland response showed that Bai Jingyue's plan for Yin and Yang Hall was clear.

The following words are actually complaints.

The fight between the Yin-Yang Hall and the Super Disaster Countermeasure Room was indeed fierce, but the marginal family was inexplicably destroyed, which is a bit serious. The Yin-Yang Hall really dared to do this, and the Super Disaster Countermeasure Room dared to lift the table. The so-called battle is nothing more than a battle of interests. They are both institutions for protecting human beings. Before the monsters die, they will not develop into each other. The point of fighting.

Tianhe Yousuo said that it was so serious that she just wanted to win Bai Jingyue's sympathy while telling the reason why the Tianhe family was involved in this matter.

Although there are some exaggerations, Tianhe Yousuo basically said that facts, so Bai Jingyue decisively gave Tianhe Yousuo a promise. Perhaps because Bai Jingyue promised too quickly, Tianhe Yousuo couldn't believe it, and he looked at Bai Jingyue with a hesitant look.

Bai Jingyue had to repeat it again: "Relax, I won't anger the Tianhe family. I know all the plans of the Yinyang Hall. Your Tianhe family and the Jinggongsi family are just chess pieces. I can't help myself. I can understand it. , You should only know that they want you to marry me, which leads me here, don’t you know the follow-up plan?"

"Yes, we only received a request to marry the Jinggongsi family. As for the follow-up plan, we are not clear."

"Do you know how the monsters near your house hurt people?"

Tianhe Yuzuo nodded puzzledly: "I know, it's just that I'm not suitable for fighting now, so I told this to the Super Disaster Response Room. It seems that it has already subsided."

"If it has really subsided, then Dalian Temple Zhidao and Jian Shan Naluo have no reason to come with me."

Bai Jingyue's words made Tianhe Yuzuo frown. He hadn't thought about this before. With such a reminder, Bai Jingyue quickly realized the intention of Yin Yang Hall.

"They just trapped the monster for a while. Originally their purpose was to investigate what I was going to hand over to the Jingu Temple family, so they would lead the monster to cause disturbances after the hand-over between me and the Jingu Temple family. To give them a chance to act. Now, because something happened, their purpose has changed a little bit, but it shouldn’t change the matter of attracting monsters."

Thinking of the way to try his way to Dalian Temple, Bai Jingyue was also helpless. Perhaps it was his previous words that were too close to the appetite of the Dalian Temple Dadao. This person's gaze was full of disturbing heat.

After sighing, Bai Jingyue turned his thoughts back to the present moment and said to Tianhe Yuzuo, who was entangled in the expression: "You don’t have to worry, I will take care of the turmoil caused by me. Your body is really not suitable for martial arts, this You just need to stay safe and maintain the boundary that hangs over the house."

Tianhe Yousuo's current state is indeed very bad. Located at the apex of the Great Onmyoji, it can almost be compared to the powerful force of Abe Qingming, and placed in his decayed body. If Tianhe Youzuo can make a breakthrough, then mankind will add another semi-regular strongman, but if he can’t, then he will be annihilated by the power in his body.

Facing Bai Jingyue's proposal, Tianhe Yuzuo nodded and agreed. Although he was very unwilling, every time he used power now, he would be closer to the step of death. Maintaining the enchantment is now his limit.

"Okay, let's talk here. They shouldn't be able to wait. It's better to end this matter earlier."

The two opened the door and followed the aisle in the middle of the house to the other side of the Tianhe family mansion where the Jinggongsi family is located. Just before the door was approached, a girl with short double ponytails was holding a few glasses Tea came out of the corner.

Seeing this little girl in a red suit, Shiraizuki couldn't help but stop, and then looked at Tianhe Yousuo strangely.

"Zuo Shi Boy? Your Tianhe family really has a deal with the monster, I remember not coming last time."

"Master Baijing, how many years ago have you been here last time."

Tianhe Yusaku shook his head helplessly, and then waved to let the little girl come over.

"She is Gaya, as the adult said, it's a Zuofu boy. I used to go out to perform tasks. There was no one to protect my family, so I could only raise a Zuofu boy at home. In fact, it is now defended by the encirclement of the Tianhe family. That part is Gaya in charge."

"Put the safety of the whole family into the hands of a monster, and the monster does not have any idea of ​​wanting to regurgitate. To be honest, if your Tianhe family does not decline, you may really be able to do very remarkable things."

From the establishment to the present, the fantasy township of Bayunzi has not achieved peaceful coexistence between humans and monsters. Instead, the Tianhe family first achieved this goal. If the Tianhe family is not just a family, but a behemoth that covers the entire Japanese and Japanese, then the Japanese and Japanese may develop into another better look.

It's a pity that things don't matter. Tianhe's weakness is inevitable. The grandson of Tianhe Youzuo may be the last ghost of Tianhe. Once there is not enough power, the Tianhe family will not necessarily maintain the status quo.

Tianhe Yusaku shook his head and sighed.

He chose not to resist when facing the unreasonable requirements of the Yin Yang Hall. In fact, it was considered to be a matter of arrangement. There are only a few monsters, and such a little power is absolutely not enough to support his grandson to grow up.

This time, he conscientiously agreed to the order of Yin and Yang Hall, he wanted to use this opportunity to inherit the hopes he accumulated over the years, so that those who feel guilty can transfer this feeling to his grandson, at least. Let his grandson grow up safely. For this reason, he would rather have passed away with conscience condemned.

So before he said that fortunately, fortunately, the target that Yin-Yang Hall had to deal with was Bai Jingyue. After knowing that Bai Jingyue's strength would never be counted, Tianhe Youzuo was a whole lot easier.

"I don't want any peaceful coexistence between humans and monsters now, I just hope that you can grow up peacefully."

"Yinyang Hall does not know the specific content of the conversation between us, they will still accept your love. Maybe even take care of your grandson for my reasons.",

Bai Jingyue's words made Tianhe Yuzuo's smile bloom. He knew that what Baijingyue said was likely to happen. It seemed that he saw Tianhe Yuren's beautiful life in the future. Tianhe Yusuo happily pushed away to the reception room. door.

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