The Forbidden World

Chapter 1810: Confidential (2 in 1)

Both Bai Jingyue and Jinggong Temple were silent, waiting quietly for Jiu Huiji's choice.

Jingcheng Huijiu looked at the real book right in front of him with a tangled expression.

She really wanted to pick up the real book now, immediately become a magical envoy, and then take good care of those who have oppressed the Jinggongsi family for years, but the side effects in front of her made her discouraged.

To be reasonable, she is also a girl who loves beauty. She thought that she was quite hip and hot, and the people who chased her could at least arrange a few streets, but now she was told that if she wanted to become a magician, she had to Forever staying at the present age and always using this kind of child-like body, Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng really can't accept it.

However, the current situation of the Jinggongsi family is so bad that even the marriage of the daughter of the head of the family is out of control. If she does not become a magician to show enough strength to the outside world, the Jinggongsi family will continue to be in the next few decades. It has been squeezed, and no one knows whether there will be a day to turn over. As the former patriarch of the Jinggongsi family, Jiuhengjijiu Huicheng did not want to watch the Jinggongsi family sink like this.

"Right, ask you a thing."

Suddenly, Bai Jingyue interrupted the contemplation of Jiu Huicheng in Jingu Temple.

The face of the shrine temple Jiu Huicheng, who had been entangled because of her choices, was overcast. She rolled her eyes at Bai Jingyue uncomfortably, and then responded: "What?"

"I remember that you wanted to be a magical ambassador to revitalize the Jingu Temple family, right?"

"Yes, why, is there any problem?"

"In this case, I have to remind you that even if you become a magician, it is impossible to revitalize the Jingu Temple family."

Jin Gong Temple Jiu Huicheng had an unbelieving expression. The reason why she used her life to gamble on this possibility was because a rule-level strongman was enough to change the existing pattern, and she did not expect to let the Jin Gong Temple family fly into the sky. After all, she understood from Shiraizuki's hard-working church that she didn't fall out of the wind. The world doesn't know how many powerhouses are hidden. If she is a new magician, don't think too much. But even if she can't do such a great thing, is it okay to help the Jinggongsi family get rid of their current status and gain a place in the existing system?

"I know you don't believe it. I should have ignored you and watched you hit the wall, but for your part as a friend of Ailian, I will explain it to you."

Immediately, Shiraitsu explained to the Jinggongjijiu Huicheng: "You are still young, and you haven't reached the level of facing monsters yet, so it's unclear the specific intensity of those monsters and spiritual disasters now? If you encounter, It will be surprising, the same kind of monster, the monster of your era may be several times stronger than the modern monster."

Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng was not happy because of the degeneration of the monster, as the former head of the family, Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng quickly noticed the problem.

Although humans were weak at that time, they also survived in the torrent of monsters. The last war in the Warring States period ended in human victory. If the monster has weakened several times, why is it that humans and monsters are not Points to win?

Only one possibility is that human strength is also much weaker!

"How is this going?"

"I can't say more about it, and I can't say it clearly. There are too many things involved."

If you really want to explain, this matter should start from the war between Haotian and Jehovah, and then transition to the construction of Fantasy Township and the various plans for the construction of Fantasy Township. It will take more than a dozen days, and it is not necessarily clear. Simply Shiraitsuki directly told the results of his observations over the years to Jingong Temple Jiu Huicheng: "This is not a single phenomenon, but a general phenomenon, whether it is a monster or a monster. Humans, the power that can be exerted by people under the rule level has dropped a lot. Only people who break the rules can get rid of this phenomenon. However, as the upper limit that can be reached before the rule level is getting lower and lower, it is also difficult to break the barriers of the rules. Just getting bigger and bigger."

Jinggongjiu Huicheng realized what Shiraitsu wanted to say.

Fan's power is weakening, with the exception of the rule level, and the difficulty of the rule level is increased.

In other words, if she really becomes a magician, what she can do is not only change the existing pattern, but directly rewrite the reset pattern. Unless those retired older generation rule levels emerge, she is the strongest in Japan!

So why can't she do this? According to this statement, she should easily revitalize the Jinggongsi family.

"The focus of the previous paragraph was not the phenomenon I said, but the result of the phenomenon I said. If you become a magician at Jingu Temple Jiu Huicheng, you will most likely destroy the existing system, And this means being enemies with me."

Huicheng Jinjiu laughed out loudly. Bai Jingyue said this as if he built this system, but now the Yin-Yang Hall, which occupies a large part of this system, is trying to design him. Is Bai Jingyue kidding?

Bai Jingyue's unchanging expression made the smile of Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng gradually stiff. She suddenly realized that Bai Jingyue didn't seem to be kidding.

The implication is a bit scary. The Jinggong Temple sitting next to him is even more restless. He always feels that if he is sitting here, he will hear something terrible.

In fact, the premonition of the shrine of the Jinggong Temple is correct. After the smile of Huicheng at the Jiugong Temple disappeared, Shiraitsu began to explode.

"This system was not built by me alone, and it also has a contribution to Tuyumen Yeguang, but I have intervened in the general construction and subsequent promotion. It is also necessary to say that I built it."

"Father, please return to the house first. Shirai, let my father go out."

Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng's first reaction was to let Jinggong Temple leave.

She is also a person who has read the classics. According to records, the establishment of the current system is largely due to the imperial Yin and Yang technique constructed by Tuyumen Yeguang during her lifetime and the spiritual disaster caused by her death, followed by the promotion of Xingsu Temple. There is also cooperation between the half demon and human.

However, Bai Jingyue said that most of this system was built by him. If Bai Jingyue did not lie, then the information contained in this sentence is too large, it can be said that it directly subverts the history in everyone's impression.

This kind of content that directly subverts the three views of others often hides vital secrets, and in order to keep secrets, it is common to kill people and kill everything.

With her past relationship, she can continue to listen, but her father has no relationship with Shirai. Although Bai Jingyue didn't ask Jingjing Temple to leave, but people have a sense of self-knowledge, taking advantage of the fact that they are now only peeling a layer of skin, and quickly picking out the people to talk about it.

The Jinggong Temple orthodox also knew the seriousness of the matter, and quickly got up and wanted to go to the gate to leave. However, a blue wall of ice blocked the way of the shrine's orthodox departure.

"Relax, since I didn’t say it, it means that he can know the next thing, as long as he doesn’t tell the fourth person except the three present, I will not do anything to him. In fact, the next thing, and God The future of the Miyaji family is very relevant. It’s best to listen to both of you."

The Jinggong Temple stood at the original position and looked at the Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng uneasyly, hoping to get some hints from her. He was not familiar with Shiraitsu, and he didn’t know if Shiraitsu kept promises. A kind of person who likes to talk back, isn't it cool that he stays?

Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng nodded to the Jinggong Temple.

Although she doesn't know much about Bai Jingyue's conduct, Bai Jingyue should not lie to her in this kind of thing. With her relationship with Bai Jingyue's family, Bai Jingyue will not deliberately get into a blood feud with her. Is right.

After the Jinggong Temple's ordination was re-seat, Shirai continued the previous topic: "Although this system has many disadvantages, it is this system that maintains the stability of both monsters and humans. I am not Will make you destroy this system."

"I didn't say that I must destroy the existing system. I just need the Jinggongsi family to get the status they deserve."

"What is due status?"

Bai Jingyue snorted.

"If you say the past contributions of the Jinggongsi family, then it is meaningless, because every inherited demon family has paid the price of protecting humanity in the past years, and the past glory has no meaning in the future. As for the future contribution, it is closely related to the strength of the family. As much as the family has the strength, you need to bear the responsibility of responding to the monster, and naturally you will get the position you deserve. Your Jinggongsi family, besides you, has enough With the strength of this status?"

"Am I not enough?"

"Of course you are enough, but after you become a magical envoy, it is impossible to rejuvenate the Jingu Temple family through peaceful means. How will humans react when they face something they understand, don't you know? "

Of course I know, how could Jiu Huicheng of Jingu Temple not know? At that time, the Jingu Temple family abandoned the family heritage and turned to study Western magic. From that moment on, the Jingu Temple family was faintly excluded. If she became a magician and sought the status of the Jinggongsi family in a high-profile manner, the first reaction of the Japanese demon world based on Onmyoshu was definitely not to accept comrades, but to regard the Jinggongsi family as the pioneer of the magic world invading Japan.

By then, a conflict of force is inevitable.

"Why do you have to maintain this system?"

Jincheng Temple Jiu Huicheng doesn't understand very well. If Shiraitsu joins the human side, he can absolutely suppress the monster side. What is his purpose for maintaining this balance?

"The purpose, of course, is to implement a larger plan. This plan requires Japan to maintain this balance."

Bai Jingyue did not continue to speak, and Jingujiu Huicheng did not continue to ask. Obviously this question was the real core secret, and Bai Jingyue could not talk to her.

"Well, I almost figured out the situation. You need the existing system to execute a plan, and my act of seeking benefits for the Jingu Temple family will disrupt the existing system and indirectly destroy your plan, right? "


"So after your plan is over?"

"It depends on the results of my plan."

Bai Jingyue said Jiu Huicheng Jingu Temple gently raised his eyebrows. It seems that Bai Jingyue's plan is a bit of a surprise? Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng carefully recalled the previous conversation, and then suddenly realized a problem. She quivered with a slight tremor to Shiraitsu: "You said earlier that the establishment of the current system, [large] is largely your credit, that is to say, those who constitute the existing system have you?"

"Yes, I am in the half-demon."

The Jinggong Temple Jiu Huicheng froze there.

At first, she thought it was an organization or family on the human side. As a result, Shirai said that he was a half-demon?

The half demon is different from other small organizations. Its existence can be said to be the main reason for the harmonious coexistence between humans and those hidden monsters. Once there is a problem in the half demon, the current situation will be completely changed. , And this vital organization, is Sakurai’s pawn?

"What the **** do you want to do? Who are you without?"

Although the half demon is said to be a half demon, its main body is still the long-lived monsters. As a human being, how does the half demon let the half demon take his orders?

"Who am I? This is also very troublesome to explain. Let's explain it later. Now let's talk about it. Your Jinggongsi family's problem. I won't say anything about my specific plan, but I can disclose one thing. That is, this plan will cause a big shuffle. What are you going to do with the Jinggongsi family? Do you want to participate or hide?"

"I dare not participate in your plan."

If Bai Jingyue allowed her to participate as a magical envoy, she was willing to fight, but apparently in this plan, magic made this level of existence, and with the current strength of the Jingu Temple family, put In that kind of big cleaning, the spray can't splash.

"We chose to hide So, can you tell me the specific time of your plan? At that time, we will move our family abroad."

Bai Jingyue shook his head: "If you don't do it abroad, if you really do that, your Jingu Temple family will be completely abolished. Since you have studied the current system, then you should also know that an institution that is now outside the system Right?"

"Are you talking about the academy city? Our Jinggongsi family has no way to academy city."

As soon as she finished speaking, Jingcheng Huiji Cheng thought of something. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Shirai, and she couldn't believe her guess.

"It's impossible"

"Yes, the academy city is also mine."


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