The Forbidden World

Chapter 1763: Dinner

After an hour and a half of celebration, the night parade ended, but the truly lively event was just beginning.

Tourists roam the busy streets, tasting food that has never been tasted, and experiencing things that have never been experienced before. People who know each other go together and go to the playground to do happy things. Before midnight when everything rests, the academy city will be boiling for a while.

However, this has nothing to do with Bai Jingyue, he did not choose to take Pa Qiuli and Hui Ye and others to continue shopping, but took them to the apartment building in the seventh school district, to be precise, also hidden in Among the dimensional maze, Bai Jingyue and others lived.

After walking into the space door disguised as an ordinary door, what appeared in front of everyone was a very lively hall.

Bai Jingyue let Luo Duo, who was busy on the big table, put four servings of tableware, and greeted everyone to sit down.

Although Hui Ye and Yong Lin were here for the first time in the academy city, they did not visit Baijingzhai once or twice. They found a place very casually and sat down. Pa Qiuli and Li Nali Then there was no response, and there was stunned.

Although they had known for a long time that they would meet the lovers before Shirai, but they did not expect this meeting to come so suddenly! To their surprise, the girls on the scene did not secretly express their dissatisfaction or deliberately turn a blind eye to their arrival as they imagined, but greeted them as ordinary as the guests at home, as if they were They have completely accepted them.

What Pa Qiuli and Li Nali don't know is that the girls are not dissatisfied at all, but have seen this kind of thing.

After thousands of years of baptism, the girls have been able to deal with each other's relationship well, and even if there are any contradictions, they are mostly resolved by way of game comparison, and they are eliminated as soon as possible. Otherwise, in an environment like Baijingzhai, a war of the gods will happen every day, or the kind that can destroy the world, and the days will be over.

When Pa Qiuli and Li Nali considered whether to sit down after listening to Bai Jingyue first, or to get to know the many girls in the living room, the dark-haired girls who greeted them took the initiative to take them to meet the people around them.

The first to introduce is the few people who have been seated on the table. Hui Ye, Yong Lin, Qin Xin and Shen Wu have been shopping with the two of them for an afternoon, and they are already familiar with them, so the dark-haired girl does not say much, just briefly introduces it.

Then came the two who had sat on the table and waited before they arrived, Altria and Jeanne.

The two's identities surprised them, but after thinking of the different world that Shiraiuki told them before, they knew it. Alice was full of doubts, but she was blocked by the truth because of her identity.

While Alice was thinking about how to uncover these secrets, the dark-haired girl took the two to the kitchen and introduced the people in the kitchen.

The maid-dressed girl who was running back and forth between the kitchen and the living room, who had previously added utensils to them, was the only maid in Shirai's house, and the kitchen lady who was busy with everyone's dinner in the kitchen was Shirai Wuhe.

To their surprise, they said they were going to find Lola's Eileen and the little devil before they saw it in the kitchen. After some communication, they learned that the two were assigned to help by Lola.

Speaking of Lola, the two looked around and finally saw Lola on the sofa on the other side of the living room. At the moment Lola was watching TV with another girl of the same blonde, listening to the dark-haired girl beside him The young girl is the chairman of Tokiwadai High School, who used to target Lola at the Daba Star Festival.

Speaking of this, representatives from the two seminaries led by Tokiwadai High School and Lola’s Theological Seminary are in the lobby at the moment.

Misaka Misaka and Shiraoi Kuroko are sitting in the corner of the hall playing with two strange things. They have also seen it in the hands of Shirai, and it seems to be some kind of game facility.

Asano Fujino and Himeki Qiusha were studying magic in an empty place. Both Rin Tosaka and Shirai Sakura, who had only seen them during the day, stood behind the two, and they also inserted a few words from time to time. The third person in Yue College is doing yoga on his own, stretching his beautiful body.

According to the dark-haired girl, this mature woman named Medusa is also a hero of the past.

And the three men from another school playing against Xingyue High School, the girl named Asuna is knitting a sweater, and Shinoda Asada, together with Yui, holding a pen and paper to write and write on the table, talking from time to time in the mouth Content such as data and balance.

Watching TV, playing games, studying magic, doing yoga, knitting sweaters, and studying unknown technologies, it is no wonder that so many people are gathered in the small hall.

Finally, the dark-haired girl took them to a separate room beside the living room. In the room, the four people who had played the Mahjong League before were fighting fiercely inside!

It seems that they are curious about super-powered mahjong in their hearts, and the dark-haired girls persuaded: "The mahjong they play is very unfriendly to novices. If you want to try, you can pick a simple opponent to exercise first. ."

"Simple opponent?"

"Those students who have been eliminated in the Mahjong League, but you are inexplicably invited to fight, they will not agree, otherwise, how are you practicing with me?"

The dark-haired girl had just finished speaking, and the four people who were drawing cards next to her suddenly froze, and then they couldn't help feeling silent for the two newcomers.

If there is a division of difficulty in super-powered mahjong, it must be four difficulty levels: ordinary, elite, gangster, and monster. Among them, the monsters are divided into low-level, intermediate and high-level, and the black-haired girly level listed separately.

Pa Qiuli and Li Nali, even if there are no traits that appear, at most they are the category of low-level monsters, they will find black-haired girls to practice their hands when they come up...

Perhaps it was felt that a terrible crisis was imminent. Both Pa Qiuli and Li Nali rejected the girl’s proposal. The dark-haired girl shook her head helplessly and said, "There are still a few people who are not here because of some special reasons. , I will introduce it to you again if you have a chance in the future~ That, after talking for so long, don’t you know who you are?"

"Me? I am Satian tears~"

Pa Qiuli and Li Nali looked at the girl with a white flower hairpin in front of her hair, a shirt in a white shirt, long jeans and bear slippers.

The image of such a home is completely different from the storm that they often see during the day and the storm, and the eyes are blowing white light!

Here, Pa Qiuli and Li Nali have recognized most of the girls around Bai Jingyue, some of them have a physical relationship with Bai Jingyue, and some are still one or two steps away from Bai Jingyue, and some Bai Jingyue is only familiar with them, but these women have no time to inquire and distinguish, because the dinner is finally beginning.

After tasting these dishes made with the power of rules, Paqiuli and Li Nali were astonished like Sebastian, and even Alice was no exception.

Alice, who has been around the eyes of Shenqi since she was a child, clearly understands what the rules of cooking mean. She really didn't expect someone to do this.

The three people's stunned **** Bai Jingyue didn't care, because he was carefully taking a jar of wine from the Kunlun mirror.

This is the oldest wine in the batch of wines that has been brewing from the mythological era and has been preserved to this day. It also contains the most divine power. The first day of the Daba Star Festival came to a successful conclusion. Happy Shiraimo took this wine from the treasure house Took it out.

Fortunately, the other girls had drunk a lot of this kind of wine, but Pa Qiuli and Li Nali could not bear the power of the wine at all, and soon they became paralyzed, and then they were taken back to the room by Shirai.

As for Alice?

Alice, who was also drunk, was dumped by Bai Jingyue to the maid to take care of her hair. In conclusion, today, the good thing between Bai Jingyue and Pa Qiuli, Alice don't want to stir up.

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