The Forbidden World

Chapter 1764: Alarm


After awakening, Pa Qiuli and Li Nali looked at each other and screamed. However, before they shouted twice, they were pressed back by Bai Jingyue, who also sat up.

"What's so surprising about doing it... It seems like I used some bad means."

Bai Jingyue's wine is indeed easy to intoxicate, but yesterday he took out a total of altar. There are so many people in Yitan wine, how much does each talent get? If you drink a whole bottle of wine for one person, you can really drink the person unconsciously, so few cups for one person. The remaining divine power in it makes the rule-level soul dizzy and the body paralyzed. Is the limit.

In other words, last night it was your wish and it was natural. The only effect of the wine is to eliminate Alice's interference.

Oh, no, there is also a role, that is to give Pa Qiuli and Li Nali an excuse to be drunk.

After all, it’s a little too exciting for them.

After getting dressed, Shirai thought about where they should take Paqiuli to go to the academy city, but as he sat on the table preparing to have breakfast, a bell rang suddenly in the living room!

This sound seemed to come from the ancient bell-like bell, which awakened everyone in Baijingzhai. At the beginning, everyone did not respond. But here is Baijingzhai, which is the **** system that saves the most combat power after dusk in the ten gods. Who dares to make trouble here?

But the facts were in front of us, and unknown bells hummed in the hall, announcing the coming of a certain existence to the people present.

Everyone quickly entered a state of war preparations, ready to wait for the people behind the scene to appear, but Bai Jingyue shook his head to everyone.

"Relax, not the enemy."

Satian tears put away his beheaded sword, then pulled a chair and sat down. For Bai Jingyue, she certainly trusted, but she still asked: "Not an enemy? What is the other party?"

Bai Jingyue has been carrying all things on her shoulders and will be destroyed by the end of the future. They used to be powerless, so they can only hone their own abilities. Now, she thinks that they can already deal with these insignificant things.

Faced with the question of Satian tears and the puzzled eyes of many girls, Shirai couldn't help but hide his face, and then said a sentence: "The bell struck twelve times and played the mourning of the end. Arrived."

The moment when Bai Jingyue's prophetic words ended, the bells that had been humming ceased abruptly, and if it was counted, it happened to be the end of the twelfth bell. Then, a lamented tune echoed in the living room, which made the girls nervous about the contents of Shirai's last two sentences.

They finally made the world look like it is now. If the end of the action comes at this moment, wouldn't they all be in vain?

Seeing the worries of everyone, Bai Jingyue shook his head in pain.

"Don't worry, there's nothing behind, just a sentence."

Just when everyone was puzzled, the sentence appeared with lament.

"Five hundred years is coming, don't forget to help others reincarnate."

Many of the girls present were stunned. Although the voice had been processed a bit, they still heard it. This is Shirai's own voice, so... what the **** is this?

"There are no enemies from beginning to end. This is an alarm clock. I set it five hundred years ago to remind myself of the alarm clock..."

In the end, Shiraizuki couldn't bear the pressure of many sights and told the truth.

He didn't know what he thought at the time. He made such a prelude full of two breaths, and the last sentence of the vernacular was an alarm. If time could go back in time, he must beat himself well. If you want to be in the second grade, you will be the second grade in the whole process. It's a bit of a match with the magical power. Isn't it such a big turning point not to destroy the atmosphere?

With the strange eyes of [then you also have this time], Bai Jingyue coughed twice and said, "No matter what style the alarm is, since it sounds, it means I have to go to the Underworld. Now, you also know the situation of Fantasy Township. If you go in and out, the impact on the Great Enchantment is not a big problem. My words will not work. You can only pass the Great Enchantment once in a short time, so this time, I want to stay in Fantasy Township for a few years."

"Go, go, just a few years."

For Bai Jingyue to leave for a few years, everyone behaved very casually. In the past thousands of years, Bai Jingyue has been running outside for a long time without going home or once or twice. For long-lived species, hundreds of years are just a nap. For a few years, It's almost like blinking.

Li Nali, who once thought she was a human, may feel a little uncomfortable with this, but as a long-lived species, she will have to undergo such a change sooner or later.

After having breakfast together, Shiraizuki sent a message to remind Yakumo Zi, and then opened the space channel and went in.

Looking at the sky trembling slightly and then calming down, Shiraitsu shrugged and walked straight towards the entrance to the nether world.

"Master Baijing?"

Passing by the people Shiraiuki heard a cry, which made him unable to stop.

He hasn't returned for many years, and now he can remember his name among the people, so just a few old friends.

Looking back, the lisianthus in the red and white witch costume was standing in the wheat field. She held a bunch of freshly cut wheat in her hand and bowed to him.

"Ballflower, are you harvesting wheat? What about your big dog?"

The three members of the Nippon family, because two of them are souls, have no children until now. In this case, the farmer is basically responsible for the big dogs, but now the bellflower is harvesting wheat.

Although this kind of physical activity is not a hindrance to the regular-level bellflower, how can that big dog let the bellflower do his job?

"Some traces of monsters were found there, and Inuyasha and Kagome went to check."

"The trail of monsters..."

Compared with the past, Fantasy Township is quite peaceful now, but there are still so many carnivorous monsters who can’t help but feel the desire to hunt, and have some thoughts about the people who have gathered a lot of humans.

For Fantasy Township, whether it is a monster or a human being is a must. The accumulation of conflicts between the two for many years, Yakumo Zi is difficult to do and Bai Jingyue can’t control it.

He can indeed kill the monsters who have the idea of ​​fantasy township directly, but how many monsters died in the past, haven't there still been monsters who want to attack people? He couldn't stay in people every day like Inuyasha and them.

In the past, Bai Jingyue also proposed to Bayunzi to set up a relatively fair symbolic rule in Fantasy Township, but now the boundaries of Fantasy Township are not stable. It is impossible to add new rules to Fantasy Township for a short time. . So for the time being, they can only resolve the conflict between the two.

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