The Forbidden World

Chapter 1762: Night parade

After leaving the venue, which was still immersed in the might of superpowered mahjong, Shiraizuki came to the street.

The night is approaching, and I do not know when the lights of the billboards have been turned off. The city is a little dim. Only the lights of the small shops on the street guide the tourists like a lighthouse.

When most of the tourists came to both sides of the street because of these lights, the prepared guards and commissions for the discipline were dispatched collectively, pulling a long blockade on both sides of the street, and then stationed on both sides of the blockade to maintain order.

This will be the place where the parade of the night parade passes, in order to avoid some bad accidents, these preparations are necessary.

Time is getting less and less, and many tourists are looking at the black night sky, waiting for the moment to arrive.

Finally, in the eyes that everyone expected, the countdown began.

"Ten! Nine! Eight!"

In the beginning, only a few people sporadically took the lead, but soon this shout spread, and within a moment, everyone was infected and began to count down.

"Seven! Six! Five!"

The countdown cries covered the entire academy city. The first day of the Daba Star Festival, the grandest scene, is coming in the cheers of everyone.

"Four! Three! Two!"

With only a few seconds left, the hurried pedestrians stopped, the people who talked kept silent, and the shopkeepers temporarily dropped their hands and stood with the tourists.


At this moment, the academy city suddenly became quiet, and everyone held their breath and looked at the sky, where the galaxy shining with stars flowed quietly.

The next moment, the fireworks burst!

The fireworks of Nine Colors are blooming over the city of Gakuen, and they write beautiful and magnificent pictures in the sky. At the same time, the lights that have been turned off for a long time are all turned on, turning the city of Gakuen into a city full of brilliance in an instant!

In the face of this artificial glory, the starry sky of the sky has to choose to retreat, and the scene of the fading of the galaxy is reflected in the eyes of everyone, so that the magicians and onmyoji who study the astrology look pale!

Starlight is no longer, and even the observation can not be observed, what else are they studying? The most important thing is that the academy city does not intentionally let the star light subside, but simply creates lights that can obscure the star light.

This is not a patent of the academy city. The explosive development of science and technology is already obvious. The night will be lit by endless lights. It is the inevitable result of the future. At that time, what should they do based on starlight?

These people's worries Bai Jingyue did not know, and would not care if they knew it. Driven by the will of the world, the research on the extraordinary power is constantly regressing, and technology is constantly improving. Sooner or later, the extraordinary power will be completely replaced by the power of technology. This is also the construction fantasy of Shirai and Yakumo Zi. Township reasons. If these Onmyoji teachers are willing after he and the Yakumo Zi plan is over, Shiraoi doesn’t mind giving them a chance to continue to develop what they learn, but if they don’t cooperate, they will hold their sad dreams and live on their own outside. Extinguish it.

Mixed with the explosion of fireworks and the cheers of tourists, the parade set off in the band's heated performance.

At the forefront is the benchmark of the academy city. At present, the only Lv6 capable person in the academy city, Zuotian tears.

Putting on the tears of Satian, who changed into the uniform of Shichuan High School, he used his ability to control the wind and dragged his body forward. While moving forward, he waved his hands to the left and right tourists. When he passed the street where Shiraitsu was, he felt Shirai. When Yue exists, she winks slightly at Bai Jingyue in the crowd.

After Satian tears, it is the representatives of major schools.

The representatives of Tokiwadai High School are, of course, Misaka Misaka and Shiraoi Kuroko. They wear dresses after a long absence, holding the school badge of Tokiwadai School and following behind Satian tears.

Behind them are Fujino and Asami, the gods representing Hallelujah Theological Seminary, both dressed in nun clothes and walking slowly.

Representing the Ultimate Starlight Art High School are Asuna and Shinoda Asada. As art students, they reasonably put on their own battle costumes and attracted many people’s attention. This time, Ryo Tosaka and Sakurai Not to be left behind, he followed him in his regular clothes.

Dozens of schools in the academy city sent their most representative students to participate in this parade. The parade lined up several streets, and tourists gathered on both sides of the street, watching the team representing the academy city gradually move forward.

Not only curious tourists, but at this moment, some people are focusing their attention on the parade of the miniature school city.

The spies are observing the power displayed by the academy city, and assessing whether they want to oppose or form an alliance with the academy city.

Parents are observing the current situation of their children and want to know whether it is worthwhile to send their children.

Competent people are observing the heroic postures of their predecessors, and are looking forward to their future.

The creators are observing the results of their hard work for many years and are proud of their past!

There are still some people who are missing those who have passed away for many years.

Zhu Jingtian, who lives on the street with friends from the living is one of them.

Li Baiyang, who is dressed in white and stood at the crossroad with a policeman elder sister, listening to people cheering, is one of them.

Disguised as an ordinary doctor, one of them is staring at the whole city of Aresta by the floor-to-ceiling windows in his office.

As the parade progressed, it was one of those who saw the silent dead laughter of the parade procession for many years, and the eyes became moist for some reason.

In the family restaurant, watching the procession of the parade through the window continues to advance, can't help thinking of the past life, snuggling Mai Ye Shenli and Takihuli also belong to this part.

At the edge of the roof at the top of the building, on the sidewalks on both sides of the street, in the shadows hidden by the alleyways.

Those heroes who once died to fight to save the world, stood quietly in these unobserved places, watching this silently with their own eyes.

There are a lot of hateful things in the world, dark unpredictable hearts, monsters that prey on humans in the shadows, terrible natural disasters that cause a lot of deaths and injuries as soon as they appear, they are rampant in this world, making this world rot and ruin .

However, the world is so beautiful again!

Friendship, love, affection, and the beauty of life are constantly blooming in this world.

This is no longer their original world. This school city is just a copy of the original school city. They all know this.

However, they are willing to fight for these laughing people, for this vibrant city, for this beautiful world!

This school city is their second home!

ps: Friendly recommend a new book, "Crazy Loading", written scp text, I don't know much about this, if you are interested, you can check it out.

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