The Forbidden World

Chapter 1761: The last game

"Xin Qin Xin, where do you want to go next?"

After shopping for about three or four hours, Shiraoi asked Qin Xin on her neck at a crossroads about her next plan.

The sky has been dyed orange-red, and most of the competition is now over, about an hour before the night parade of the Daba Star Festival.

This night parade Shiraitsu is definitely going to take everyone, the question is how to pass this hour.

"Game, look."

"Watch the game? Let me see what other games are nearby at this time."

Bai Jingyue took out a game timetable from his pocket, and then started looking from the bottom to the top, and found that at this time everyone was preparing for the upcoming parade, and there was only one game in progress.

"The first city-wide mahjong competition in Gakuen City?"

The name of the game made Shiraiuki blackish, and he recalled the fear of being once dominated by girls at the table.

What is more sad is that Qin Xin on his back shook his head gently after hearing Bai Jingyue's whisper: "Dad, look."

What can Bai Jingyue do? I had to take everyone to the competition venue.

Unlike other sports in the open-air stadium, this project itself was held in a closed inner pavilion. After several people came to the competition venue, Bai Jingyue followed the road signs and came to somehow almost full of people watching the game. hall.

I also want to come. For ordinary tourists, there is an hour to go to the night parade. This hour must find something to do, and this mahjong game is one of the very good choices.

After finding the seat, Bai Jingyue hugged Qin Xin around his neck. This is not outside, and back on the back will affect others to watch. Anyway, sitting in a chair can clearly see the game scene through the big screen.

Soon after the crowd had just sat down, the host's loud voice echoed in the hall: "The next is the final battle tonight! The first city-wide Mahjong match team competition in the academy!"

"The first player to play is the general of Shiraido High School, who has been riding the dust and has been in the leading position since the beginning of the avant-garde battle! Erkut Blenstad, known as the Princess of White!"

The white knee-length dress with a blue uniform and a blue collar is an ordinary girl's uniform for girls. However, wearing it on Erkuit gave her the feeling of a princess dress.

At home, Alquette also wore many home uniforms, but this is the first time that student uniform Shirai I see, but compared to the school uniform, the name of the school made him more shocked.


Why is there a bad feeling?

The next broadcast verified Shirai's ideas.

"The second player to play is the general of Linhai Women's High School, who has followed the scores from the start of the battle, Captain Mao Zhihualie!"

Mao Zhilie, who had always been wearing a black grim reaper suit, also changed a lot this time.

Not only did she pick up her braids again, she also put on a pair of black-rimmed glasses and school uniforms in white and red dresses, pretending to be a young girl who was not involved in the world.

If it weren't for Mao Zhihua Lie's waist, he didn't leave his body, disguised as a wooden sword, and the scattered sense of sharpness, Bai Jingyue thought he had admitted to the wrong person.

"The third player was Achiga's general who had risen to catch up from the start of the midfield battle and was only a thousand points away from the second. It is said to be the princess of the white princess, the black princess, Elt Lucy Brun Stade!"

Why is it said that it is said?

Because Alterucci appeared in front of everyone, using the image of a girl about fourteen years old! If it weren’t for the pale pink high school uniform, everyone thought she was a junior high school student, and the girl in front of him said that she was Elkette’s sister, who believed?

"The fourth one, despite repeated setbacks, has not given up and insisted on the general of Qingcheng High School now, known as the blue queen of the human rocket launcher-Aoqi Qingzi!"

Among the four people, Aoqi Aoqi is the most like a high school student. Although it has been many years before she joined high school students after graduating from high school, but her maintenance has been very good. After a little dressing, Aoqi Aoqi in the high school era reappeared In the venue.

The only difference is the difference in school uniforms.

Misaki-cho was in winter when she first met Shiraitsu, and Ako Saki wore a winter school uniform. At the moment, Ako Sakiko wore a summer school uniform from Qingcheng High School, with a white top and blue long skirt. Full of vitality.

"Four generals are already in place! Is it right now that Shitoutai can maintain the lead and win the championship, or that Linhai, the second, can win the championship? Or is Achiga, the third, going to overtake? Can Qingcheng High School, who is a lot behind, is able to counterattack!? Then, the game begins!"

Bai Jingyue was already speechless, he admitted he was wrong.

He shouldn’t have built a school city since the beginning. Without a school city, there would be no Da Ba Star Festival. Without Da Ba Star Festival, there wouldn’t be this Mahjong League. Without these Mahjong League, these schools wouldn’t be there. The finals met.

Thinking of how the people at home played mahjong, and then looking at the reporters holding cameras or cameras all over the hall, Bai Jingyue felt helpless.

Superpower Mahjong is now on stage. The decline of ordinary Mahjong is already foreseeable. In the future, the world is so big that there is no place for ordinary Mahjong. This is his fault!

"Don't act, no one watches."

On the right hand side of Bai Jingyue, after using the power of forever and Xu Yu to isolate each other's timeline separately, Hui Ye poked Bai Jingyue's waist and interrupted Bai Jingyue's one-man show.

"Most of you have moved here, what about Baijingzhai?"

"White well house...the distance between this place and the white well house is a space channel, you don't know if you don't know... just say something."

In the situation where the enchantment of Fantasy Township is still unstable, Hui Ye and Yong Lin, of course, can't go directly from the enchantment. They must come through the space door maintained by Baijing Kuroko and Yakumo in the Baijing House. .

So Hui Ye asked nothing about distance.

"It doesn't matter if you move in, why are there fewer and fewer people playing the game? Sometimes you can't wait for someone to swipe a copy!"


The reason for this situation is quite clear.

Originally, everyone had nothing to do in Shiraizhai. Except for training, they all played games, so they all became otakus. However, after they arrived in the academy city, the construction of the academy city, the construction and management of the school, and the mutual confrontation Let the girls find a new way of This caused their time to play games to plummet.

To put it simply, everyone was originally a game house, and they were intimate with each other, but suddenly all of you except you have become cash, which is very embarrassing.

When playing an online game, the server with only 20 or 30 people suddenly becomes only you, how can I still play?

"Everyone will have a fresh look now, and decisive time will be all right."

Bai Jingyue is not to fool the night, just like Sylvanas who once witnessed the establishment of a school city. This time, the girls who participated in the establishment of the school city from the beginning to the end have experienced decades of campus life. , Always feel tired.

By then, they will still return to Shiraiya, doing what they have been doing for the past thousands of years and have become used to it.

Hui Ye, who had been explained, released her abilities and watched this super-powered mahjong destined for history with Bai Jingyue.

After fifty minutes of fierce battle, the result of the game finally came out. The school that won the victory was not that expected by Shirai, it was that school.

The only thing that surprised Bai Jingyue was Pa Qiuli and Li Nali.

It seems that after watching such a shocking battle, the two of them also became interested in super-powered mahjong.

Bai Jingyue was distressed.

Although it is cool to look at the special effects, the essence of super power mahjong is cruel watch flying and being watched flying! I don’t know what kind of cruel future Pacholi and Li Nali will face!

I don't know if they will regret it when they learn the original purpose of the points used in playing mahjong at home.

As for whether they may be [monsters]?

People who still insist on super-powered mahjong at home are bombarded by Satian tears desperately, what if they are monsters?

In any case, it is always right to observe two minutes of silence first.

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