The Forbidden World

Chapter 1706: Jihad started

Li Nali took Bai Jingyue's hand and looked at the closed Ark Gate with some reluctance: "Brother has left?"

"Well, it's gone. Don't you regret it?"

"Brother Mu En is going to do something beyond the understanding of human beings. He is just an ordinary person, so let him get out of this abyss."

"Well, then at your request, after the jihad, the mark I left on Kom will restore all his memories."

Komye, who regained his memory, will remember Li Nali's identity, as well as the experience that he once wanted to take the holiness of the heart as his own but finally gave up.

This is what Bai Jingyue and Li Nali came up with and told Komyi.

Because of what they did yesterday, Li Nali's life span has completely surpassed humanity. When Komui gets old, this sibling relationship will become a sad bond.

Therefore, under the persuasion of Shirai, Li Nali decided to gradually dilute herself from Komyi's sight.

Restoring Kom's memory is the first step, and the second step is to create death.

Regardless of the outcome of this jihad, Li Nali cannot return to the church. A fake death is inevitable. Today's separation is the last time their brothers and sisters meet.

Of course, Li Nali can quietly visit Kom Yi with her own ability in the future, but this is definitely the last time Kom Yi saw Li Nali.

"Be careful in the next battle, protect yourself before I throw the key."


Just when Shirai I commanded Li Nali to pay attention to the next battle, other people were also making final preparations.

There is nothing to say about Kanda Yu and Kanda Lotus. After the holy maintenance, they sat on a beautiful square in the Ark building complex, and they leaned together quietly.

Aresta and Mary crouched in the corner, one looked at the sky without knowing what to think, and the other listened to music of unknown origin with headphones.

Shuon and Rabbi were walking around in the ark, and they recorded the ark intact as Shuwen.

Others also do their own things, or enjoy the final comfort, or adjust their status. Only Kulos seems to have something to worry about, pulling Alian into a room with a frown, not knowing what to say What happened.

Bai Jingyue didn't care about this, no matter what Kuros said, it was useless, and the plan to this step was no longer a stop for Noah's incomplete awakening Noah.

Moreover, there is no time to talk to Kuros and Yalian.

With a loud noise, a black behemoth appeared from the white ark, and everyone who had seen the object could not help but exclaim.

"The Earl's Ark!"

The final jihad suddenly began!

After the appearance of the black ark, the first move was not to open the door of the ark, but to hit the white ark like that! Aaron was still talking to Kuros in the room, there was no time to respond, and the two arks collided directly like that!

As an ark, there is basically no gap between the two in terms of infrastructure. The damage to the two is basically the same. The buildings and foundations on the edge of the two collapse like that, and then fall into the void.

However, the difference is that there are only more than a dozen exorcists on one of the arks, and they never thought they would be attacked, while the other ark was equipped with countless demons and was ready for battle!

With the impact contact point as a channel, a large number of demons swarmed in!

The two arks with the same authority could not use the inside of each other as a transmission location, so the only way to attack the other was in a relatively stupid way. The Earl of the Millennium didn’t think he could succeed, but Yalian was in the room at that time, waiting for him to react. By the time, hundreds of level three demons had rushed into Noah's Ark.

The exorcist, who was not far from the edge of the ark, just resisted for a while and was overwhelmed by many demons. Just after the war, he lost a companion, and the faces of many exorcists became ugly.

"Alian! There are too many enemies in this way! Hurry to control the Ark to disconnect!"

After hearing Kuros's shouting, Allen hurried to the heart of the ark, and the exorcists quickly stepped forward to build the first line of defense. However, the numerous Noahs that appeared on the battlefield made the front a joke.

In the last battle of the Ark, except for the Millennium Earl, only five Noahs appeared on the Noah side, and they came in batches, letting them experience several life and death, and this time Noah appeared in front of everyone, there are six Bit!

"It's a big deal, but isn't the earl coming? And the two who escaped together last time?"

Seinoya looked down at Kuros with a scornful look: "To deal with Six of us are enough!"

This is a bit arrogant, but it is not exaggerated. If it is just six Noahs, the four marshals are counted as a few exceptional exorcists, and they can cope with it, but there are a large number of rank three demons in the opposing camp, and A few demons that had never seen before.

There is an aperture on the head, and the white limbs behind are like wings. At first glance it looks like a mythical angel, but if you look closely, it is still a demon with a twisted shape.

At level four, everyone instantly understood this.

Demons can evolve, this is something they have understood for a long time, but they did not expect that so many levels of four demons will suddenly appear when the decisive battle comes!

Unknown ability and unknown performance, in this case, they are absolutely disadvantaged!

Fortunately, just before the battle of life and death began, the note to control the ark rang. After a flash, the white ark jumped directly above St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, cutting off the possibility of the Millennium Earl continuing to send reinforcements.

Just when the space transfer just ended, Kuros raised his hand and opened the jihad! The holy pure white light and the purple light of the devil are constantly intertwined on the Noah's Ark, writing the final sad song of myth!

During the fierce battle above the white ark, the black ark, which had lost its invasion passage, raised several black gates directly below it, along with Diqi and Rhodes who walked out of the gate, and the constant demons pouring out of the black gate, The jihad has begun!

Tens of kilometers away from the Vatican, Lola, dressed in white, spread her hair, sitting on the edge of the cliff with her hands on her knees, looking at the direction of the battlefield with her eyes a little defiant.

The questions that have plagued her for many years are about to be answered today, with the upcoming scene

Mythological battle!

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