The Forbidden World

Chapter 1705: The cornerstone of the new era

Vatican, this city has been the core of the church for a long time.

It is full of devout believers. It is one of the most sacred places in the hearts of all believers. It is also the seat of the central authority of the church. The pope is here to control believers all over the world through churches and priests around the world. .

Today, this ancient city has changed its peaceful appearance and became solemn.

The road for pilgrims was completely blocked. The crusaders wearing heavy armor and shields in hand held all the important ways. They were the foundation of the church and the guarantee of the church's strength based on this world!

Countless guards with sharp blades took to the streets. Although they looked like mere mortals, they were all reserve soldiers who had been trained in the Crusaders and could fill the vacancies of the Crusaders by awakening the glory of God!

Supported members of the Black Order Expeditionary Team cooperated with these guards to fill the gaps in their defenses. As members of the Black Order Expeditionary Class, they may not have enough offensive power, but they have a fighting will that the Crusaders can't match, and even orthodoxy Masters are difficult to reach the ability to use the enchantment.

The raven troops hidden in the shadows of the past appeared quietly in the defense team, using a large number of runes to build a huge defensive border throughout the Vatican. As a secret knife of the church, at the critical moment of the life and death of the church, it can't be hidden.

Two white cavalry wearing heavy armour are stationed on both sides of the city. This is the church's largest card except the black sect. The only one is the original crusader from the beginning to the present! Every member here can use the brilliance of God in the body to slay the existence of level three demons alone! It is the strongest army selected by the church from hundreds of millions of believers!

In just half a day, the entire Vatican became a fortress full of troops!

The huge white ark floated not far from the Vatican City, while the exorcists were all in the ark to prepare for battle.

In fact, the best policy is to arrange the ark directly above the Vatican, so that no matter where the Millennium Count comes from, they have room to cope with it. However, this plan has been opposed by all high-level churches including the Pope, including the application of the Noah family. The Ark was already challenging their bottom line. They could not tolerate heretic creations floating above the Lord's Kingdom.

In desperation, they had to choose a place not far away and let the exorcist prepare to attack at any time in the ark.

And Komye took the active science class members to make the final preparations.

While everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, Shiraiuki found Komyi.

"Komyi, after this maintenance, you and the people in the science class must leave the ark and return to the headquarters."

Kom Yiwen immediately frowned, irritating Bai Jingyue angrily: "Marshal Mu En, we have considered this day together since joining the Black Order, please don't underestimate us, we will not be deserters."

"I did not let you be deserters, but to avoid unnecessary losses. This is the last battle, we are likely to use some unconventional methods, in which case there is a high probability that it will affect you, who are we Not willing to see it."

"Extraordinary!? What about? Everyone is here, even if it's an extraordinary attack, that's what we are bearing together, and everyone has already realized it!"

"Listen! Comey!"

Bai Jingyue heavily patted Komye's shoulder and said in a very serious tone: "Times are different, do you understand? Whether this time humanity wins or loses, the influence of the church on the world will fall to a low point, and you The science class, and the science and technology mastered by the science class, will be the key to the next step of human beings! Compared to those of us who can only protect, your mission is to open up! Open up the future of mankind! From this moment, Your position is no longer a supporter of the exorcist, but a guardian of the future of humanity!"

In Komei’s expression of aggression, Shirai said: "This battle will be the last battle of our exorcist, but it is not the last battle of mankind! In addition to the Millennium Earl, there are still many shadows and Humanity is the enemy. Your task is to establish the last line of defense when the church is in a trough and cannot bless humanity!"


Komuyi was completely stunned for a while. He put all his thoughts in this jihad that determined everything, but never considered the things after the jihad. Bai Jingyue only noticed this after he mentioned that even if they won this jihad The victory of mankind will also be in darkness for a long time.

After so many years in the church, he knew very well that in addition to the Millennium Earl and the Devil of the Millennium Earl, human enemies include witches, real demons, and the legendary vampires and Past Church They can be suppressed with absolute strength, but they cannot do it after this jihad.

Even the witch and the devil, even creatures like vampires can continue to infect! If one fails, the world will be occupied by vampires soon after the holy war is over!

"So, what you have to do now is to return to the headquarters immediately, sort out the technologies that are useful to humans in your hands, and publish them after the end of the jihad. If you can, I hope you can hand these over to the necessary evil church. "

"Necessary evil church!? Wait, that is!?"

"Yes, the organization that you have been looking for but you can't find. It was the necessary evil that was established by me and Lola, lurking in the black sect. Once you have decided, just shout in front of everyone, you have Join the necessary evil church and the guarantor is me.”

In the end, Komuyi still agreed with Shirai's arrangement. The people in their science class are not afraid of death, but no matter how they look, they are more useful to human beings than they are fighting to die here.

With full of entanglement, Komyi and the science class were sent back to the previous headquarters by Yalian. After they left, Shiraitsuki smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then sent two signals to go out.

One of them, of course, was sent to the Millennium Earl.

The seeds of humanity have been sent away, and it is time to put an end to all this.

That's right, Shiraoi uses human seeds to describe Komyi them.

Bai Jingyue did not lie to Komui before. This holy war is destined to consume the last remnants of the mythological era, and Komyo and others, under the leadership of the necessary evil church, will become the cornerstone of the new era.

The second message, of course, was sent to Lola.

She has been waiting for this day for a long time.

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