The Forbidden World

Chapter 1707: Defeat

A huge number of demons constituted a black and white wave, and they came towards the Vatican. With the exorcists all dragged on Noah’s ark, the Vatican’s defenses were almost impossible to block such an offensive. In desperation, they had to advance Use the cards.

The two pure white crusaders began to move. After tracing an arc along the wall, the two cavalry converged on the front of the Vatican, and began to line up against the advancing demon army.

Each knight had a firm face, and in the face of the torrent of destruction, they calmly put on their helmets and picked up the knightly gun hanging beside the horse.

The white light appeared on them. This is the glory of pure faith. They firmly believed that they were the righteous side and the sharpest blade in the hands of the gods. At this moment, it is when they slaughtered the devil!

It is incredible that these white lights did not stop spreading after covering their bodies, but continued to expand. After a while, they actually covered their mounts.

This is not over yet. After covering the mount, these white lights continue to spread, and finally all are connected together. The entire Knights is like a huge light bulb, shining in the dark night.

"For my Lord! Attack!"

The head of the Knights first issued the horn of attack, facing the demon army closer and closer, he launched the charge alone!

Like a soap bubble, the entire white light group was twisted by the knight, but it did not shatter. Under the leadership of this brave knight, the crusade re-riding automatically formed a frontal array, toward the devil The army launched a surprise attack!

Many demons stopped halfway, raising their hands is a round of shooting, just like the bombing of the future artillery array, countless ammunition constitutes a death storm covering the charging knight.

However, it was useless. The devastating storm did not even hinder this knighthood a little bit. The demon shells hit their armor, and even a single seal was not shot, they were flew by white light.

Soon, the two armies were about to come into contact, and the head of the knightly regiment headed up praising the name of God while holding up the knightly gun in his hand.


Looking at the approaching human knights, the demon who was also charging showed a greasy smile. They opened their teeth and claws one by one, preparing to destroy these humans who tried to challenge them. However, they did not expect that in this match, they belonged to The weak side!

The white brilliance easily melted the demon's body, and the defensive line formed by the third-level demon was as fragile as paper, and was easily pierced.

Like a sharp knife, the Knights penetrated the demon army's hinterland, and then unscrupulously began to rush! No matter whether it is a shell or an ability, or a body, there is no way to hinder this knighthood. The crusaders who have charged have re-ridden and are unstoppable!

This is the card of the church. The church has hidden its power for more than a thousand years! Unlike the Black Order, which deals specifically with demons, their power is effective for any alien, and the most important thing is that their power can be merged! At this moment, the knight's position is so difficult to kill even level 4 demons, let alone these level 3 fish!

The earthquake shook and the church's most powerful force showed its fangs here!

"This is a bit difficult to deal with."

Seeing the knights approaching the gate of the ark constantly, Diqi had a headache. It stands to reason that this kind of enemy that the general demon cannot solve should be given to him to deal with, but the knights’ attack and defense have even exceeded he. If he really went up to block, he might be punctured by a shot.

The key lies in that integration. The divine powers of thousands of knights fuse together and undergo a qualitative change. That is definitely the power of the first level of the gods. Before the Noah family was fully awakened, they were only false gods. They were slightly stronger than level four, but they were limited in strength.

"Then don't deal with it."

Rhode bit the lollipop while looking at the knightly disdainfully.

Although fusion has the power of gods, it is still based on mortals, and even because the power of fusion is too large, it has become a weakness.

The power of the gods is not so easy to use. The use of regular-level power with a body that has not reached the regular level will inevitably cause damage to the body. If it is used only occasionally, long-term use will inevitably lead to the collapse of the body.

This is why the church has always used this knighthood as the bottom card and never used it lightly. Although it is very powerful, it is impossible for even the church to withstand a knighthood that is scrapped once.

Now that they have countless demons in their hands, there is no need to personally take risks. They just need to continue to consume the other party. After a while, this knighthood will collapse because of its own power.

Even they can send out extra demons to directly attack the Vatican while preventing the Knights.

In fact, they did just that. The Knights could not clean up all the demons after all. All the fish in the net continued to move in the direction of the Vatican, and soon met the first line of defense on the human side.

There are also Paladins that can use white light. However, compared to the Crusades, the knights here can use the power is not strong enough. They can kill the second level, but they can’t cause damage to the third level demons. The enchantment of the enchantment and the raven forces delay time.

A fierce battle started, just a face-to-face, the first line of defense and the second line of defense were overwhelmed by the demon, the third line of defense was completely pierced, and began to collapse, the fourth line of defense barely hindered the demon’s However, it was only a little hindered. After a while, the demon broke through the fourth line of defense and came to the fifth line of defense.

One-fifth of the Vatican fell, and the rest of the area was invaded by demons at a visible speed.

Not far away, the giant-type demon rose from the ground, with a purple destructive light shining behind. The next moment, enough to cover the entire attack is coming!

Just then, a ray of light bloomed. From the white ark over the Vatican, wave towards the entire battlefield!

The demons that rushed into the Vatican were instantly burned to ashes by the glory, and the demons outside the city also died in large numbers. If Diqi and Rhode were hiding fast, they would also be injured.

However, after seeing such a scene, all humans frowned.

Bai Jingyue's sun shines, this is a trick everyone knows, even with the harsh use restrictions.

This is a move to overdraw the power of Shiraitsu. Once Shiraitsu uses this trick, Shiraitsu can't confront the Millennium Earl in a short period of time. If the Millennium Earl personally shoots at this time, humanity will be in an inverted state for a long time. .

The ideal situation is that humans are fighting with demons with the help of the exorcist. When the human side can't hold on, Shiraitsu clears the field, and the knights delay the time. As a result, the battle is now less than twenty minutes. All the clearings were consumed, and the demons were still rushing out of the black ark.

The form is extremely bad for the human side!

The only good news is that the exorcists on Noah’s Ark were liberated after Shiraitsu released this trick.

Through an all-white gate of the Ark, many exorcists came to the middle of the returning knight and the fifth floor of the Vatican to build the most important defense line belonging to the exorcist.

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