The Forbidden World

Chapter 1329: Double-barreled cannon

"That, Maitre, didn't you say that this monster is very gentle?"

Layers of cold sweat flowed down the cheek to the depths of the lapel, and Inuyasha's voice could not help but tremble.

Because of his promotion to the semi-regular level, Inuyasha understood the horror of this monster in front of him. At the moment when the monster walked out of the sea of ​​flowers in front of him, the demon power flowing on each flower in the sea of ​​flowers surged toward the monster, and the surging flow of demon power instantly changed the air flow of the entire space!

In the eyes of Inuyasha who can skillfully use wind wounds, it seems that countless wind wounds are coming!

Maitreya also took a sip of water and said with some anxiety: "Theoretically it should be like this. According to the old man, as long as we do not enter the flower field, we will not be attacked..."

Speaking of which, Maitreya couldn't go on. The scene in front of him, no matter how he looked at each other, was not a gentle monster!

"Which... Can you communicate first?"

Ge Wei held a bow and arrow in her hands, and didn't know what to do. In her eyes, Feng Jian You Xiang was very oppressive, but from Feng Jian You Xiang's body, she didn't feel the evil breath, but simply strong, just like Inuyasha feels the same. But compared to Inuyasha, the opponent is much stronger!

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult..."

When everyone didn't know what to do, Bai Jingyue spoke, and he looked helplessly at the eyes of Feng Jian You Xiang.

Those crimson eyes were filled with crazy fighting intentions. Before these fighting intentions were cleared, obviously it was not a good idea to speak well. However, since the last time has passed for hundreds of years, who knows that the wind sees Youxiang How many war intentions are accumulated in my heart?

For Feng Jian You Xiang, only the battle with the strong is enough to dispel those extra fighting intents, and the Onmyoji who sent to death in the past obviously cannot reach this standard.

"Youxiang, can you sit down and talk?"

Bai Jingyue's second sentence made everyone stunned.

Did you know? ? In other words, Master Shirai has such a wide range of hunting! ?

"What do you say?"

The slightly manic rhetorical question made everyone's heart numb. In the slightly doubtful eyes of everyone, Feng Jianyouxiang blocked the parasol in front of him.

Seeing the action of Feng Jian You Xiang, Bai Jingyue's face changed greatly! Because this action also means that Feng Jian You Xiang pointed the umbrella tip at them!

The demon power begins to converge, and the magic cannon begins to recharge. The next moment, the devastating magic cannon is about to launch!

If only this is the case, in his perception, another figure of Feng Jian You Xiang has gradually condensed beside Feng Jian You Xiang!

"As for playing so big?"

After complaining bitterly, Bai Jingyue quickly turned back and reminded everyone: "Full defense! Don't die!"

Bai Jingyue's reminder surprised everyone, wasn't he still chatting? Why did you suddenly get to this point?

However, now is not the time to delve in. Since Shiraitsu reminded in this way, then the other party's attack must be enough to threaten their lives!

Bellflower is the fastest responder, and she knows Shirai’s identity, she understands that Shiraitsu is definitely not joking at this moment!

In a hurry, no strong defense can be arranged. The bellflower directly picks up the bow and arrow and injects strength into the arrow.

After seeing it, Ge Wei also gave up the plan to arrange the enchantment, and also raised the long bow in his hand.

Maitreya and Coral knew they couldn't help much in defense and hurried to the end of the line, while Inuyasha pulled out his iron teeth to prepare for battle.

And at the moment when everyone was ready, the attack came!

First, a little shimmer bloomed at the tip of the umbrella, and then in a moment of difficulty, the shimmer turned into a beam of light covering the entire road!

At the same time, it was as deep as the abyss of coercion! Under this deep pressure, it seems that the whole body is squeaking!

Strong, and strong enough to make people tremble!

However, everyone was relieved.

The beam of light condensed by this magic power is indeed terrible, but it is not impossible to be hostile, if only this is the case...

Thoughts stopped abruptly.

The scene before them made everyone wipe their eyes, and beside the beam of light, another figure appeared!

And that figure looks exactly like the monster who is attacking them!

A magnificent parasol was also held in his hand and aimed at them!

The first beam of light just came out, and the same beam of light burst from the tip of the umbrella here!

They have confidence to guard against a beam of light, but face two at the same time...

"We will not die here!"

In the crisis of life and death, the wild nature of the monster is full of Inuyasha's heart, and with the roar, the demon power of the limbs and the continuous flow of the bones is instantly poured into the iron broken teeth!

There are stars floating on the dark iron broken teeth, and now Inuyasha has no control anymore, just a wave directly in front of him!

The moon is broken!

The dark ball appeared in front of Inuyasha, blocking it in front of the beam!

Although the original intention of this move is to send the enemy into the underworld, but sometimes, it can also be used to defend!

As long as it doesn't exceed the limit of the broken moon, it will be enough to swallow everything!

However, it didn't work. The broken moon that once needed Inuyasha's full strength to be able to break free, soon began to disintegrate itself shortly after the first beam of light was shot!

At the moment when the crescent moon cracked the body, two bows and arrows pierced the sky, a pure soul, a calm soul, and two arrows crossed into the beam of light!

The beam of light suddenly twisted!

The collision with the Nether Road ultimately caused a certain impact on the beam of light. Afterwards, it specifically restrained the monster's broken arrow. Although it did not shoot through the beam of light, it was enough to cause disorder within the beam of light. Inuyasha greeted the beam of light on the front!

This pure and powerful demon power, in theory, he can't use blasting, just like when the fighting tooth king faced the flying monster moth. The moment he greeted him would turn into fly ash.

But this time is different. After the two demon-broken arrows are shot, the beam of demon power is distorted, and at the same time a gap is exposed-the gap into which his demon power cuts!

"Give me! Go back!"

The magic power twisted, and the first light column was swept by the violent wind vortex towards the second light column!

The beams of light from the same source collide with each other just like that, and the bursts of impact continue to spread, rolling up a large amount of smoke!

After a while the collision stopped, and the manic wind gradually stopped.

Inuyasha and others were ecstatic, they actually survived! Survive from that horrific attack!

Bai Jingyue, who was ready to save at any time, was relieved, and then he was slightly relieved.

Although it was a coincidence to borrow the power of Nether Way, Inuyasha they are indeed the two-barrel magic cannon that blocked the fragrant beauty of the wind, and he deserves his praise.

It's just that there is only such a moment of happiness.

For Inuyasha and them, the double-barreled magic gun is a powerful attack that is difficult to resist, and for Feng Jian You Xiang, it is just two A-levels!

Now, it is far from the time to relax!

The battle is not over!


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