The Forbidden World

Chapter 1330: Flower of the Void

The aftermath of the double-barreled magic gun is gradually dissipating, but this is not the end of the battle, it is just the beginning of the battle!

The smoke dispersed, and Feng Jian You Xiang appeared again in the field of vision of Inuyasha and others. Unlike before, the corner of Feng Jian You Xiang's mouth was slightly up!

"Not enough! Not enough!"

Crazy laughter echoed in the wilderness, and at the same time, the flowers around Fengjian Youxiang suddenly began to grow crazy!

The golden sunflowers and the blue ice roses spread like a plague on the ground! A wave of magical power flowed out of the wind seeing Youxiang, and then soaked into those flowers!

Feng Jian You Xiang stopped wanton laughter and looked at Inuyasha and others with the look of expectation!

"Come! Take more of your means! Please please me!"

With the wild words, the hearts of dozens of sunflowers began to gather the magic power! The cannons one size smaller than before were shot one by one towards Inuyasha and others!

The continuous rays of light are like a rain curtain of death, covering Inuyasha and others!

This is not over yet!

On the ground, countless ice-blue roses began to radiate cold, like a ghostly blue misty sea, and rushed towards the crowd along the ground!

In front, there are countless light cannons condensed by demon power like the sky, and below, there is a blue sea enough to freeze all souls. In the face of such a desperate situation, everyone's face is difficult to look.

They just tried their best to barely block the next attack. Now, what are they doing to stop everything in front of them?

At this critical moment, a figure stood at the forefront of the crowd.

"Isn't it a fight, I will fight with you!"

After all, Bai Jingyue shot. Even the double-barreled magic cannon, even if there are so many flowers, they can't stop Inuyasha.

As for the issue of identity exposure, after Feng Jian You Xiang used the coldness of the ice blue rose, it no longer exists.

I saw Shiraitsu holding his right hand high, and suddenly, the blue ocean began to riot!

Countless cold winds rolled up from the ground, and finally all gathered towards Bai Jingyue's palm, and the entire blue sea suddenly became a master!

An ice wall rose from the ground, but in an instant, a solid ice fortress wrapped Inuyasha and others.

The continuous channel of magic cannons sent by flowers blasted the entire road, but none of them hit Inuyasha. All the cannons they fired at Inuyasha were blocked by the ice fortress cast by Shiraitsu!

Subsequently, Shiraizuki rushed up!

It’s not just defense. Shiraizuki is very clear. Located on the ground and in the flower fields, the fascinating power of Feng Jian You Xiang is endless. To end the battle, either they are all crushed by Feng Jian You Xiang, or they win the battle. !

With Bai Jingyue's actions, the blue misty sea suddenly boiled up, and countless chills followed behind Bai Jingyue, as if the wings spread out to the limit.

Wherever passing, all magic cannons were frozen into ice by the extreme cold!

Facing Shiraizuki who rushed up, the wind saw Youxiang shining, and he directly waved his parasol and smashed towards Shiraitsu!

Bai Jingyue didn't dodge, and the right fist gathering a lot of coldness went up!

The piercing buzzing sound penetrated the protection of the fortress and kept echoing in the ears of Inuyasha and others, and the impact produced when the fists converged caused the ground where the two men and Shimizu and Kaori Yuka stood to sink for several meters!

In the aftermath of this blow, a large number of sunflowers and ice roses are crushed by the overflowing airflow!

If it is usual, Feng Jian You Xiang will be very annoyed to make her flower field destroyers into flower fat, but now she has been immersed in the long-lost battle, where can you control these?

After waving left fist and Bai Jingyue and punching again, Feng Jian You Xiang's whole body suddenly turned over, avoiding the sweep of Bai Jingyue's sneak attack, after turning his body, Feng Jian You Xiang turned around with a whip leg, was Bai Jingyue waved down.

In this way, in the ground net composed of countless magic guns and countless cold air, Bai Jingyue and Feng Jian You Xiang fist add up!

The fist wind that leaked from time to time shattered the earth, leaving one hole after another on the ground, and the magic cannon that was missing from time to time penetrated the mountains, causing the whole mountain to collapse!

Looking at everything in front of him, Inuyasha and others were dumbfounded. The battlefield ahead is no longer an area they can understand.

Let’s say that any of those magic cannons and the sea of ​​frost are enough to destroy them all, and this kind of attack is just a secondary attack for Shirai and Kazuyuki.

It is these attacks that only interfere, and this world is collapsing!

How terrifying is Shiraitsu's battle with Feng Jian You Xiang at the very center! ?

Inuyasha, who was a little inflated by promotion to the semi-regular level, calmed down. He had made up his mind, and after solving Naraku, he would continue to exercise.

At the very least, he must have the ability to protect himself in such a battlefield!

Inuyasha's thoughts, Shiraizuki is not clear. He looked at the fragrant wind and flames in front of his eyes, and he had a headache.

To be honest, although it seems that Feng Jian You Xiang is crazy and he is also actively fighting, in fact, he and Feng Jian You Xiang both left their hands.

He did not use Binglun Wan, nor did Feng Jianyouxiang use his own rules.

They are just fighting with their pure bodies now.

If you really want to fight, let alone the nearby mountains, the whole plain where the flower fields with beautiful flowers can be the battlefield!

Control the flowers you plant, but the most basic ability of a flower demon! If Feng Jian You Xiang is willing, the sun flowers and ice roses all over the mountains will become the most reliable weapon of Feng Jian You Xiang!

At that time, not only dozens of sunflowers pouring into firepower, but all the flowers spread all over the flower field!

Don't forget, the wind sees Youxiang, but it is a victory over the **** of flowers!

And now the look of Feng Jian You Xiang is obviously more and more hi, if you continue, you may not know when Feng Jian You Xiang will use her real strength.

Therefore, he must make a quick decision!

"Sorry, it seems that today can only hit here!"

Bai Jingyue landed on the ground, and the cold on his body quickly infected the flower field like a plague!

The countless ice roses hidden beneath the flower fields are now exuding a cold chill, submerging the sun flowers above them all!

Looking The golden sea of ​​flowers has all been dipped into blue! It is like the waves of a real ocean!

The magic cannon was blocked. All the magic cannons had not been shot from the flowers, but were frozen by the blue mist. At this moment Feng Jian You Xiang can use only his own fist and the parasol in his hand.

"How could it end there! I haven't had fun yet!"

Flowers are blooming.

Behind the fragrant wind, the void air blooms!

That was impossible, but it did happen! Flowers bloom in the void, dreams modify reality.

That is a mighty power that can compete with the gods, and it is the true trick of Feng Jian You Xiang!

Dreams bloom!



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