The Forbidden World

Chapter 1328: Sea of ​​flowers

"Will Qibao be too sad?"

Walking on the road to Kyoto, Ge Wei was a little unbearable, and Maitreya on the side sighed and said, "Even if it is us, it is dangerous in Kyoto, not to mention Qibao, we can only do this. X"

Bai Jingyue smiled and did not speak. He was now looking forward to the reaction of everyone after seeing the new Qibao. He had long explored it. There is a god's blood in Qibao's body, that is to say, Qibao's ancestor must be a certain The enshrined Fox Fairy.

After a hundred years of uninterrupted fighting, the Seven Treasures will surely be able to awaken the power of the bloodline, not to mention that they must complete the promotion, and a big monster can’t run away.

The seven treasures at that time will surely make everyone stunned.

"Cough, are you, the demon wizard?"

As the crowd passed by a village, the old man sitting at the intersection of the village chopping wood suddenly stopped his movements, and then came over to stop the crowd.

"Yes, we are the demon wizards, is there any monster nearby that needs to be removed?"

Maitreya was asking casually. After all, he had only one reason to stop the demon master. How could the old man wave his hands after hearing Maitreya's inquiry!

"There is a monster there, but I don't want you to be demonized, please bypass this!"


Everyone made the old man's words confusing, there were monsters, but they didn't want to rid the monsters. This can be understood as the monsters are harmless and even beneficial. But if this is the case, why should they be bypassed?

"Old man, can you tell me more about that monster?"

Seeing that everyone began to be interested in the monster, the old man suddenly became restless, but in the end, he sat down and began to tell everyone what he knew.

"When the monster came, I don't know, but I remembered that she was there."

Everyone could not help but look dignified. The path they took was not an extremely remote path. If a monster can stay on this path for more than a few decades without being retreated, it means that the monster is very powerful.

And the old man's next words confirmed this point: "Some Yin Yang masters are coming to retreat her, but they have failed. Those Yin Yang masters haven't come out after entering. As long as we don't go in If she does, she won’t come out to hurt people! So adults, please leave here! Don’t die in vain!”

"Go in? Does she live in a cave?"

The old man waved his hand, denying Maitreya's guess: "No, it's not. You know it when you see it, she, she is in a flower."

"In a flower?"

Inuyasha and others are a bit unclear, so Shiraiuki, his face twitching.

The monster living in the flower, why did he think of that person in a flash?

While communicating with the elderly on Maitreya, Shiraitsu sneaked away and came to the top of a hill beside the village.

Then he saw that the sun is blooming all over the mountains!

The sun flower that can't be seen at a glance is like a golden ocean! Rippling gradually under the breeze, and strangely, when the wind and waves were slightly larger, countless blue light penetrated from under the golden ocean. If you look closely, you can find that it is countless blue roses!

Bai Jingyue couldn't help but help, if he remembered right, although the newly-opened flower field of Fengxiang Youxiang was not far from here, it was just across a few hills!

When did Feng Jian Youxiang move here?

Thinking this way, Shirai's gaze turned to the direction of the flower field where the fragrant beauty was. Then I found something even more terrifying!

In his impression, the mountains standing there have all disappeared, and replaced by an endless sea of ​​flowers!

Bai Jingyue now finally understands that Feng Jian You Xiang did not change the position of the flower field, she just expanded the scope of the flower field.

As for the obstacles that prevented her from expanding the field of flowers? There is no obstacle that cannot be solved by a magic cannon.

Should we be lucky, because there is no strategic significance here, so apart from regularly sending some disobedient Onmyoji to die, those Onmyoji under the control of the Abe family have never tried to attack here. Otherwise, the history of Japanese Onmyoji has ended.

After sighing, Bai Jingyue came down the mountain and was going to pull Inuyasha around them. Although they really wanted to see how the wind sees Youxiang now, but when Inuyasha was in their hands, they still care about it. conflicting.

Bai Jingyue is not afraid of Inuyasha being killed. After all, if he is there, you will still notice it a little bit. You can’t help him. The plan has reached this point, and there is no need to hide anything. . The most important thing is that Shiraiuki is afraid of seeing Youxiang furious, and trouble him! But the wind sees that Youxiang is not willing to challenge the crystal. When it is not good, she will have to level off several mountains, and she will be tired.

It's a pity that Shirai's decision died before he could say anything. When he returned to the village, Inuyasha and others were preparing to set off for the flower field.

Maitre kindly introduced Shiraitsu to the information they had! To be reasonable, he is the one with the most information, okay?

When he heard Maitreya said that the monster was mild in nature and would not be attacked as long as it did not invade the territory, Shiraitsu almost laughed out loud.

Mild nature? How many bones and blood of humans and monsters under the sun blooming in the mountains and the wild, Inuyasha they may never imagine it!

When he heard what Maitreya said, reason first, and then refrain from expulsion, Bai Jingyue was even more speechless.

Feng Jian You Xiang is indeed very reasonable, but that is when she is facing the strong who has been recognized by her!

Before confirming that the person in front of you is a strong man, when did Feng Jian You Xiang make sense?

As for how to confirm it, of course it is a fight first!

Only those who can survive in the hands of Feng Jian You Xiang ~ ~ are qualified to speak, and if they can't do it, they have naturally become flower fat!

Inuyasha and others didn't know Shiraizuki's inner vomiting, nor did they notice the old man's gaze as if he were a dead man. They walked along the village road with confidence until they passed the corner and saw The expansive sea of ​​flowers.

They thought the monster was living in a flower garden or a house full of flowers, but they didn't expect to appear in front of them, but it was a golden ocean!

What made them even more stunned was that every flower seemed to be surrounded by a little demon!

Although there is very little enchantment on each flower, even the count of the mountains and the wild, even Inuyasha is a little dazed!

"So, let's detour"

Before Bai Jingyue's words were finished, Fengxiang Youxiang, holding a parasol, came out from the edge of the sea of ​​flowers. The war-filled eyes made Bai Jingyue understand that today, it is impossible to fight! rw

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