The Forbidden World

Chapter 1325: Burst teeth

In the sky, Shisheng Pill waved his natural teeth against a blank void.

Different from before, this time, he did not use the thunder light broken by the Canglong, it is the simplest and ordinary primitive natural tooth!

As the sword of the other world, the natural tooth itself has the ability to cut the soul of the other world, and the Qu Ling itself is the spirit of the monster sealed in the jade of the four souls, and it is also the thing of the other world!

Where did Qu Ling guess that the blade in the hands of Shisheng Pill can directly attack the soul? He didn't have any precautions against the killing pills, so this knife hit Qu Ling so easily, and directly abolished him!

In the void, Qu Ling, whose one eye was abolished, showed his body. It was a face like a Facebook. The endless maliciousness continuously overflowed from that face, just above that face, there was a From the knife marks across the face and one eye!

This knife mark was just chopped off by Shengsheng Pill.

Qu Ling could not help but roar, this was the first time he had eaten such a big loss, but he was too late to complain about anything, the second knife of Sheng Sheng Wan followed the first knife!

This time, the blade of Shi Sheng Wan pointed at Qu Ling's eyebrows! Frightened Qu Ling quickly mobilized the body defense!

What Qu Ling did not expect was that after the natural tooth that had been slashed by the soul before losing the thunder light at the moment, even the skin of his body was not cut!

After a stunned moment, Qu Ling hurriedly opened the distance, and at the same time mobilized the many remaining bodies behind Shi Sheng Wan to attack Shi Sheng Wan.

In order to get out of trouble, before killing the pill, the power of Cang Long Po was gathered to open a path, and at this moment, the power of Cang Long Po disappeared, and the remaining bodies were surrounded without hindrance, and then penetrated one after the other. The kill chest!

Before waiting for Inuyasha and others to react, those bodies suddenly wrapped the body of Shisheng Pill, and then began to merge with Shengsheng Pill!

Qu Ling, take the body of Shi Sheng Wan as your own!

Seeing this, Inuyasha had to wield a knife in the direction of Qu Ling, but was stopped by Shiraitsu! Holding his hands with iron broken teeth high, under the restraint of Shirai's one hand, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't wave!


"So, don't worry, don't go through life and death, how to break through?"


Inuyasha was stunned for a while, and then suddenly turned to the piece of meat wrapped in killing pills.

The piece of meat continued to squirm, and there was no sign of a killing pill still alive, but Inuyasha found something strange.

The enchanting power of the killing pill filled in the air didn't decrease a little, but it kept shaking. It seemed that there was a tendency of boiling... !

At the moment, in the center of the huge meat block, Sheng Sheng Wan continued to agitate the demon power. He knew he was in a bad situation now, but, just because he was not dead, he would not give up the hope of defeating the enemy!

Indeed, the natural teeth dragged his hind legs to some extent, but he did not regret it.

It is his own choice to give up the attacking ability of natural teeth, since he will not regret it! The so-called weapon is not the cause of the failure. The root cause is that he is not strong enough!

So, as long as he becomes stronger, isn't it good?

That's right, as long as it gets stronger. He, to become stronger!

It seemed to be a sigh waiting for a long time, and it seemed to be an encouragement to achieve the goal. With the thunder of cutting the meat, the thunder roared!

The figure of Shi Sheng Wan was accompanied by Thunder and walked out of the meat!

Inuyasha stared intently at the left arm of Shi Sheng Wan who had been cut off by him. At this moment, the Thunder gradually destroyed all the meat pieces, and it was from that break that kept pouring!

The dense lightning even completely obscured everyone's line of sight to the left arm of the killing pill. From a distance, only a piece of thunder was visible!

The killing pill itself was also surprised, he felt the tactile sense of the body a little puzzled.

At this moment, Qu Ling once again launched an attack, several tentacles shot towards the killing pills. This time he didn't want to absorb the killing pills anymore, he was going to kill the killing pills directly!

However, it was too late.

The killing pill at this moment is completely different from before! He has successfully broken through that barrier and become a semi-regular level!

The light from the left arm suddenly flashed under the control of Shisheng Pill, and the remaining ghosts of the surrounding monsters were destroyed in an instant!

And just after the thunder and light escaped, everyone saw the shadowed scene under the light.

That is a brand new arm! At the same time, there was a long knife full of thunder light!

"Arm!? And a knife!?"

Inuyasha stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him. If he remembered correctly, the left arm of Shishengwan had indeed been cut off by him!

"Promotion is also a transformation of life, and it is not too strange to grow the left arm again."

Bai Jingyue explained while applauding, which was a celebration of the killing pills.

"As for the knife, the killing pill, this is not your father’s relic, but your own knife! Since you were born, take your baby teeth to build and bury it in your body to grow and grow, the knife that suits you best ——Broken teeth!"

"Broken teeth?"

Shasheng Pill looked at the long knife in his hand, and then looked at the ghosts of the monsters that gradually turned to ashes in the thunder.

He just waved a knife, but Thunderlight seemed to be endless, constantly destroying the bodies of these monsters. Qu Ling planned to wrap these broken bodies with a body that was not injured, but it was useless at all, even with those who were not injured. Collapse!

"this is?"

"Aren't I saying that? This is the sword that suits you best. Its power is the transformation of the rules you comprehend. Continue to spread the thundering thunder without destroying the target and never ending, this is your sword!"

"So... why didn't Master Shishengwan's father tell Master Shengshengwan earlier?"

The evil opinion is doubtful. If Shisheng Pill knows this news earlier, there will be no such thing as being cut off when snatching iron broken teeth, exercising the dead moon and breaking the deep moon, and fighting for dignity and Inuyasha.

"Because this is the Douya Wang's consideration of the future of Shisheng Pill! It is impossible to become a strong man by only hone his strength! Only when Ji Shengwan completely put down his obsession with his father's relics can he get this weapon!"

Bai Jingyue looked at the killing pill and said the killing pill waiting for countless years: "Yes, killing the pill, get this knife, it means that you can already be alone, and have surpassed the fighting tooth king of the year! You can This is proud!"

Well, Shiraitsu did not lie. The Douya Wang at that time did not have the current killing pills. As for the current Douya Wang...

Let's wait until the killing pill advances to the rule level

After listening to Bai Jingyue's words, Shisheng Pill was a little stunned. At this moment he finally understood his father's so-called future considerations, and finally understood that in so many seemingly unfair arrangements, his father's rich pair was buried Child love is not only for Inuyasha, but also for him!

On the other side, Qu Ling was very unwilling, he did not expect all his plans to be destroyed by a knife!

"Huh, what I did seemed to be forced to play a sideshow, but it doesn't matter, I will come back again!"

With that said, Qu Ling's bodies were like puppets without gods, and they all fell from the air, and were finally destroyed by the thunder of the broken teeth.


Looking at the sky, the killing pill frowned slightly, so if an existence does something in secret, it is really too much trouble.

"Relax, he can't run."

In everyone's amazing The gorgeous ice wings reflecting the sun spread behind Shirai, and Inuyasha hadn't had time to speak, Shirai's figure disappeared into the sky.

"Master Baijing, can it succeed? That's the soul of the other world."

Maitreya's concerns resonated with everyone, and as a result Sangshengwan sneered in disdain.

Campanulaceae also began to explain to everyone: "Mage Shirai has lived for so many years, how can there be no means to deal with ghosts? It was just that we have not encountered ghosts before."

In fact, even the bellflower itself will have some means to deal with ghosts.

But at this moment, the people who are worried about Shirai's safety absolutely cannot think of the real reason Shirai's rushing out!

ps: Recommend a book from a friend, the subject feels good



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