The Forbidden World

Chapter 1324: Qu Ling

In this way, Naraku went to Kyoto under the orders of Yakumo Zi and began to prepare for a decisive battle with Inuyasha and others, and Inuyasha and others were about to go to Kyoto. X

But before that, they need to solve some things, such as the broken moon that Inuyasha hasn't mastered, and another example, just grabbed a part of the body from Naraku and moved towards them.

Ge Wei walking on the mountain road suddenly looked up to the sky, his face ugly. Immediately after, others also reacted.

"Very evil thing"

Bellflower's voice was a little hesitant, because she actually felt a familiar breath from the thing that was constantly approaching here.

"I don't want to get close to that thing"

While speaking, Ge Weiju then took a step back, which made other people stare.

Having been together for such a long time, they knew that Ge Wei was not the kind of person who would shrink back because of the strong evil energy. That is to say, there must be something special about this approaching existence!

And just then, Inuyasha added another sentence: "There is the smell of Naraku! Wait for the smell of killing pills!?"

Hearing the words, everyone quickly accelerated and rushed towards the location where Shi Sheng Wan was.

Although the killing pill's strength is very strong, but the sudden outburst of evil spirits is really weird and very disturbing.

When they arrived, Shisheng Maru was entangled with a figure, twisted tentacles flying around, stirring the wind and clouds, and the thunder that flashed from time to time tore the ground and caused a roar.

In the open space on the side, everyone saw the bells and evil views that were watching the battle. Ge Wei ran over and raised the enchantment while asking the bell: "Bell, what the **** is going on?"

"Kizo Maruko saw this monster flying through the sky, and then he shot."

Ling's explanation is simple and clear. Obviously, after killing the monster to find that this monster is Naraku's avatar, no matter what the original purpose of the monster is, he directly started.

"Speaking of it, is this really Naroo's avatar? It feels a little different"

Ge Wei looked curiously at the monster fighting Shisheng Pill not far away. At this moment, it seemed that she felt something. The monster looked back suddenly and resisted Shisheng Pill.

This is the problem.

Ge Wei seemed to be struck by lightning, his body suddenly stiffened, and then fell directly to the ground, and the enchantment collapsed!

"Ge Wei!?"

Inuyasha stirred Ge Wei anxiously and found that Ge Wei didn't seem to matter, but that her body couldn't move.

But how did that monster do it?

At this time, Kikyo, who had checked Ge Wei’s situation, made his own guess: “Ge Wei is a witch of the Four Soul Jade, and she can directly block her soul, only the power of the Four Soul Jade! This monster is not Naraku’s avatar. If I guessed right, he borrowed some shells from Naraku, Qu Ling!"

"Qu Ling!?"

Maitre was shocked to see the figure fighting with Shisheng Maru. After the bellflower explained, they were very clear what Qu Ling was.

The Jade of the Four Souls has both a positive side and an evil side. The upright spirit rushing in the jade is called the upright spirit, and the evil and dirty soul is the Qu Ling!

"Yes, I am Qu Ling, but this body was not borrowed from me, but it was robbed by me. That Naraku was devouring a baby at the time and could not move at all, so I took it a bit."

After talking, Qu Ling was completely defended against the resistance, and was just stabbed in the body with the blade of thunder light.

The burst of thunder broke the whole body of Qu Ling, but Qu Ling did not die, but lived well!

The torn body with its mouth cracked floated in the air and laughed: "This body is not a precious thing anyway, you destroy it at will, and then in the endless depression, I will swallow it! "

Those scattered bodies continue to multiply in the air, and in the end they will wrap up the killing pills!

Naturally, Shisheng Pill will not sit still and fully stimulate Canglong to try to destroy the body of Qu Ling from the inside, but it is useless!

Those thunders struck the wrapped body and shattered them into pieces, but they could never be eliminated!

After all, the knife of Shishengwan still had an impact. Although natural teeth can be used as a carrier for Canglong broken, after all, this is not a hacked knife, and the power of Canglong broken cannot be fully exerted.

Moreover, the Qu Ling hidden behind the scenes is not a weak one. The Qu Ling, which gathers together the evil thoughts of countless monsters, controls the body formed by the countless monsters, even more so than Naraku. Naraku takes the essence of countless monsters and strengthens individual combat power, while Qu Ling is the perfect play of the essence of all monsters!

Thousands of monsters with stupid bodies carrying the killing pill so hard gradually approached the killing pill's body.

"Oops! It's dangerous to kill Shengsheng Pill!"

Inuyasha pulled out his broken iron teeth to prepare for the war, and found that he couldn't even get in!

All his moves are all range attacks. If you attack those broken bodies badly, you will accidentally kill Sheng Sheng Wan, and if it is a melee attack, he will be affected by the lightning of Sheng Sheng Wan!

Now the Shengsheng Pill is only declining. Those Leiguang still have powerful lethality. If he is hit by the front, he will be swallowed by the Qu Ling before the Shengsheng Pill.

When Inuyasha was entangled and finally planned to rescue Shisheng Pill while he was injured, Shiraitsu stopped him.

"Don't make trouble, there are not many battles that can drive Shishengwan to this level. Believe Shishengwan, his qualifications are not worse than you!"

After hearing Shirai's words, Inuyasha hesitated for a and then forced to put away the iron broken teeth.

He chose to believe Shiraitsu, and Shishengwan!

On the other side, in the face of an increasingly worse situation, Shi Sheng Wan did not panic. He stared at the face of Qu Ling's body for a moment, and then confirmed that the soul of Qu Ling in his heart was not in this body!

He didn't feel any trace of soul in this body, but on the top of this body, he smelled the breath of an evil soul.

Most of that evil soul is the Qu Ling body that the other party is hiding in secret to control these bodies!

At the moment when he noticed the opponent's body, the killing pill suddenly became difficult! He decisively gathered the numerous thunders surrounding him in one direction, completely abandoned the defense, and concentrated on the attack. In just a moment, he broke the body of Qu Ling and hit a path to the body of Qu Ling!

Before Qu Ling responded to fill this path, the killing pill jumped high and came to Qu Ling's body. When Qu Ling hadn't responded yet, he cut off at the smelling position! rw

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