The Forbidden World

Chapter 1326: Sedative

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

In a clear sky, an evil soul floated while complaining to the void.

He is Qu Ling.

Originally, he planned to visit the witch this time and accidentally took back the other parts of the Four Soul Jade. Unexpectedly, the first step was frustrated!

His body borrowed from Naroo's guy was so easily destroyed!

That's what he found among all the four-soul jade holders, the most suitable for his body!

After snorting again, Qu Ling began to think about what he should do now. Although the ability of the witch has been temporarily sealed, it is still far from the final goal. In order to make the Four Soul Jade completely fall to the evil side and solve the Cuizi in the Four Soul Jade, he also needs more Four Soul Jade to be polluted.

There are a lot of jade with four souls in the witch, but now he dare not go, and a killing pill is enough for his heart palpitations, not to mention that there is a former witch.

Then, he had to go to Kyoto first, and there are a lot of four-soul jade in the hand of that feather-fox in Kyoto. With those four-soul jade, he can gain more power!

As long as the soul of Cui Zi can be completely eliminated, it doesn't matter what the external disputes are! The Jade of Four Souls that condenses the evil of all beings will exist forever!

"Looking at your disgusting smile, you must be doing a good dream. Unfortunately, everything is over."

At this moment, the sudden sound in front scared Qu Ling.

He looked forward, and a human standing in the air appeared in his vision.

"Are you a human being with a witch before? Do you know what you are facing? Dare to catch up with you alone?"

After confirming that there were no other people around, Qu Ling laughed, and in his opinion, only Shengsheng Pill and Bellflower were the only threats to him, and the others were not enough to worry about until the next sentence.

"Qu Ling, do you remember your original owner?"

"Master? What are you kidding! I don't have a master!"


Seeing Li Lingai's Qu Ling, Bai Jingyue couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, just when you don't have a master, then, do you remember who you originally were?"

Qu Ling shivered all over. How could he not remember? When the Four Soul Jade was born, he was the first to pick up the shadow of the Four Soul Jade. The unmatched power made him frightened now!

If he is not hidden inside the Jade of the Four Souls, maybe one face will be killed by that force!

and many more!

Qu Ling's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked up to see Bai Jingyue, all with terrified eyes.

"Oh? It seems you are thinking of it. Then you are ready."

Bai Jingyue's words are still bland, but in Qu Ling's opinion, it is like the sound of hell!

Yes, he remembered, not only that, he also figured out one thing.

Originally, he planned to come out to deal with the witch when the four-soul jade was gathered soon, but he did not expect that it has become more and more uncomfortable inside the four-soul jade recently. It seems that the falling evil spirit has increased several times! He couldn't bear it, so he ran out of the Four Soul Jade.

Now think about it, it is not the power of Naraku at all, but the power of that terrible woman!

That woman deliberately forced him to leave the Four Soul Jade! And her purpose...

"Just kill you."

The ice wheel pill that exhaled the breath of death was taken out by Shirai. This represents the real murderous intention in Shirai's heart.

"Qu Ling, do you know that you and Zhi Ling are both an indispensable part of the Four Soul Jade, but that was when the Four Soul Jade or the Four Soul Jade! Now, the Four Soul Jade is about to change For the gods, the gods in the purple plan need absolute justice, justice that is not good or evil! As you evil, you have become one of the biggest obstacles in our plan!"

"! I will obey later! No!"

A far more dangerous atmosphere than the feeling brought by natural teeth permeated Qu Ling's heart. He hurriedly wanted to escape, but found that he could not move at all. An unknown force completely destroyed his ability to act! In desperation, he had to beg for mercy!

However, it is useless.

"In Zi's plan, you don't exist! Disappear!"

A faint blue light flashed across the sky, and the figure of Qu Ling dissipated like that, leaving no trace of it.

In the gap, Ba Yun Zi saw this scene and smiled.

Qu Ling is dead. Next, the only obstacle in front of her is Zhi Ling! Or, the soul of Cui Zi!

Although that human being is great, he has fought many monsters in the Four Soul Jade for countless years!

But it's a pity that that human being is on her way to Yunyun Zi!

Bai Jingyue confirmed that all of Qu Ling's souls had been destroyed, and left here. He was very curious about the rules governed by Ge Wei. If he guessed right, the shackles that had blocked Ge Wei's promotion had been blocked. With the death of Qu Ling, it should have disappeared.

In fact, this is indeed the case. At the moment of Qu Ling's death, Ge Wei, who was unable to move, suddenly sat up and looked at Inuyasha and Shisheng Wan who were talking.

"When are their relationships so good?"

No one answered Ge Wei’s question, everyone looked at Ge Wei in amazement, and Ge Wei, who had been inexplicably imprisoned before, not only returned to normal, but also seemed to have changed the whole person, but where did she change? They couldn't tell.

Only Campanulaceae seemed to see something, and she asked Ge Wei to try to shoot a demon-broken arrow into the distance.

Then, the meteor across the space made everyone look dumbfounded.

"Govie... promoted..."

Even Bellflower is stunned at the moment. She knows that Ge Wei's talent is very good, but this talent is also terrible!

Today, Ge Wei is only 16 years old!

After hearing the bellflower whispering, Ge Wei herself was a little ignorant, she didn't respond by herself, how could she be promoted?

"Sister Ge Wei, what are you doing now?"

"Well... I feel that the world is clearer! And... some strange information in my mind."

"That's the rules. It's the embodiment of the rules you understand, and it's the direction of your future efforts."

The bellflower with experience told Ge Wei the meaning of those messages.

In fact, Inuyasha who has been promoted theoretically also knows But he can't analyze it rationally like bellflower, he generally uses his instinct to use his power.

"So, Sister Gewei, what is your ability?"


After carefully understanding the information in her mind, Ge Wei answered Maitreya with a half-knowledge: "It seems to be ... [soul-relieving]."

Bellflower, which has a similar rule of "Jinghun", soon understood the meaning of Ge Wei.

If her pure soul is to purify the evil soul, Ge Wei's soul-soothing is to appease the soul and restore the evil spirit's stable power!

If you say demon, the power of the soul is more powerful, but when it comes to appeasing the soul, the power of the soul is more applicable!

Just before Kikyo explained the rules for the two of them, Shi Sheng Wan suddenly stopped talking with Inuyasha, and then just left.

What surprised everyone was that the killing pills did not bring bells and evil opinions, so they left alone!

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