The Forbidden World

Chapter 1187: Hui Ye's request

"So, let's get started."

The first half of the sentence is still an ordinary female voice. The second half of the sentence has been accompanied by heavy bass, as if from an unreal world.

Bai Jingyue knew that before Yuzao at this moment, he had officially connected to the bottom of the myth system, turned into Tianzhao, and started to operate the source code. This is something that can only be done before Jade algae is built from scratch.

In fact, it is very simple to connect the myth system to other gods. You only need to find the address of the **** kingdom in the myth system, and open the address and part of the authority of the **** kingdom to the god.

As if it were the Internet in the future, the Kingdom of God was like a server, and every **** was a user of the Kingdom of God.

The so-called authority is an agreement between the kingdom of gods and gods.

Of course, the permissions here are different compared to future Internet protocols.

The lower authority will be controlled by the higher authority. In Gaotianyuan mythology, the highest authority is held by Tianzhao.

In other words, Tianzhao can freely change the authority of the lower gods.

As for the gods such as seeing the moon at night, to be honest, seeing the moon at night and the gods who fled to the moon, although in the eyes of humans, they are still the gods of the sun and **** system, but in fact, they are no longer the gods of Gao Tianyuan, at this moment they The server used is the new kingdom of God established above the moon and see you on the moon!

But it can be understood that after all, the real Gao Tianyuan was completely destroyed by the gods at dusk.

Of course, this does not mean the destruction of the gods of Gao Tianyuan.

In the final analysis, Gao Tianyuan is nothing more than a pseudo-kingdom established by Tian Zhao according to Gao Tianyuan in his memory. Even if Gao Tianyuan is gone, Tianzhao is still the Lord of the Kingdom of God. It can even be said that Tianzhao is Gao Tianyuan!

That's right, now, the server of the Japanese God Department is Tianzhao itself!

At this moment, in Tianzhao's vision, all the rules began to appear, and the mythical system named Gao Tianyuan was constantly in operation.

The power of faith moves in the void, and then condenses at the bottom of the myth. Countless thin lines extend out, connecting to the gods who have successfully passed the dusk of the gods, and the shrines that have some function.

Tianzhao's gaze looked half at the bottom of the mythical system, and half looked at the somewhat overwhelmed Jian Shan young.

Then, stretch out your finger and gently touch the forehead of Jianshan Hutch.

"All right!"

At this moment, Yuzao's voice was normal. She waggled her tail and fanned herself slightly while walking towards her room.

"This... this is over?"

Jian Shan young looked at Yuzao's figure away, a little stunned.

"Yeah, it's over, do you think it's complicated? You have already passed my certification, and you only need Xiaoyu to give you a permission. Now, you should be able to mobilize the power of faith?"

Hearing Bai Jingyue's words, Jian Shan hut closed his eyes and felt his own changes.

From the void, the unprecedented power of sufficient faith flows, and the pure power of faith is easily transformed into divine power, firmly suppressing the doom that has been extradited from the shrine!

This means that from today on, she no longer has to worry about doom leaking!

"Don't panic and happy, come and see the gift I prepared for you."

With that said, Shiraiuki brought Jianshan chicks to a house door.


"Well, the gift is in this room, open it."

Jianshan Chu took a deep breath, with a little anticipation in mind, and pushed open the door in front of him.

A room with a very cute decoration style appeared in front of Jian Shanchu.

"this is···?"

"You can't always return to that dead cave? There are enough rooms here. Just stay here until you find a better place. How? You can learn more about the control of divine power with Xiaoyu."

Jian Shanchu's eyes were reddened. She didn't notice the reason why she stayed. Just because she could stay, it made her very happy.

Looking at the smiling man next to him, Jian Shan's mouth also raised his mouth: "Adult, please take care of me in the future."

Seeing Jianshan young agree, Bai Jingyue nodded slightly, and then suddenly seemed to think of something. He asked the girl who had walked into the room to check the specific decoration.

"If you need anything, you can tell me directly. If I'm not there, you can find Jie Luo, the maid who was at the door. Most of the things in the house are now her responsibility."

Originally, Jianshan Hina wanted to say nothing, but thinking of the beautiful black figure before, the words in Jianshan Hina’s mouth changed: "Adult, I want a suit that is the same as your wife ."

"Uh...what do you mean by my wife?"

Tonight Jianshan Hina saw his four wives, Aoi Sakiko in modern casual clothes, Huiye in a black dress, Misaka Misaka in cute pajamas, and Yuzao in a bathrobe.

Bai Jingyue's words made the pupils of Jianshan Hatch dim, but soon, these slight dimness was burned away by the burning flame.

"I want it, same as that black dress."

"Dress? Black?"

Jian Shan young smiled brightly, shook his head, turned around in a circle, and replied: "Red."

After placing the Jianshan chicks, Bai Jingyue walked towards the courtyard. Just stepping into the courtyard, he saw the glowing night in the middle of the children.

The plain black dress fluttered with the wind, and the long black hair fluttered under the night sky.

The beautiful face is like a jewel in the night sky, attracting everyone's attention. The dusty temperament is even more shocking.

Modern clothes, although not as elegant as classic clothes, are indeed slightly better in fashion and ornamental.

It's no wonder that Jianshan Hina will choose a dress. This dress looks really beautiful on Huiye.

Bai Jingyue didn't think of it at the moment. Jian Shan's choice of dress was purely because Hui Ye was the only woman who officially shouted the husband of Bai Jing Yue.

" Shiraitsu shouts softly at the girl under the night sky. Let the girl who is watching the moon turn her head.

"You are here, husband."

Collecting the long hair floating in the wind, Hui Ye sent a few children, and then came to Bai Jingyue.

After carefully looking at the door of the house behind Shiraizuki, after confirming that no one was there, Hui Ye asked, "Why didn't the little girl just come down with you?"

"She has nowhere to go temporarily, staying upstairs."

Bai Jingyue's answer made Hui Ye roll his eyes gently. However, Hui Ye did not delve into this. When Shiraitsu brought the girl back, she was already prepared. She was looking for Shiraitsu this time for another thing.

"Husband, is it okay to go out with concubines this time?"

ps: I just came back from the hospital today, and I feel sick, but today I am more correct.

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