The Forbidden World

Chapter 1186: Burning flames

For Bai Jingyue, Jian Shan's heart is full of longing.

Since she was conscious, she has been in that small dark cave. In order not to let bad luck leak out, she used herself as a sacrifice and kept gathering bad luck.

All along, alone, alone.

Sometimes, she also appeared in the bottom of my heart [Is this necessary? ], [Is it worth it? ] And the like.

But the kindness in her heart made her persevere.

Day after day, year after year.

Perhaps her future, in that cave, was spinning endlessly until she could no longer control doom, and eventually everything was destroyed by doom.

To be honest, she was already somewhat desperate, but that day, a figure suddenly broke into her life.

The **** name Su Zhan Ming Zun, whose real name is Bai Jingyue.

She wanted to be with that person, regardless of that person's identity.

It was that person who changed her destiny.

It was that person who got her out of the shackles.

It was that person who showed her the world.

It was that person who gave her a new life.

The road from that cave to here was the happiest time in her life! And that person has always been by her side.

Until she walked in here.

Strange servants at the door, strange buildings in the door, strange humans in the courtyard, strange monsters on the lawn.

And the gods everywhere!

Here is the land of the gods! She realized this deeply!

Naturally, she thought of Suzy Mingzun's wife, Qi Da Tian Ji.

Does that person, or god, really exist?

This question has been haunting her until she heard the phrase Hui Ye just called Bai Jingyue.

The body couldn't help but tremble. The little girl in her heart was extinguished before she vented her thoughts.

While Shiraitsu is answering Hui Ye's question at this moment, he didn't notice the strange appearance of Jianshan Hutch behind him.

"Yes, it's her. Are you over?"

"Yeah, it's not too early. The concubine should go back."

Bai Jingyue heard the words and glanced at the moonlight glancing into the corridor window, a little speechless.

This is not a time that can be described earlier, right?

"Go back quickly, Yong Lin is in a hurry."

Mentioning Yong Lin, Hui Ye is also a little embarrassed. Every day, Yong Lin will wait for her at the door of Yong Ting until she sees her figure before returning to the house to rest, which makes her a little embarrassed.

So, Hui Ye smiled apologetically, and then walked outside.

And just as she passed by Jianshan Hutch, she discovered the abnormality of Jianshan Hutch.

After thinking a little, Hui Ye sighed first, and then seemed to think of something.

"Fujun, the concubine suddenly remembered that there was something to talk with the husband. If the husband is free, then trouble it. The concubine is waiting for the husband in the courtyard."

Hui Ye's words made Shiraiuki stunned. Before Shiraitsu's response, Huiye had disappeared into the corridor.

And Misaka looked at Shiraitsu with a playful look.

"Did Huiye ask you to ask the Dongfang thing? Are you sure that the relationship has lasted for hundreds of years~? Don't worry about it~"

Misaka Misaka's ridicule made Shiraitsu share his hands: "Don't mention, now for Huiye, it is estimated that the game is more important~ And there is Yonglin. I owe Yonglin a lot, it is impossible to carry Yonglin and Hui. Ye Yuanfang, and Yong Lin will not carry Huiye and me in a round room, but let the two together... This difficulty seems a bit big~"

"This is all your own sin, you can deal with it yourself~"

Misaka Meghan stretched out, walked back to the house and took the door. It's not early, and it's time for her to go to bed. As for what to say about staying at the door, it is clear that Shiraiuki has a business today, so I will talk about it next time.

Looking at the closed door in front of him, Shirai Sui shrugged, and then continued to walk toward the depths with Jianshan Hutch, without noticing that Jianshan Hutch was a little confused at the moment.

What did she just listen to?

The woman who used to call Mr. Shirai Yuefu only had a relationship with Shiraiei for hundreds of years? And there is no round house yet?

Thinking of the meaning of the round house, Jianshan Chu Xiao blushed, and then became strange.

The story of Su Zhan Ming Zun and Qi Dao Tian Ji is at least a matter of mythological era, and it is definitely more than a thousand years ago.

Moreover, what Bai Jingyue said, it seemed that he had other wives besides that woman.

In other words, she is not completely without chance!

As soon as this thought came up, it took root in her heart. The ignition star left by the extinguished fire also burned again!

But these are the future things, because Shirai has taken her to the destination of this trip, outside a bathroom...

Is the owner of Gao Tianyuan, the legendary Tianzhao Great God, in the bathroom?

Jian Shanchu can hardly think anymore. Too many things encountered today, each of which is impacting her three views.

Fortunately, Yuzao didn't let her wait for a long time. After a while, the bathroom door opened and the two figures came out.

At first glance, it was a gentle-faced mother and a lovely woman, and the mother was wiping her damp hair for her lovely daughter.

But Jian Shanchu was stunned.

Although it looks like an ordinary nine-tailed fox, Jian Shanchu knows it's not that simple. At the moment this woman appeared, her whole soul was trembling!

no doubt! In front of me, this woman with a nine-tailed back and a kind mother looks like Tianzhao, the ruler of Gao Tianyuan and the master of the Sun and God System!

"Wait a minute, it will be ready soon!"

Yuzao gently rubbed Rumia's hair in front of her, carefully dried each place with his own power of the sun, and patted Rumia's small head gently.

"Go, know you are in a hurry."

After getting permission from Yuzao, Lumiya shouted cheerfully, waved her hand when passing by Shirai, and then ran straight towards the courtyard.

The night can't stop them from playing. It is better to say that for their monsters, the night is the best time for activities!

After Lumiya left, Yuzao looked at the somewhat rigorous Jianshan chick next to Bai Jingyue.

"Is it really a cute little girl?"

The words in front of Yuzao embarrassed Bai Jingyue: "What is called Sure enough, what I said was as if I had another purpose."

"Well, there is really no other purpose for the current But if it is a strange man, you will never give the certification of the high heavenly god, and you will not be brought here, right~ "

Bai Jingyue what kind of character, Yuzao can not know before?

In this Shirai mansion, there has never been any male creature except Shiraitsu.

Bai Jingyue, who was called to break the truth, coughed softly.

"Okay, do the right thing, it's the last step."

Speaking, Shiraitsu gave way, exposing the whole body of Jianshan young to the front of Yuzao.

Next, as long as Yuzao connects the mythical system to the Jianshan chicks, the Jianshan chicks are truly the gods that belong to Gao Tianyuan.

Standing in front of Yuzao, Jianshan Chicks were a little uneasy. It was really difficult to calm down in the face of the creator of the myth.

Yuzao looked at the Jianshan chick a little bit before, and then gently raised his hand.

"So, let's get started."

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