The Forbidden World

Chapter 1188: 7-man team

"Inuyasha, that's..."

Standing on the hillside, Ge Wei, Inuyasha and others looked at the army that was not far away, a little strange.

According to Bai Jingyue and their recent observations, the troubled world is coming to an end, why is there a military gathering here?

This problem also made the peasants working on the roadside very concerned.

"Is there a war?"

An old man looked at the distant army very sadly and fought for so many years. He didn't know how many familiar faces died in the war. He was disgusted with the heart of the war.

"No, it seems to be driving back."

Another old peasant who knew more, refuted his guess.

"I heard that the troops on the frontier have been completely destroyed, and it does not seem to be killed by humans.

"Is that rumor true? The undead of Seven People's Mound is making trouble?"

Another old man was attracted by the conversation between the two, and the abnormal situation reminded him of a long-standing legend.

And his murmur caught the attention of Inuyasha and others.

In the case of getting closer to Bailing Mountain, anything suspicious needs attention. Perhaps the rumored undead or something is the helper Naraku found.

After all, Naraku had the conviction to find the help of the Kyoto monster.

"Excuse me, may I have a chat about what you were talking about? We would like to hear it."

The old peasants had no reason to refuse. They immediately came to the field and told Inuyasha and others of the information they knew.

"Seven tombs are tombs used to suppress the Sevens."


"The Sevens are seven mercenaries. They do not belong to any of the city's men. They go wherever there is war. They are very strong. Sevens can withstand the strength of hundreds of people."

"Is it so strong?"

Everyone's looks are a little surprised. If the old man is right, these sevens are definitely the most popular mercenaries.

"So, how did they die?"

Inuyasha asked the key to the question. Since it is the tomb, then the Sevens are obviously dead. If the Sevens are really so strong, who killed them?

"That was more than a decade ago. The group of people came here from the East and were employed by many countries. They are indeed very powerful, but the method of killing is too cruel. The place where the seven were attacked, the body was dead. Everywhere, burn and kill, not even women and children. Because of fear of their cruelty and strength, the princes joined forces against the Sevens."

"Depending on the number of people?"

Ge Wei and others frowned, using countless people's lives to pave the way to victory. The tragic scene was only a little association, which made some unbearable.

"The Sevens are very strong. They rushed back into the mountains while killing their enemies, but in the end, they were arrested in the northern village of Hanzhi, far away from here."

Hearing this, Inuyasha lost interest in the so-called Sevens. Although the Sevens are strong, the enemies who can be killed by the number of people are not worthy of his attention.

Noting this, Maitreya reminded in a low voice: "Inuyasha, don't forget, the Sevens are humans, they don't have the physical recovery ability you have.

Yes, the Sevens are just humans. Compared with Inuyasha who is a half demon, the physical quality of humans is far worse.

Humans will be tired, and injured will die. Faced with hundreds of times the enemy, the Sevens can only bow their heads.

"Everyone was decapitated and buried on the spot. The local people were afraid that they would cause trouble, so they built graves on them to suppress the souls of the Sevens.

In fact, the so-called Sevens and Sevens Tombs have been understood by Inuyasha and others, but the most critical and initial problem has not yet been said by the old man. As a last resort, Ge Wei had to say aloud: "Excuse me, did you just say that the undead is dead?"

"Ah... According to recent rumours, the tombstone of the Seven Man's Tomb broke in half, and the undead of those seven people took the opportunity to escape..."


The low voice of Maitreya worried the coral a little: "What's wrong, Master Maitreya?"

"Coral... although embarrassed. That day, you are sure that Amber is dead, right?"

Coral shuddered in her heart, a little sad, but she knew that Maitreya could not ask this sad question for no reason, so after carefully recalling it, she nodded.

"Yes, I'm pretty sure that Amber has been shot by arrows."

Hearing the coral's confirmation, Maitre frowned slightly, and shouted to everyone.

"Everyone, I'm afraid we are in trouble. Perhaps the Sevens will become our enemy."

Several think of Maitreya's question about corals before, and also guessed Maitreya's concerns.

"Are you saying... Jade of the Four Souls?"

"Well, it is very likely that the seven people will be resurrected and controlled by Naraku as the jade of the four souls like Amber. If this is the case, it will be very troublesome..."

Maitreya's words were recognized by everyone. Obviously, after becoming an undead, the seven people have no weaknesses that belong to human beings, and will not be tired or afraid of harm. Only by taking out the jade of the four souls can they defeat each other. Such an enemy is very difficult to deal with.

"In short, let's keep up with those people first. If the seven people are really the helpers Naraku found, we will destroy them!"

Although the seven people who are resurrected from the undead have good strength, but Inuyasha and others are not afraid of it. For Inuyasha and others who want to put Naraku to the ground, anything that stands in front of them is an enemy that needs to be killed!

Just as Inuyasha and others accelerated towards the previous army, a figure appeared before the human army.

It was a very strange looking man, obviously a man, but wearing a women's kimono with hairpins on his head. Behind him is a broad-bladed sword with a huge snakeskin as the sheath.

"Go ahead, make way!"

The headed samurai scolded the dangling men who occupied the main road.

But instead of giving way, the man stood on the spot and looked up at him: "Where are you going?"

Forced, the warrior led by the warrior stopped the rushing horse and stopped the march.

Although many warriors do not regard civilians as human beings, they are still very concerned about ordinary people.

"If you want to go It's better to be careful, because there are horrible dead souls~"

Perhaps because of his kindness, the man who blocked the road reminded him that this was the last advice the man who blocked the road gave him.

Unfortunately, this advice was not taken by the warrior.

"What a joke! We just want to expel the undead!"

This sentence opened the door to death.

The person who blocked the road was none other than one of the seven resurrected teams, the snake bone.

The person who intends to deal with the undead is his enemy! The enemy, no distinction between good and evil, only life and death!

In the blink of an eye, the broad-bladed sword has been pulled out, and several people in front of the snake's bones, even with their horses, have been cut off in two!

"You don't even know what the undead looks like, I am the undead."

Holding a **** sword, the snake bone stood in front of the army without fear.

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