The Forbidden World

Chapter 1137: Be stronger!

The mist that shrouded the forest gradually dissipated. After the inexplicable **** disappeared, Inuyasha easily found Naraku's position according to his sense of smell.

It's a pity that everyone in the mist has long dispersed, and when he arrived at the location of Naraku, he was the only one.

In front of him, there is Naraku who is holding a beating flesh in his hand, and Kagura that has been waiting for him!


"Inuyasha, you are late."

" should be very clear that Wushuang has the heart of a ghost spider. The human heart of a ghost spider is useless to you, so you will be released from the body, but it seems that you also put another important thing, and He released it together."

I have to say that Inuyasha is indeed the son of Douyawang, who has always been stupid and cute, and when it comes to things related to the people he cares about, both strength and intelligence are soaring.

"So you saved the ghost spider again, and now take the ghost spider back."

"Huh, Inuyasha, your head will occasionally be used for it, but you will appear in front of me by yourself! I don't know what to do!"

Just a few words left in Shiraii's heart so that Naraku is now in a rage, Inuyasha is here alone, just to vent him.

Killing is impossible, but beating is completely okay!

Before waiting for Inuyasha to react, Naraku's right hand was transformed into dozens of thorns and surrounded by Inuyasha, while Kagura rolled up a violent wind!

When Inuyasha was about to stubbornly be wounded by the wind, a shout of Maitreya suddenly came from behind: "Be careful!"

The startling Inuyasha quickly hurried to the side and escaped the monster's tentacles emerging from the ground.

Just now if Inuyasha continues to perform wind wounds, he will be interrupted when the blade is halfway through the swing, and then Inuyasha will be caught in a siege!

"Another one?"

Naraku frowned.

If it was just Inuyasha and Maitreya, he could still deal with it. The most victorious poisonous bugs around him could completely defeat Maitreya.

But according to the speed at which Maitreya appeared, other people were also nearby. It would be very troublesome to fight, especially the surging Ge Wei.

He can be sure that his evolved enchantment can block Inuyasha, but he cannot guarantee that it can block Ge Wei.

So Naraku turned back to the prototype, ready to leave with Kagura.

Just then, an ice mirror appeared on top of Naraku's head.

"Naro, can't you let you leave at will?"

Bai Jingyue's figure emerged in the jungle.

Naraku stopped.

The ice mirror used by Bai Jingyue is very thin and can be broken with just a touch, but because of this, he understands Bai Jingyue's meaning.


What are you doing to stay? Was killed?

Obviously impossible. Just now the two of them were still breathing qi. This guy Bai Jingyue shamelessly buried something in his heart. It was impossible to kill the donkey so quickly.

Then there is another possibility. He wants to show himself strength, and shows the powerful force after evolution that makes Inuyasha and others feel a crisis, so that Inuyasha and others can work hard to become stronger.

Nai Luo looked back, a smile appeared on his face.

Bai Jingyue shrugged his shoulders, his heart was buried in his dark hands. This thing seems to be really stimulating for Naraku, and the smile on Naraku's face is a little too fake at the moment.

However, both Inuyasha and Maitreya hate Naraku. Who cares about Naraku's smile?

Moreover, in front of the enemy, is it not normal to smile?

Looking at Naraku who turned around, Maitreya didn't shoot, but asked questions. He knew that even with the power of purification, the three of them could hardly kill Naraku even if they could suppress Naraku. It's better to ask for some important information.

"Naro, I ask you, are you a ghost after recovering the ghost spider again?"

"What will you do if you know?"

"Not long ago, your enchantment around the city was shaken, and Inuyasha smelled the approximate location of the city... so I said you..."

"Huh, that's what it is."

If it wasn't for the last time that Inuyasha and Kagura battled to reveal the human form, he really didn't know what Maitre was saying. After all, he didn't have a so-called half-demon demon power decline period, only a period of screening evolution.

However, after seeing Inuyasha's human form and learning the dialogue between him and Kagura, Naraku understood.

It turned out that in the team of Inuyasha and his party, the group of half demon was so described.

Although I don’t know who was the ghost that caused Inuyasha’s magic power to disappear once a month, there must be Shiraitsu behind him. After all, Bai Jingyue, who knows the truth, is deliberately concealing this, isn't he?

In this case, he only needs to cooperate and say: "Mage, do you want to ask, does my Naraku also have a moment of weakness in the half demon's unique body, right? As you might expect, I also have times when I can't move, just I am different from that Inuyasha over there, I can choose that moment according to my own meaning!"

"how come!?"

Inuyasha was shocked in his heart. Every time he arrived, he would return to humanity, but Naraku could choose the time freely?

"The essence of the composition between us is completely different, don’t forget, I am a fusion of countless monsters. That kind of moment is an evolution for me! I will discard the unnecessary parts and replace the powerful parts again. Arrange and combine, and then become stronger! It is different from your poor half-demon who hides to escape other monsters after losing her demon power!"

Naruto's words completely angered Inuyasha. Seeing the moment when Naruo's words were inspiring, the wind wound shot out!

However, the roaring wind wound suddenly twisted after approaching Na Luo, and a layer of enchantment loomed around Na Luo!

"Enchantment... blocking wind damage!?"

In the past, Naraku also had an enchantment, but the enchantment was obviously unable to withstand the wind wound, but now, after the wind wound is rolled up, the enchantment does not tremble at all!

"It's a pity that today I am only here to collect ghost spiders, otherwise, I can have a good fight with you."

Malignant gas spread from the bottom of Naraku's feet, while Inuyasha, Maitreya, and Shiraitsu Naraku directly smashed the ice mirror set by Shiraitsu and escaped.

Shortly after Naraku left, the figures of Kagome and Coral and Ako Saki appeared here.

Maitrere looked at the figure of Naraku's departure, and looked worried: "It seems that Naraku is not a lie. His body will become stronger without a reorganization! We..." Time is running out... "

Maitreya's words aroused everyone's concern. If the time is delayed for another few months, who knows how strong Naraku will become?

"No matter how strong Naraku becomes, as long as I become stronger than him!"

When everyone was a little uneasy, Inuyasha's words came into everyone's ears, as if there was a kind of magical power, and everyone calmed down.

Bai Jingyue nodded with emphasis, and agreed: "Yes, as long as we are stronger!"

ps: Thank you Mengzhu for 100,000 rewards! Twenty-five chapters are currently owed. Among them, reward and add fifteen chapters.

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