The Forbidden World

Chapter 1138: The end of the break

Inuyasha's words have made everyone regain confidence, but Inuyasha is very clear that in fact their situation is really difficult.

Since wind damage has no effect at all, the jump effect will not be much, and blasting is a defensive counterattack.

In other words, he actually did not threaten Naraku!

Inuyasha is well aware that now Naruo is not getting stronger overall. The most troublesome thing now is that layer of enchantment. As long as they can break the enchantment, then they still dominate.

It's a little difficult to achieve the level of breaking through entrainment by exercise, especially Naraku may evolve again at any time, so he has to take some shortcuts.

It’s definitely not possible to find Baijingyue. He spends a lot of time with Baijingyue. He knows that Baijingyue attaches importance to his own strength, and he certainly won’t promise to help him take a shortcut.

So now he can only help him in this respect, only the swordsman who builds iron broken teeth.

Inuyasha, who had made up his mind, quickly borrowed the mica of the coral and hurried towards the mountain where Dadaozhai was located, while the others were waiting in the village.

Shortly after Inuyasha set off, Shiraitsu came alone to the creek not far from the village and took out the communication crystal.

"Hey, can you hear me? What about the signal in the gap?"

"This thing is really amazing. Obviously I closed all the gaps and it still works properly."

At the other end of the communication crystal, it is the Yakumo Zi, who is in control of the universe and has been in trouble with Bai Jingyue in the eyes of Naraku and Kagura!

"Of course, anyway, it's something that Yuiyi and Asuna created together with their own rules, and the quality is still guaranteed."

This is not something that can be made casually, but a miracle forged by the two gods with their own rules!

Don't look at these props, it looks very simple, every prop is an authentic rule-level item.

After a brief chat, Shiraoi looked slightly correct: "Okay, let's talk about the business now."

Bai Jingyue recalled what happened before, and first picked the most important things and said: "Inuyasha they already know that there is someone behind Naraku. Although the appearance describes only one [beautiful female monster], but people deliberately instigate Inuyasha and Kikyo. The relationship between them also specifically told them not to kill the two of them. They knew it. If the bellflower knows this information, we may be guessed. Recently, you have to find some troublesome things for the bellflower. Try to let the bellflower Stay away from Inuyasha."

"Relax, I have made arrangements. Recently, the monsters in Kyoto have become active. I think the little bellflower sister is happy to help the people of Kyoto get rid of the bitter sea."

The words of Yakumo Zi made Shirai nod slightly, and Yakumo Zi was relatively stable in doing things.

There are a large number of monsters in Kyoto. This thing has been known before. But when the feather fox is not in front of the eyes, the Kyoto monster is suppressed by many Onmyoji family in Kyoto, including the Abe family, so it can't lift the storm, so the balloonflower has not gone.

Now that the feather fox is awakening, the Abe family is retreating, and the Kyoto monsters are making waves, all the people of Kyoto are in deep water.

I don’t know if it’s okay. Of course, Campanulaceae can’t stand it.

However, Campanulaceae can only delay the situation in Kyoto, where the situation is complicated, and it really cannot be solved by a witch with a bow and arrow.

You know, in addition to monsters in Kyoto, some humans are also her enemies!

The Onmyoji division of the Abe family and the ghost battle of the Tuyumen family were enough to make the bellflower difficult to move.

"Kagura knows a little bit, but I have already dealt with it. Don't worry about it for now. Naraku's words, we should think that we have made trouble now."


"I told him to help him hide his heart from you."

Hearing the words, Ba Yun Zi could not help but sneer.

Poor Naraku was fooled a bit miserably.

To tell the truth, in this world, there are not many people who can block the peeping of Yunyun Zi, the empress of the land, the moonlight in the moon capital, the king of other countries that may survive the dusk of the gods, and the white well house, these places None of them can be peeped at will.

But obviously, Naraku is not in this list. He split his heart out in order to get rid of the behavior controlled by Yakumo Zi. He was always seen by Yakumo Zi, but Yakumo Zi was too lazy to control it.

"So, Naraku is still on this path."

In fact, for the split heart of Naraku, Yayunzi not only saw it in his eyes, but also had long been expected, and even intentionally contributed to this!

After all, Naraku has been under control because of unwillingness, and has always had some small actions in private.

Although these small actions are not harmful to Yakumo’s plan, they are too annoying.

Therefore, Yakumo Zi simply gave Naraku the opportunity to let Naraku split his heart, and then came out to control Naraku's heart when Naraku thought he was successful.

By then, there will not be so many things.

What's more, the separation of the heart is more important than the previous beating, and the pressure on Inuyasha and others is even greater.

All in all, Naraku’s act of separating the heart is a good thing for Yakumo Zi.

As for why Shiraoi stopped this time, it was not because Naruo failed to separate his heart this time.

It is the pure Naraku's heart that Yayunzi wants to control, not the ghost spider that contains the heart!

So Shiraiuki simply mixed things up, and then deliberately shot, giving Naraku a false message that he and Yakumo Zi were at odds.

In this case, Naraku will definitely act bolder and separate his heart perfectly as soon as possible.

By that time, it was time for Yunyun to shoot.

"In the end is Inuyasha, Naruo's enchantment is a bit troublesome and needs some special means. And now Inuyasha is also qualified to get in touch with something. I need to find a trip to Mingjia to order something. You help me to send to Mingjia Where you are now."

As for Yayun Zizhi, I don't know the location of Ming Jia... As a few monsters who know that the Tooth King is still could Yayun Zi not be monitored?

At this time, Ming Jia was wandering on a meadow. After experiencing so many things, he was also somewhat exhausted. When he was ready to sleep, the black cracks in his vision completely drove his drowsiness.

The figure that came out of the crack made him tremble.

"Master Baijing, I don't know if you are looking for a small one, what's the matter?"

"There is not much time, so I will make a long story short. Inuyasha now needs the ability to break the enchantment. Now Inuyasha is also qualified to know the secret of the pulp. You go to Datou Zhai to wait for Inuyasha and tell him what you need to do. "

"Yes! Lord Shirai!"

Seeing Ming Jia jumping away, Bai Jingyue stretched out lazily.

Inuyasha's strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the plan is getting closer and closer to success, as long as there are no more accidents.

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