The Forbidden World

Chapter 1136: The beginning of the break

"Kagura, are you surprised?"

As Bai Jingyue walked towards Kagura, he gently snapped a snap finger. With this snapped finger, the entire space resumed its flow again. The only thing that did not recover was a ghost spider like a sculpture.

Kagura didn't reply, but just looked at Shiraitsu, and there was a huge shock in his heart.

If she guessed right, the ice mist that enveloped the forest was cast by the person in front of her.

The other party actually has such a degree of power, so why have you been hiding in the past?

The most frightening thing about Kagura is the twisted ice edge hanging above the ghost spider at the moment. That was originally the whirlwind she performed! But now it has become the most common ice cube!

Is wind also something that can be frozen?

Is this something humans can do?

There is also the sentence that Shiraiuki just said, "Naro cannot die now?" What exactly does that mean! ?

fear? timid? Still in awe?

Kagura, who resumed operations, did not try to attack, but just watched Shiraitsu getting closer.

Finally, Shiraiuki came to Kagura.

"As you can see, I am the black hand behind the scenes-one of them!"

Kagura's body shivered. She had just thought about how to deal with behind-the-scenes hands, and one suddenly appeared in front of her. But this is not what she wants! She wanted to find out the identity of the black hand behind the scenes, but she didn't want to face it herself!

And, why is the other party the mage who has always been in the Inuyasha team?

What is the relationship between Naraku and Inuyasha? In other words, what is the relationship between this guy who has been hiding in the Inuyasha team and the guy who is hiding behind Naraku?

Are Naraku, Inuyasha, and the so-called Four Soul Jade that can fulfill the wish, but are they just pieces?

What are these guys planning? ?

Kagura's thoughts circulated, and a terrifying conspiracy appeared in front of him!

At this moment, Bai Jingyue's voice rang again: "Although I don't know what you are thinking, but Kagura, do you know a truth? The more you know, the faster you die."

It seemed that a pot of cold water was dripping from the top of the head, and the cool feeling made Kagura shudder.


"Don’t be too nervous, I didn’t say you are going to die. At least, you still have use now. I won’t tell Naraku about this, but at the same time, you’d better calm down. Otherwise, next time, it’s not a warning. do you understand?"

Kagura nodded quickly to understand, but Kagura really didn't understand why she didn't kill her, why is she still useful now? What is the use?

"Well? Strange why is it still useful?"

Wen Yan, Kagura's face suddenly pale, she did not expect her thoughts to be seen through!

Bai Jingyue kept smiling, but actually murmured in his heart: [Doubts are written on my face, anyway, I have lived for thousands of years, fooling you, a little boy, how old is it? 】

"Kagura, I want you to monitor Naraku. Do you understand?"

As soon as Bai Jingyue's words were finished, a lot of content was automatically added to Kagura's mind. For example, the two behind-the-scenes hands were not in harmony, and each of them secretly played chess, and the like.

And this is also the purpose of Shirai.

Where do you need Kagura to monitor Naraku? It can be said that Naraku's every move is now under the eyes of Yakumo Zi.

Bai Jingyue just gave Kagura an excuse to keep her at ease.

As for killing Kagura, Naraku's current combat strength is really a bit weak, or don't weaken it anymore. In any case, Kagura is also a fighting force.

After dealing with a lot of known Kagura, Bai Jingyue looked back at the ghost spider. After thinking for a while, Bai Jingyue raised his hand and tapped. I saw that the ghost spider's body was so cracked, all turned into ice dust and dissipated in the air, only There is still a beating heart.

Shortly after Shiraitsu picked up his heart, Naraku arrived here.

In other words, Shiraizuki was released.

Seeing Shiraizuki and Kagura for a moment, Naraku immediately frowned.

He hasn’t really thought about collusion between Kagura and Shirai, after all, the heart of Kagura is with him. As long as you grasp this, Kagura doesn’t have to care. What makes him wonder why Shirai is in Here, still holding the remains of ghost spiders.

"Shirai, what do you want to do?"

"Naro, there isn't much time, so I will just say it. You seem to have separated some things that should not be separated this time."

Naraku snorted: "I divide the human consciousness inside, is there anything wrong?"

"If it's just to separate the human consciousness, then it's nothing, but you seem to separate your own weaknesses."

The weakness that Bai Jingyue said was certainly not the so-called human nature, the longing and attachment to the bellflower.

It’s Naraku’s real weakness! His heart!

"It's just my mistake, I didn't expect that the ghost spider has such a deep connection with me. Well, give me back my heart, I am now, it is still useful to you, isn't it?"

Naraku took his heart for granted. But also, before Bayun Zi and Bai Jingyue didn't kill him, he didn't have to worry about his life and death.

But Bai Jingyue was smiling: "Naro, do you think I don't know? Divide the ghost spider? That's just a guise. From the beginning, you wanted to separate your heart and let yourself be out of the control of purple. You said , If Zi knew this, what would she do?"

Naraku's face suddenly became gloomy, and the tool did not want to be obedient, so what should I do? Isn't this a very clear option?

When Naraku's face was gloomy and she was going to fight against the water, Shiraitsu threw her heart to Naraku.

"Relax, I won't tell Zi about this."

Hearing this, Naraku's brow lightened: "Oh?"

If Bai Jingyue and Yao Yunzi are really unswerving teammates, then this thing Bai Jingyue will never hide Yayun Zi, the tool has a rebellious heart, this is a big thing!

Since Bai Jingyue does not tell Yakumo Zi, it also shows that the relationship between Shirai and Yakumo Zi is not as solid as the last conversation.

And Bai Jingyue's next words illustrate this point: "As long as you are responsible for the things on the side of Inuyasha, I will not control the things between you and Zi, do you understand?"

Of course, Naraku understood.

That is to say, as long as he continues to maintain the cultivation of Inuyasha and others, then he wants to separate his heart from Yakumo Zi, and Bai Jingyue will not care.

Even if it is Naraku, the heart beats at this moment. To be honest, he was fed up with the taste of being controlled by the whole person!

After seeing Naraku understand, Shiraoi turned around and walked into the ice fog. Before leaving, a sentence that seemed to remind or warn was left: "Don’t think that separating the heart can get rid of control, I Something has been left in your heart, think carefully and use less."

Having finished speaking, Shiraoi disappeared into the ice mist, and Naraku's face was already blue.

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