The Forbidden World

Chapter 1135: Behind the scenes

Kagura still shot, after all, she could not watch the ghost spider just die, not because of Naraku's order, but for her own life.

Kagura felt strange when he learned that the ghost spider would not be controlled by Naraku.

You know, the reason why Naraku split up is not because Naraku needs combat power.

He separates the avatars, just because Naraku himself doesn't need that part anymore, just because he has the power of the Four Soul Jade, Naraku turns this part into combat power.

For example, she and Shenwu are the monsters of the unwanted female monsters reborn with the help of the Four Soul Jade.

As Naraku has evolved again and again, his avatars will be more and more, and his strength will be stronger and stronger, so for Naraku, avatars are tools, but only tools!

But now this situation is very strange.

Now that Naraku has separated the ghost spider, the ghost spider should be the part that needs to be discarded for Naraku. It is just a tool for Naraku. It is a tool that can crush the heart as long as he is not obedient!

But the ghost spider will not be controlled by Naraku, that is to say, the ghost spider's heart is in the ghost spider's body!

If only that is the case, then Kagura will only think that this is a little indulgence of the ghost spider, the person who contributed to his birth, but Naraku gave her a command to protect the ghost spider!

Finally, Shiraitsu's reminder to Inuyasha, and at the same time completely wake up Kagura.

When Inuyasha noticed that the ghost spider's weakness was causing wind damage, Kagura clearly felt the urging of Naraku from the poisonous insect beside him.

Obviously, ghost spiders are not so-called tools for Naraku, but something very important!

However, such an important ghost spider, why did Naraku leave his heart to control it? Didn’t you stay, or... couldn’t you stay?

Perhaps the heart of the ghost spider is also the heart of Naraku!

In other words, if the ghost spider is dead, Naraku may also die!

However, Kagura dare not start.

If she only knew that the ghost spider didn't have to listen to Naraku's order, and guessed that, she might spell it. Although these are only speculations, as long as this is possible, she is still willing to try it. As long as Nai Luo is dead, what does it matter if her heart is not in Na Luo's hand?

But she also knew another news.

Behind the scenes.

The appearance and name are unknown until now, and she only knows one gender, her attitude is very important.

If she killed Naraku and was known by the behind-the-scenes hands, and got angry, then she was still going to die!


Kagura's shot attracted the attention of Inuyasha and others. However, Kagura is not at all ill. Her position is at this height, and only Ge Wei's arrows can hit herself. What's so afraid of?

Immediately, Kagura directed those poisonous insects to carry the heart of the ghost spider in the debris and left here.

In the case of Inuyasha and others who have noticed the importance of ghost spiders, it is no longer suitable for watching, and Naraku has issued an order to recover ghost spiders.

All she has to do now is take the ghost spider's heart to the scheduled location.

The battle situation is changing too fast, and Kagome has not responded yet, Kagura has left here with the ghost spider's heart, watching the remaining debris of the ghost spider vacate and chase away the heart, Inuyasha and others also chased past .

After a long time, Kagura landed in a forest. This is where Naraku settled in a meeting place. Next, she just had to wait for Naraku to come.

Throwing the ghost spider's heart into a small lake, Kagura leaned against the tree and began to think about his future.

Nowadays, it is basically impossible to escape, and even if the hands behind the scenes do not know who it is, she has no way to escape.

However, it is not entirely without a chance, if you can find out who the black hand is behind the scenes, and then let others kill it...

Suddenly, a chill shrouded Kagura.

After being shocked, Kagura discovered that unconsciously, the whole forest was shrouded in white mist!

No, no, this is not a fog, but countless tiny ice crystals! This is ice fog!

Kagura suddenly entered a state of alert, and a gust of wind blew up, blowing the ice mist around him. But it was too late, and attacks from inexplicable enemies had begun!

The most violent victory of the poisonous insects that followed her has been pierced to the ground by small ice crystals!

Wait... These poisonous insects, while helping Kagura work, are also responsible for monitoring Kagura. Now that the poisonous insects are dead, doesn’t it mean that she is no longer under surveillance by Naraku and the behind-the-scenes hands?

Kagura looked at the ghost spider reshaping her body not far away, and suddenly a murderous intention rose in her heart.

I used to solve the problem because I couldn’t kill it. Now...

"Damn Inuyasha, knowing that it's useless to do the same thing. In other words, where is this?"

The ghost spider looking around frowned, and there was white fog all around. He only knew that he was on the edge of a lake, but the exact location was completely unclear.

Not far away, a woman holding a folding fan attracted his attention.

"Hey, woman, who are you? Did you bring me here? Where is this?"

Kagura did not answer, but slowly and firmly raised his hand.

"Woman, what do you want to do?"

The ghost spider frowned. He felt something wrong. The woman in front of him revealed the murderousness he was very familiar with!

The ghost spider does not know why this woman took herself away from Inuyasha and the others came here but wanted to kill him, but the ghost spider could not wait to die like this!

Get started first!

The ghost spider's right hand deformed again, shot, and stabbed at the location of the Kagura heart!

But the sharp thorn stagnated in the air, and it seemed to hit a wall!

"Ghost spider? You are just a human with some special abilities. Without the regenerative power that Naraku has given you, you are just a residue! Die!"

The folding fan was waving and the wind was surging.

Kagura has never felt the joy of the wind like today!

All winds gathered in the area of ​​tens of meters in a circle, and turned towards the spider mark on the back of the ghost spider.

In the next moment, the ghost spider's heart will be destroyed by the wind! And that Naraku will also die!

Her freedom is here!

"Naro, it's not the **** time yet."

The voice fell and the space stagnation ~ ~ Whether it is a ghost spider that is attacking or a Kagura waving a folding fan, all stopped their movements.

What stopped together was the raging wind that swept through.

Kagura took a sip of water, she couldn't believe everything in front of her, the wind was frozen! ?

No, this is not the point.

It was the man who appeared in front of herself at the moment that made her feel nervous.

"How will you be here!?"

"Me? Of course I'm here to stop you from killing Naraku. How easy is it to find such a useful piece?"

Bai Jingyue looked at Kagura with a broad smile on his face.

ps: Cavan has been quite powerful recently, and the update is later, you can take a break earlier.

ps2: The college entrance examination is over, congratulations to all the college entrance examination students who survived the disaster!

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